• 初生韦伯数w空泡相对膨胀速度M所组成

    The incipient cavitation number consists of Weber's number W and m - relative velocity of cavitation bubble explosion.


  • 相对于那些不委员会接受议案来说,的无通货膨胀法案可作为一个有益平衡

    His no-inflation bill serves as a useful counterweight to proposals less acceptable to the committee.


  • 英国几乎存在抵押贷款减记总体债务水平下降是由相对较高通货膨胀推动的。

    In Britain, where there have been virtually no mortgage write-downs, relatively high inflation has pushed down the overall debt burden.


  • 风险最高的经济体,伴随着经常项目赤字相对通货膨胀印度土耳其匈牙利

    The riskiest economies, all with current-account deficits and relatively high consumer-price inflation, are India, Turkey and Hungary.


  • 利率增加了国内开支刺激工资商品通货膨胀通货膨胀反过来使得出口昂贵进口相对便宜

    Low interest rates fuelled domestic spending and spurred inflation in wages and goods, which in turn made their exports more expensive and left imports relatively cheaper.


  • 金恩宣传那样,他们认为澳大利亚保证相对适中的生产能力同时贸易量大幅膨胀性增长”。

    Australia, it said, was experiencing a "large expansionary shock from the terms of trade at a time when there are relatively modest amounts of spare capacity".


  • 由于欧盟尤其是德国掀起一股对通货膨胀恐慌,在当前外汇市场上,美元相对欧元日元有了微微的升值

    Dollar rises. In currency trading, the dollar rose slightly against the euro and yen, as inflation worries in the European Union - especially Germany - mounted.


  • 通货膨胀一直低于目标中间值3%,而且去年经济衰退相对温和

    Inflation is below the 3% midpoint of its target range and last year's economic downturn was relatively mild.


  • 然而现在希腊德国拥有相同货币降低希腊相对成本唯一途径通过某种德国通货膨胀与希腊通货紧缩相结合的办法。

    Now that Greece and Germany share the same currency, however, the only way to reduce Greek relative costs is through some combination of German inflation and Greek deflation.


  • 同时补充说:“通胀前景高度不确定。”贝南克似乎淡化通货膨胀风险相对其它所面临的挑战——经济全球信贷市场

    And while he added that the "inflation outlook remains highly uncertain," Bernanke appeared to downplay inflation risks relative to other challenges facing the economy and global credit markets.


  • 因为消费太少可能引起经济萧条过多的消费可能会引起通货膨胀,所以,保持经济增长充分就业物价相对稳定我们究竟需要发行多少货币呢?

    Since too little spending may lead to recession and too much spending may lead to inflation, how much new money is needed to keep our economy growing, employment high and prices relatively stable?


  • 相对方程序预言,地球重力也能让时间或者让时间膨胀

    The equations of general relativity also predict that gravity similarly slows down, or dilates, time.


  • 本周发行份报道,经合组织表扬西班牙出色表现的同时提到相对通货膨胀已经摧毁竞争力

    In a report published this week the OECD, while applauding Spain's "remarkable" performance, noted that its relatively high inflation had undermined its competitiveness.


  • 经济学家相对来说并没怎么最近通货膨胀忧虑主要是因为驱动力更高能源消耗几乎不太可能外溢形成更广泛物价上涨

    Economists have been relatively untroubled by recent inflation, largely because it has been driven by higher energy costs and has barely spilled over into broader price rises.


  • 弗里德曼方程派生爱因斯坦广义相对论。两个方程式描述整个宇宙生命历程——宇宙爆炸时的暴烈不断加速膨胀后的死寂。

    Derived from Einstein's theory of General Relativity, the two Friedmann equations describe the life of the entire universe, from fiery Big Bang birth to chilly accelerated expansion death.


  • 这些欧元强国担心一举动加剧通货膨胀,但相对较弱的国家很显然需要欧洲央行这样帮助从而使他们欠下低价一些

    The stronger eurozone countries worry the move will exacerbate inflation. The weaker ones obviously need the support of the ECB to make their debt cheaper.


  • 也许重要的是,企业/市政债券绝对收益率相对通货膨胀来说较有吸引力甚至比股票更具吸引力。

    Perhaps more important, absolute yields on corporate and municipal debt look attractive relative to inflation, and even stocks.


  • 新兴市场通货膨胀相对(平均不到5%),增长势头强劲。

    Inflation in emerging markets is relatively weak (less than 5% on average); growth is strong.


  • 一种相对不太常见但是形式更加不稳定通货膨胀商品通货膨胀,也就是常说的成本拉动通货膨胀

    A less common, but more volatile form of inflation is commodity inflation, better known as cost-push inflation.


  • 今年早些时候通货膨胀就已经让人忧心忡忡2月时通胀率最高曾达到8.7%,直到7月居民消费价格增长率才稳定在相对温和的6.3%上。

    And while inflation was a worry earlier this year, peaking at 8.7% in February, consumer prices grew by a relatively modest 6.3% in July.


  • 相对收益率为3.36%美国国债,《退休计划达人指南》的作者之一林道尔(MelLindauer)对通货膨胀指数储蓄债券更为青睐。

    Mel Lindauer, co-author of 'The Bogleheads' Guide to Retirement Planning,' is fond of I-bonds, inflation-adjusted savings bonds from the Treasury that are yielding 3.36%.


  • 内部外部干燥收缩膨胀是从根本上关系内部相对湿度

    Internal and external drying shrinkage and thermal dilation are fundamentally related to the internal relative humidity.


  • 镶嵌部分尤为明显,珍珠不会受到湿度变化的影响,镶嵌珍珠的木材相对湿度下变膨胀

    The pearl is all but impervious to changes in humidity, but the wood into which the pearl is inlaid is soft and swells under conditions of high relative humidity.


  • 镶嵌部分尤为明显,珍珠不会受到湿度变化的影响,镶嵌珍珠的木材相对湿度下变膨胀

    The pearl is all but impervious to changes in humidity, but the wood into which the pearl is inlaid is soft and swells under conditions of high relative humidity.


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