• 因为奥普拉孩子们知道如何真实讲述发生他们身上事情,姑娘

    Kids now know how to tell the truth about what has happened to them because of Oprah... Love you, girl.


  • 根据评选规则,报名者提交500左右以“中国主题英语短文,文章真实讲述中国的故事”。

    ' Each of them also needs to write a 500-word English essay titled 'China and I, ' which should 'cover a true, touching part of 'my story in China, ' according to the application instructions.


  • 通过私人录音采访方式参与者讲述感人的真实故事之后,参与者被要求简要描述()的感受

    After being told an emotional true story during a private, taped interview, the participant is simply asked to describe how he or she feels.


  • 1979年,他因《刽子手之歌》再次获得普利策奖,小说讲述凶手雷•吉尔摩真实故事

    He was awarded a second Pulitzer in 1979 for The Executioner's Song, the true story of self-confessed murderer Gary Gilmore.


  • 本文目的讲述一个真实业务示例针对我们几篇文章中列出概念来分析

    The objective of this article is to take a real-world business example and analyze it against the concepts laid out in our earlier articles.


  • MCEO伊耶雅利发言人“讲述他们的真实”,同时总是尊重持有不同意见其他人自由意志权利

    MCEO Eieyani Speakers "Speak their Truth", while always respecting the free will right of others to have a different opinion.


  • 讲述美国历史虚构然后解释真实发生

    It pointed out the myths of American history and then explained what really happened.


  • 作者慢慢讲述这些内容,提供真实实例因此,没有看起来那么令人畏惧。

    The authors take their time on these and provide really good examples, so it's much less daunting than it seems.


  • 正如柏拉图讲述的被束缚穴居人,观众们几乎不会哪怕是仅仅怀疑他们看到想像是否符合真实情况

    Like Plato's chained troglodytes, viewers rarely even wonder whether what they see and think corresponds to reality or not.


  • Sandel讲述真实故事:一名13岁的男孩赢得一项字比赛的冠军,随后法官承认其实他把最后一个单词错了。

    Sandel tells the true story of a 13-year-old boy who won a spelling bee contest, but then admitted to the judges that he had, in fact, misspelled the final word.


  • 有可能真实客户面前讲述如何他们解决问题引人入胜故事,你依赖于PowerPoint

    The more you get in front of real customers and tell a compelling story in few words about how you can solve their problems, the less you will need PowerPoint as a crutch.


  • 影片中,克林特伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)安吉丽娜•茱莉(Angelina Jolie)讲述一个发生在克莉斯科林斯(Christine Collins) 身上真实故事她的儿子失踪了。

    Here, Clint Eastwood and Angelina Jolie tell the true life story of Christine Collins, whose son goes missing.


  • 该片林育贤导演兄长林育信真实故事改编而成,讲述了 “体操狂人”林育信生活中的起起伏伏

    The film is based upon a true story by Lin Yu-Shin, the director Lin Yu-Hsien’s brother. It tells how Lin Yu-Shin, who has a passion for gymnastics, has ups and downs in life.


  • 这部小说讲述一位黑人妇女二十五年中,先后结婚,不懈寻求幸福真实身份的历程。

    It is the story of a black woman's search for happiness and her true identity, during twenty-five years and three marriages.


  • 我们表演魔术我们讲述有天赋的吉普赛人不为人知的但是绝对真实故事

    He'd show us magic tricks and tell us strange but true tales of gypsy powers.


  • 简历就是真实生动简洁方式讲述个人的经历

    A resume is about telling your life story in a factual, interesting and succinct way.


  • 然而如此批评没有贬抑讲述意味深长的鳗鱼故事。他的故事依然像是真实的。

    Yet such criticism does little to diminish the profound story of eels he conveyed, which still appears to be true.


  • 如果案情需要的话,那么辩方律师质问除了受伤情况事发当时回忆,甚至还会包括她所讲述的生平状况的真实度,以及她其他男人交往史

    Defense lawyers are expected to challenge the nature ofher injuries, her recollection of events, the veracity of elements of her lifestory, and her conduct with other men if the case proceeds.


  • 一部充满活力的新片——《无人杀害杰西卡》便讲述真实故事

    An energetic new film, "No One Killed Jessica", relates this true story.


  • 因为笔下文本讲述真实故事而且这些故事都发生南方片热土之上

    Because his characters are real text tells stories, and these stories are hot spot on top of that piece in the South.


  • 我们真实人生经历不是上进行创作我们的伤痛讲述伟大的音乐

    We use our real life rather than create something a little beyond this, using our pain to talk about the great music under it.


  • 普林斯顿大学的科学家们类似的实验他们人们讲述真实故事时扫描叙述者听众大脑

    In similar research, scientists at Princeton University are scanning the brains of people as they tell real-life stories and then playing back those stories to others.


  • 讲述都市传说人更加依赖于他叙事的技巧而不是实实在在证据,并且会提及一些故事来源比如是从朋友的朋友那里听说的”)支撑故事的真实

    In lieu of evidence, the teller of an urban legend relies on narrativeskill and reference to allegedly trustworthy sources (e.g., "I heardthis from a friend of a friend") to bolster its credibility.


  • “老外中国”——一个朋友是否能够以此为主题为杂志篇文章讲述在中国的经历,这让我感觉有些奇怪,却也真实

    "A foreigner in China" - it felt a little odd yet true when a friend of mine asked me whether or not I could write an article of my experience in China under that topic heading for a magazine.


  • “老外中国”——一个朋友是否能够以此为主题为杂志篇文章讲述在中国的经历,这让我感觉有些奇怪,却也真实

    "A foreigner in China" - it felt a little odd yet true when a friend of mine asked me whether or not I could write an article of my experience in China under that topic heading for a magazine.


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