• 第二孟加拉玫瑰红能突出眼球干燥区域从而确定范围

    The second stain is called Rose Bengal. It highlights the dry areas on your eye so the extent of the problem can be determined.


  • 通过回放斑马鱼胚胎录像研究者追寻出组成特定组织比如眼球上的视网膜细胞

    By rewinding the video of a zebrafish embryo, the researchers were able to trace the origin of cells that formed specific tissues, such as the retina at the back of the eye.


  • 德里安的作品看似简单眼球追踪研究证实它们经过精心创作的,而且简单旋转下作品,就会从根本改变我们看待方式

    Mondrian's works are deceptively simple, but eye-tracking studies confirm that they are meticulously composed, and that simply rotating a piece radically changes the way we view it.


  • 然而网络生意经简单眼球就是金钱

    The economics of the Web are very simple: eyeballs equals money.


  • 比如困难之一就是每当我们眼球移动时,视网膜上的影像移动

    Consider one of the difficulties: every time we move our eyes, the image on our retina moves.


  • 对称显示对于眼球有着极大的吸引力不管是或是山脉倒影都是如此。

    Visual symmetry is attractive to the human eye, whether it be in a person's face or a mountain reflection.


  • 这些变异改变个与眼睛相关基因活动三个基因控制生长并且确保进入眼睛的光线视网膜转换电脉冲

    These alter the activity of three genes that control the growth of the eyeball and ensure light entering the eye is converted into electrical pulses in the retina.


  • 今天的相机一样——事实也是我们眼球中那样——这会在对面的墙形成倒立影像

    Just as in cameras today-and in fact in our eyeballs-this revealed a reverse image on the opposite wall.


  • 视网膜眼睛运作终端”,膜神经细胞进入眼球转化电信号化学信号,然后经过视觉神经传输大脑

    The retina is the "business end" of the eye, where nerve cells convert light into electrical and chemical signals that are sent to the brain down the optic nerve.


  • 事实福罗里达州基韦斯再也没办法纹身因为醉汉第二醒来的时候发现自己眼皮八个眼球纹身

    In fact, you can no longer receive tattoos on the island of Key West, Florida, because a drunken man woke up the next morning with eight balls tattooed to his eyelids.


  • 一部诺基亚N810眼球跟踪软件跟踪用户视线在屏幕相对位置而不是用户在地方

    Running on a Nokia N810 tablet, EyePhone tracks the position of the user’s eye relative to the screen, rather than where a person is looking.


  • 因此,依据这个理论如果持续几年昏暗的灯光下读书那么眼球略微增大使视网膜成像更清晰

    The theory is that if you were to read in dim light for a few years, the eye will tend to grow slightly larger to make the peripheral images on the retina clearer.


  • 曾经亲眼见过摄影师们是何等热爱这些生物捕获他们眼球引起心灵共鸣、爆发出激昂情感然后将这份经历地球更多的一同分享

    I've seen first-hand how photographs like these arrest the eye, invite reflection, provoke emotion, and become a shared experience that gifts us with a larger vision of the world.


  • 美国化学学会的一次会议介绍这种新型隐形眼镜,它们眼球表面,缓慢释放药物可以有效改善治疗

    The new lenses, which slowly release the drugs and hold them in place, could vastly improve treatment, an American Chemical Society conference has heard.


  • 实际深度睡眠(快速眼动睡眠),眼球眼皮快速的移动手指也会偶尔地抽动

    It actually resembles REM sleep, with the eyeballs tracking rapidly under the LIDS, and the fingers twitching occasionally.


  • 九月我睡眼朦胧伦敦地铁份报纸抓住了眼球参加部族塞拉利昂项目

    One day in September while travelling, bleary eyed, on the London Underground, an article in a newspaper caught my eye: an opportunity to join a community project in Sierra Leone.


  • 书中的眼球,连同睫毛也一样城市建筑巨大牡蛎漂流在海面

    There are fish that resemble human eyeballs, complete with eyelashes; bleeding fruit shot through with safety pins; cities cradled in giant oyster shells, suspended about a sea.


  • 表可知,正常人身体能够承受最大加速度部位一个可以让“眼球内陷”的部位(译者注:表第二列)。

    From this, you can see a normal body can withstand the greatest accelerations in "eyeballs in" position.


  • 如今一项实验发现眼球运动说谎之间没有联系这项研究报告刊登公共科学图书馆第一

    Now a study says that there is no connection between eye movement and lying. The work is in the journal Public Library of Science ONE.


  • 网膜辨识比较是眼睛后方血管的模式,用来管制核武器操控,但是始终未能广泛应用,因为使用者眼球凑到透镜

    Used to control access to nuclear weapons, retina identification has never caught on with the public because it requires the users to put their eyeball right up against a lens.


  • 形状不规则角膜晶状体会使光线无法视网膜——眼球背面的感光膜准确地聚焦

    An irregular shaped cornea or lens prevents light from focusing properly on the retina, the light sensitive surface at the back of the eye.


  • 魅力十足巨型动物可能抓住了所有人眼球但是变形虫线形虫还有微生物才是地球占大多数生命

    The charismatic megafauna may get all the attention, but it's amoebas, nematodes and microbes that make up the bulk of life on Earth.


  • 固定在眼镜数码像机能够捕捉用户的眼球运动这样一来双眼就可以代替电脑鼠标的功能。

    Their eye movement is captured by digital cameras fixed to the glasses, enabling the eyes to act like a computer mouse.


  • 当然法希心烦那个放之四海而皆准的公理:中年男人办公室里,一位颇有魅力的年轻女郎总是人们的眼球手边工作

    And by far the most troubling to Fache was the inescapable universal truth that in an office of middle-aged men, an attractive young woman always drew eyes away from the work at hand.


  • 埃及达官贵人木乃伊皮肤多要腔要圆,眼窝里还要装人造眼球

    In Ancient Egypt the mummy of a nobleman would probably have its skin colored, its neck filled out and man? Made eyes fixed in the eye sockets.


  • 结论肌与、下直联合术可使眼球有一定的外展功能。

    Conclusion The muscle union of lateral, superior and inferior rectus make eyeball move abductively.


  • 眨一次眼,眼睑泪水散开眼球上

    With each blink, the eyelids spread the tears over your eye.


  • 眨一次眼,眼睑泪水散开眼球上

    With each blink, the eyelids spread the tears over your eye.


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