• 重要实用结论找到真理确实需要赢得争论意义并非在于论点击败了你们的论点。

    The important practical conclusion is that finding the truth does require winning arguments, but not in the sense that my argument defeats yours.


  • 段话时至今天仍有其意义我们应当安然入眠抑或战斗唤醒真理召唤一生中足以匹敌奥林匹亚诸神英雄传说?

    The message for us today is blunt: Do we remain comfortably asleep, or are we struggling to awake to the truth that life calls for a heroic response worthy of an Olympian?


  • 对于这一问题在《意义真理探究中的专用名称”章个人所加以论述。

    I have treated the question as I see it, under the heading "Proper Names," in my Inquiry into Meaning and Truth.


  • Shiraz(伊朗西南部城市),他进行了一个不大可能尝试,他试图通过默罕默德·哈菲兹作于14世纪伟大诗作,来解释伊朗“内在真理复杂性意义多重性”。

    In Shiraz he embarks on an improbable attempt to explain Iran’s “full complexity of inner truths and multiple meaningsthrough the works of its great 14th-century poet, Mohammad Hafez.


  • 这个整个民族有一起来我们信条真正意义我们认为这些真理不言自明的,就是人生下来就是人人平等的。

    I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: - 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.


  • 亲爱的再一次告诉自己一定明白生命意义这个宇宙不会终结就是生命,生命最初便是永恒的,唯一不变的真理

    Dear, please tell yourself again, you must understand the meaning of life, the life will not end in the universe, at the beginning life is eternal, and this is the only truth.


  • 因此司法过程探讨法律真理问题,便不仅具有澄清是非学理意义而且还有极其重要现实意义

    So researches on the legal truth during the judicial process not only have the doctrinal significance of telling wrong from truth but also have very important realistic significance.


  • 故事带出真理孩子来说,这将会是那些单一赞美有纪念意义

    Your stories will communicate truth in a way that's more memorable to your child than any singular compliment.


  • 永恒真理如果不在新的社会形势下赋予新的意义,要么就不是真理,要么就不是永恒的。——美国罗斯福

    Eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation. — Franklin Roosevelt, American.


  • “如果永恒真理不能赋予社会状况新的意义,则它既不真理不会永恒” (富兰克林·D·罗斯福)。

    "Eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation" (Franklin D. Roosevelt).


  • 我们日常生活的残余寻找意义真理不是展现我们的想法。

    I tend to look for meaning and truth in residue and rubble of our daily world, rather than in the pursuit of our ideals.


  • 校训真正意义在于最后一句重要真理。”正是哈佛崇尚真理追求学术自由朴素体现

    But the school's real significance is the last one "important for you to make friends with the truth." it is Harvard who advocate the truth, pursuit of academic freedom embodied in the most simple!


  • 生命戏剧般地一幕幕拉开时,其中隐含意义是什么?当我们周围所有其他似乎随着时间消逝时,我们能够掌握哪个真理并依靠它来生活呢?。

    What meaning stands behind the dramatic unfolding of life? What single truth can we graspandhang onto for dear life when all other truths around us seem to fade with time?


  • 每件事都意义:要束上真理腰带

    Everything makes sense: having the loin girt about with the truth.


  • 一切自由,一切真理一切意义依赖个人做出予以实施选择。——弗兰克

    All free, all truth and all meanings are dependent on personal made and shall implement choice. - Austrian psychologist victor frank.


  • 独创性在于真理本质进行洞察,探讨传统认识论意义真理的根据条件

    His original creation depends on seeing clearly the essence of truth and inquiring into the foundation and condition of truth on the mean of traditional epistemology.


  • 正是这种悖谬赋予作品复杂更含蓄暗示性,从而创造了振聋发聩的警世意义通往真理可能性。

    It is the paradox that gives his writing more complicated and implicit hints, signals a warning to the world and indicates a gateway to truth.


  • 分享令愈加闪耀生辉,这个意义上说,其实世上唯一真理分毫不费的。

    Beauty so shines when given away. The only truth that exists is, in that sense, free.


  • 永恒真理如果不在新的社会形势下赋予新的意义,要么就不是真理,要不就不是永恒的。

    Eternal truths will be neither true nor eternal unless they have fresh meaning for every new social situation.


  • 上帝亮光使我们明白现今事物意义我们用笔世人宣扬真理

    God has given us light in regard to the things that are now taking place, and with pen and voice we are to proclaim the truth to the world.


  • 红色追求理想真理,以黑色加深文本现代意义

    He pursued the ideal with "red" images and deepened the text's modern meaning with "black" images.


  • 第三部分阐述真理谬误相互渗透、相互包含理论现实意义

    The third part elaborate the theory and the current significance of the interpenetration and in-terembracing of the truth and the fallacy.


  • 第三部分阐述真理谬误相互渗透、相互包含理论现实意义

    The third part elaborate the theory and the current significance of the interpenetration and in-terembracing of the truth and the fallacy.


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