• 系列一部分当中,数码单反相机中的程序模式已经帮助自动模式丢到了一边。

    In part one of this series you kicked your digital SLR camera's auto mode to the curb with the help of program mode.


  • 除非已有一些镜头选择数码单反相机,否则可以选择的品牌许多种。

    Unless you're shopping for a digital SLR and already have some old compatible lenses, your brand options for cameras are wide open.


  • 数码单反相机不仅仅摄影爱好者中非常受欢迎而且越来越多有抱负电影导演也正在使用单反来拍摄电影。

    Digital SLR cameras are not just popular with photography buffs, there is a growing community of aspiring directors who are filming with these consumer cameras.


  • 前景中专业媒体数码单反相机高清摄像机背景大量小型设备

    In the foreground are the digital SLRs and full-size video cameras of the professional media. But in the background there is a profusion of smaller devices.


  • 成本“prosumer数码单反相机的涌现。

    Emergence of low-cost "prosumer" digital SLR cameras.


  • 你们也许已经知道大多数数码单反相机(同时也是大多数的单反相机,不论数码胶片)最快闪光同步速度

    As you probably know, most DSLR's (and most any kind of SLR, digital or not) have a maximum flash sync speed.


  • 这本书基本上是写给拥有单反相机的(数码胶片)。其中一些信息对于傻瓜相机用户没什么

    This is a book written mostly for people with slr cameras (film or digital). Some of this information would not be helpful to those with a point and shoot.


  • 坦率地说这里仅仅只触及到数码单反相机闪光灯的一点点皮毛。

    Frankly, I have just touched the surface here in this article on flash units for your DSLR.


  • 可换镜头相机(数码单反)能那些傻瓜相机更好的相片,后者又拍照手机效果略强。

    Interchangable lens cameras (like digital SLRs) make you look more attractive than your basic point and shoot cameras, and those in turn make you look better than your camera phone.


  • 推荐使用带有300 - 400毫米镜头数码单反相机如果一架有10变焦镜头,性能良好小型相机可以

    Digital SLRs with a lens focal length of 300 to 400mm are recommended, but you can get away with a decent compact with a 10x zoom.


  • 当然是个数码单反相机DSLR)时。数码影像工作室关注难以抗拒DSLR影片制作兴起

    When it's a DSLR, of course. Digital Studio looks at the irresistible rise of DSLR film making.


  • 传统上数码单反相机使用一个单独对焦感应器进行相位侦测

    Traditionally, phase detection in DSLRs has been conducted by a dedicated AF sensor.


  • 如果单反相机那最好,如果没有,那么能够手动调节曝光的傻瓜数码相机行。

    This is a little easier if you have an SLR camera, but it can also be done with a point and shoot if you can manually adjust your exposure.


  • 佳能公司庆祝EOS单反相机生产过四千万,其中包括胶卷单反数码单反

    Canon is celebrating the production of its 40 millionth EOS camera, including both film and digital SLRs.


  • 尼康d 3100数码单反相机具备1420万像素传感器广泛的ISO调节范围(适于微光拍摄)以及1080P全高清视频拍摄功能

    The Nikon D3100 Digital SLR Camera features a 14.2 MP sensor, a deeper ISO range for low light photography and full 1080p HD video recording.


  • 门课同样适合那些懂得IS O感光度光圈快门速度平衡等摄影知识能用自己数码单反桥梁相机设置这些参数的同学。

    It is ideal for those who have an understanding of ISO, aperture, shutter speed, white balance and how to change these on your digital SLR or bridge camera.


  • $1 000to $1 600 ( 6830-10928RMB摄影发烧友应该拥有一个高级数码单反相机一些镜头组件,这些的花费超过1000美元。

    000 to $1, 600 Aspiring pro shooters should expect to spend more than a grand on an advanced DSLR and a couple lenses.


  • 我们开始之前,我们应该首先一个问题既然小型数码相机得多、并且价格容易让接受,为什么还有那么多人想要单反呢?

    Before we get down to business it's worth stopping for a moment to ask the question: why would anyone want a digital SLR when compact digital cameras are so much smaller, lighter and more affordable?


  • 由于数码单反相机设计成更小另外提供更好摄像头处理一些额外的表面积

    As digital SLR cameras are designed smaller, the other to provide a better grip of the camera to deal with some additional surface area.


  • 70分钟DVD教你所有基本要素先进技术必须知道体育照片拍摄令人敬畏使用任何数码单反相机基本变焦镜头

    This 70 minute DVD will teach you all the fundamentals and advanced techniques you need to know for shooting awesome sports photos using any digital SLR camera and a basic zoom lens.


  • 如果博客的博主,将博文充实起来一部数码单反相机或许一个不错的选择。

    When you're a blogger looking to step up, it's probably a good idea to get a digital SLR camera.


  • 佳能尼康宾得奥林巴斯索尼提供电池夹具适应他们数码单反相机

    Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Olympus and Sony are providing the battery clamps to suit their digital SLR cameras.


  • 这个问题传统单反相机比较普遍数码相机在这方面改善很多。

    The problem is more prevalent in compact cameras than SLRs, but in both cases, noise reducing technology in digital cameras is getting better.


  • 装备了我自己的数码单反相机的时候,学习很多事情比如,微摄影体育摄影。

    Equipped with my digital SLR camera, I have learnt many things such as macro and sports photography.


  • 这次体验带来数码单反相机操作的的速成班。

    This experience will give you a photography crash course on how to get started with a digital SLR camera.


  • 单反数码相机一般使用分光镜因此可以同时使用(线性圆形)。

    Non-DSLR digital cameras in general do not use beamsplitters, and, as a result, can use both (ie, linear or circular).


  • 单反数码相机一般使用分光镜因此可以同时使用(线性圆形)。

    Non-DSLR digital cameras in general do not use beamsplitters, and, as a result, can use both (ie, linear or circular).


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