• 污泥颗粒化直接影响因素不是沉淀时间而是自由沉淀空间

    Instead of settling time, free settling space was the direct influencing factor for granulation.


  • 所以其它债务还款记录或者记录缺失成为致命因素直接影响能否获得购房信贷。

    Hence , your record of payment of other debts , or lack thereof , will be a critical factor in whether or not you get credit for a home purchase .


  • 这些因素对于客户机迁移项目尤其重要因为用户受到直接影响

    These factors are especially important in a client migration project because users are affected in such a direct way.


  • 过去我们相信自己亲眼所、亲身所感,只关心那些会直接影响我们生活因素——这种策略度过一生完全没有问题

    It used to be a totally fine strategy to work your way through life only believing what you could see and touch, only caring about what impacted your life right now.


  • 与他人关系影响我们幸福感大小因素他人关系性和量性的增长直接影响我们的幸福感。

    One of the strongest variables in happiness that we can control is our personal relationships. An increased quantity and quality of personal connections can have a significant impact on our happiness.


  • 另外一个直接影响质量关键因素所有利害关系人的紧密参与

    Another critical factor directly impacting quality is strong participation from all stakeholders.


  • 哈佛医学院PaulEpstein全球变暖自然人类直接影响比起其他环境因素产生的影响更加严重。

    Paul Epstein of the Harvard Medical School says the impact both on nature and directly on humanity of global warming will swamp all other environmental factors.


  • 道德教育方法道德教育内在因素,方法的选择应用直接影响道德教育的效果

    The method of moral education is the inner factor of the moral education. The method choice and application directly influence the effectiveness of moral education.


  • 这些微细颗粒物影响可见度天空看起来雾茫茫的原因,”康奈尔空气质量专家威斯·特达,“也是直接影响健康因素。”

    "The fine particulate matter is what affects visibility and makes it look like a horrible foggy day," said Cornell air quality expert Westerdahl. "it also is what most directly affects human health."


  • 结构耐久性结构必须满足的基本功能之一,既设计施工材料因素有关,又与使用环境维护维修等条件有关,直接影响结构的使用寿命

    Durability of structure is one of the basic function which structure is essential, it is closely to design, construct, material and employ environment, maintenance, it direct to effect working life.


  • 产品尺寸偏差直接影响产品质量生产率市场响应时间重要因素之一

    Product dimensional variation is one of most important factors that affect directly product quality, productivity and response time to market.


  • 品牌企业参与市场竞争非常重要因素直接影响消费者一种产品服务选择

    Brand is a very important factor that enable a company to compete on the market, it directly affects consumers to choice a product or service.


  • 文化因素直接影响学习者学习策略选择应用

    Cultural factors can directly influence the selection and application of learning strategy of learners.


  • 分组调度中,带宽资源分配公平性决定算法优劣一个非常重要因素而且公平性也会直接影响数据服务质量。

    In packet scheduling, fairness of bandwidth allocation is a key factor that determines the algorithm is good or on the contrary and fairness affects QoS of data flow directly.


  • 本文阐述化学方法测定硬脂酸甘油酯含量关键条件这个因素变化直接影响检测结果

    The key factor of Glycery Monostearate content determination by Chemical method was discussed. The changes of this factor's condition may influence the result directly.


  • 使用空调许多不同因素可能直接影响费用运行

    When using an air conditioner there are many different factors that can directly affect the cost of running it.


  • 精神因素直接影响健康与否,这不容置疑的事实乳腺癌也不能例外。

    It is an indisputable fact that mental factors will directly affect their health, possibly leading to breast cancer.


  • 其他MMORPG不一样,黑暗光明游戏中的打造系统有着许多复杂因素直接影响到了最终物品质量

    Unlike other MMORPGs the crafting system in DnL is complex with many factors playing a part in the final quality of the item.


  • 结论:人为外界干预孕妇精神心理因素健康教育直接影响剖宫产率

    Conclusion Artificial and external intervention, mental factors and health education of pregnant women can affect the rate of cesarean section directly.


  • 学习观念、学习动机学习策略直接影响英语学习者可控因素

    Motivation, conception and strategies are the three controllable elements that have a direct effect on English learning.


  • 碎屑储层渗透率分布均匀性直接影响油气开采效果客观因素

    The heterogeneity of the permeability distribution in clastic rock reservoirs is the objective factor that directly affects the efficiency of petroleum production.


  • 资源要素作为决定商业银行竞争战略效率基础因素配置状况直接影响着竞争战略效率的水平。

    Resource is a basic factor that decides competition strategy efficiency of commercial Banks, of which deployment makes a direct effect on it.


  • 数控加工中,很多因素直接影响加工质量

    The quality of numerical control machining is directly affected by many factors.


  • 除了评判标准自身原因之外,考核形式引发负面因素重要原因直接影响了测评的信度。

    Besides the reason for its own evaluation, the test form which leads to the negative factor is the main problem and it directly influences the efficiency and the truth.


  • 噪声影响超声在线检测系统性能一个重要因素,对超声采集信号噪比高低直接影响

    Noise, an important factor which impact on the performance of ultrasonic online testing system, has a direct influence on the signal-to-noise ratio's level of ultrasonic signal acquisition.


  • 液体除湿系统中,填料选择、除湿塔结构的确定等因素直接影响系统的除湿效果

    In liquid dehumidification system, the choice of the packing, the structure of the dehumidifier, directly influenced the efficiency of dehumidifier.


  • 高校校园文化建设直接影响大学生成长一个重要因素,对高校建设具有十分积极意义

    The construction of college campus cultural is an important factor influencing college students to grow up directly and plays positive significance in college construction.


  • 豆科牧草生长分布状况直接影响草地动物生长受损草地的恢复健康草地生态系统评价管理因素

    The growth and distribution of legume grass directly affect the development of grassland animal, recovery of damaged grassland and evaluation and management of healthy grassland ecosystem.


  • 教师观念、行为甚至个性直接影响学生学习外语过程结果,起决定作用因素之一。

    Teachers' own conceptions of what is meant by learning, and what affects learning will influence everything that they do in the classroom directly.


  • 教师观念、行为甚至个性直接影响学生学习外语过程结果,起决定作用因素之一。

    Teachers' own conceptions of what is meant by learning, and what affects learning will influence everything that they do in the classroom directly.


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