• 运行实践表明,通过对蓄电池自动充电智能保护延长蓄电池的寿命提高直流系统运行的可靠性

    As has been proved that automatic charge and protection of the storage cell can extend its life, then improve the reliability of the DC system.


  • 直流供电控制保护系统确保轨道交通的安全可靠运行具有举足轻重的作用

    The control and protection system in DC power distribution systems plays a very important role in ensuring the mass transit railway safe and reliable operation.


  • 地铁直流供电保护控制系统确保地铁的安全可靠运行关键作用

    The protection and control system in subway DC power supply systems play a key role in ensuring the safety and reliability of the subway.


  • 此方法一个直流电机数字控制调速系统进行保护

    It can be used to provide blocking protection to a specific DC motor speed control system.


  • 介绍地铁直流牵引供电系统框架泄漏保护优化设计方案

    This paper mainly introduces an optimum design scheme for the frame leakage current protection of DC traction power supply system in metro engineering.


  • 工程系统研究设备制造控,直流保护设备研制安装调试全部国内单位承担

    The system study, manufacture of main equipment , development of valve control, station control, DC protection, installation and commissioning have all been undertaken by domestic organizations.


  • 实现直流系统欠压保护电压显示组合装置集成度非常

    DC system had to achieve, under-voltage protection and voltage show a combination of device integration is very high.


  • 直流牵引供电系统馈线保护处理器为基础用来完成对直流快速断路器控制保护

    The protection of feeder line in DC traction supply system is based on microcomputer, which is used to control and protect the high-speed circuit breakers.


  • 直流断路器直流供电系统极其重要保护设备

    DC circuit breakers are the most important protection equipments for DC power system.


  • 介绍直流牵引供电系统常见框架泄漏保护装置原理电位装置进行比较说明两者配合

    Introduces the principle of frame leak protection in DC traction power supply system, and compares it with OVPD to explain the cooperation of them.


  • 介绍基于直流电流传感器检测单片机控制的新型直流检测选择性漏电保护系统,重点阐述了系统应用软件的设计。

    This paper introduces a new kind of DC examination and selective leakage protection system based on DC Current Sensor examination and single chip computer control.


  • 用来直流配电系统设施电气设备进行过载短路保护之用,可用线路频繁操作转换作用,广泛用于电力、工矿等行业。

    It's used to protect the installations of DC power distribution system and electric equipments against overload and short circuit as well as for conversion of frequent operation of circuit.


  • 直流输电控制保护二次系统国产化的重点,而脉冲发生器是控制和保护系统中的关键技术之一。

    The heart of HVDC link is its control and protect system, and my work is focused on firing-pulse generator―an important part in the control and protect system .


  • 控制保护系统运行情况直接影响直流输电系统安全稳定运行

    The stable and secure operation of an HVDC transmission system is influenced by the operating performance of its control and protection system.


  • 阐明地铁直流牵引供电系统电气保护设置重要性,着重论述地铁电气保护设置的主要原则。

    The significance of electrical protection and definite value of DC traction power supply system for metro is illustrated.


  • 介绍直流牵引供电系统直流馈线ddl保护动作原理以及保护参数设定原则举例说。

    The behavior principle of DDL protection for DC feeder in DC traction current supply system and the setting principle of protection parameters are introduced and illustrative examples are given.


  • 直流稳压电源主要用于对系统中的控制电路驱动电路以及各种保护电路提供电源,使得系统能够正常工作

    DC power supply is mainly provide constant voltage power supply for control circuit, driver circuit and a variety of protection circuits and allows the system to work properly.


  • 采用具有选择性电流方向继电器这种相互分隔直流系统保护相对简单

    Protection for these isolated systems has been a relatively simple task, which is carried out using over current directional relays with selectivity.


  • 分析轨道交通直流牵引供电系统直流设备电压框架保护装置轨道电位限制装置时间配合存在的问题及解决办法

    It analyses the rail transit DC traction power supply system voltage type frame protect device and rail voltage limited device matching problems that solve their adjusting value and time.


  • 公共交通安全性衡量整个系统首要因素,因此研究多车直流牵引供电系统继电保护具有重要意义。

    The security is the most important thing of the whole public traffic system. Hence, the relay protection study of multi-car's DC traction supply system is significant.


  • 大规模直流网络高压直流控制保护系统进行参数优化设计保证灵活交流输电系统暂态性稳定性良好的重要手段

    The optimal design of HVDC control and protection parameters in the case of large-scale ac and DC power system network is a valid measure to ensure achieving good transient and stable performance.


  • 直流电源核电厂许多系统监测调节控制保护功能起着非常重要作用,其中任何一个系统丧失都会有导致堆芯损坏风险

    DC power is very important for the system's supervising, adjusting, control and protect function, any losing of the DC power will cause the risking of the nuclear core damage.


  • 介绍地铁直流牵引供电系统保护原理所采用的几种直流馈线保护方法

    The principle of the relay protection of multi-car's DC traction supply system and the several DC feeder protection methods were presented.


  • 探讨直流牵引供电系统馈线保护配置详细分析基于电流变化特征量保护原理

    The paper discussed the DC traction power supply system's feeder protection configuration in the end, and detailed analysis the principle of protection based on the current amount.


  • 一方面,线路故障直流线路保护暂态响应特性控制系统强相关,直流系统这种特有复杂性对线路保护影响研究较少。

    On the other hand, the transient characteristics of the HVDC line fault and thus the line protections are affected by the HVDC control system, which is very complicated and still a hard nut to crush.


  • 一方面,线路故障直流线路保护暂态响应特性控制系统强相关,直流系统这种特有复杂性对线路保护影响研究较少。

    On the other hand, the transient characteristics of the HVDC line fault and thus the line protections are affected by the HVDC control system, which is very complicated and still a hard nut to crush.


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