• 银行家不能存款闲置保险箱保险库里必须运用这些钱——而且这些钱获得收益

    But he cannot keep his deposits lying idle in his safes and strongrooms. He must use themand he is expected to use them to produce an income.


  • 多年货币基金银行争抢市场份额银行不证券化热潮争取存款因为他们正在兜售他们贷款

    Money funds have been taking market share from Banks for years: big Banks were less interested in competing for deposits during the securitisation boom, since they were selling on their loans.


  • 券商买进国债现金券商的储备金账户美联储的国库存款,这笔存款没有动。

    When dealers purchase the debt, cash shifts from their reserves accounts to Treasury deposits at the Fed, where they remain, unspent.


  • 他们大量存款现金,他们知道企业客户网络得到什么现在他们可以软件即服务领域大展身手了。

    They have cash in the bank, positive cash flow, they have always understood what enterprises want from the Net and now they can make more aggressive moves in SaaS.


  • 注意圣路易斯储备银行备忘录一个问题上遮遮掩掩,那就是把存款活期存款成定期存款,欺骗国人

    Notice that the St. Louis memo tiptoes around the question of telling a depositor that he has a demand deposit while telling the rest of the country that he has a time deposit.


  • 日本家庭拥有大量存款这些年他们反对冒险,即使利率很,也都存在银行

    Japanese households have plenty of savings, but for years they have been averse to risk, keeping their savings in low-yielding yen.


  • 但是日本股市多年来一低迷,持续通货紧缩意味着现金具有更大购买力,因此金融危机使得存款更加乐意存在银行

    Persistent deflation means that cash has more buying power over time. The financial crisis has made depositors happier to keep money in the bank, too.


  • 没有演变为消费者危机因为消费者银行存款都是有保险的。

    It never became a crisis of consumers because consumer deposits are insured.


  • 数十年来,瑞士银行对用户存款奉行不问问题政策,在发生针对客户调查它们奉行概不回答的政策。

    For decades, Swiss Banks have had a no-questions-asked policy when it comes to deposits, and a no-questions-answered policy when it comes to investigations of their customers.


  • oudea先生兴业银行过去年中增加存款储备。

    Societe generale has been increasing its store of deposits for the past two years, says Mr Oudea.


  • 因此为了保持较高联邦基金利率,美联储11月6日来以1%的名义利率来支付剩余存款准备金利息

    So to keep the fed funds rate up, it has, since November 6th, been paying interest on excess reserves at the full target rate of 1%.


  • 尽管现在存款账户只有1.5美元了,不过好在男朋友一起生活支持

    I only have $1.50 left in my checking account right now but I'm living with my boyfriend and he's been really good about supporting me.


  • 民营银行依靠银行间拆借不是存款支撑资产负债表

    Rather than deposits, private Banks have relied on interbank borrowing to fund their balance sheets.


  • 你们蓄意控制,为了不断维持老旧系统喂养这些银行存款,它们全部属于那些手握权力家族

    You have been deliberately held back, to maintain the old system that feeds the bank balances of those families that are in power.


  • 太过简单了,尤其是各国央行以来都必要时调整存款准备金政策。

    This is too simplistic, not least because central bankers have been busy creating means of holding on to the reserves if need be.


  • 几个月来家庭在动用存款支应支出,现在终于可以因收入增加而提高储蓄了

    After months of dipping into their savings to fund spending, houses took advantage of the rise in income to boost saving.


  • 近年来我国城镇居民储蓄存款增长过快问题受关注。

    The high growth of savings deposits rate of in China urban areas has become a noticeable question recently.


  • 能否金融机构超额存款准备金进行强制执行,司法机关和人民银行存在争议

    There has always been controversy about whether enforcement can be made on the excess deposit reserve of financial institutions.


  • 是否中国建立存款保险制度金融保险界争论焦点问题

    Whether to establish the deposit insurance system in China has always been the focus issue of the financial and insurance field.


  • 近年来,我国居民储蓄存款保持较高增长速度规模越来越

    In recent years, Chinese resident's savings deposit has increased at a higher speed and the deposit scale has become greater and greater.


  • 长期以来,欧洲银行存款相对资产而言不足,它们通过短期借款弥补中间的差额其中主要是美国货币市场基金出售短期票据。

    European Banks have long been short on deposits relative to their assets and have made up the difference by short-term borrowing, largely by selling short-term notes to U. s. money-market funds.


  • 那时以来,此类资产持有量一稳步上升,不断挤压活期存款增长

    The holding of such assets has risen steadily since that time, imposing an increasing squeeze on the growth of demand deposits.


  • 即使经济情况最好时候中国人是倾向于存款世界主要国家存款排名中占最高位置

    The Chinese have been hardy savers even in the best of times, scoring the highest saving rate among all major countries.


  • 即使经济情况最好时候中国人是倾向于存款世界主要国家存款排名中占最高位置

    The Chinese have been hardy savers even in the best of times, scoring the highest saving rate among all major countries.


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