• 美国人每年1100亿塑料制品塑料丢弃一次性容器数量被食品包装研究所FoodPackaging Institute)形容天文数字”。

    Americans go through 110 billion plastic or plastic-covered cups each year, using and discarding what the Food Packaging Institute describes as "astronomical numbers" of disposable containers.


  • 责难心情,聆听到沙沙声,叹息以及玻璃发出的单调嘘声

    With a sense of blame, he heard rustling, foil sighs, and a monotonous hiss from pouring wine into the glass.


  • “我决定去尝试一个新的挑战,为此我也跟普利斯教练交流了好几次,他真的对推心置腹,”伍德特说,“还有一些其他球队对我也有兴趣不过斯托克城英超球队,而且他们进入足总决赛参加呢。”

    There were a few other clubs interested, but Stoke are in the Premier League, they reached the FA Cup final and got into Europe.


  • 一种典型的约克郡吃法,常使想起节的晚上(焰火之夜),涂着浓浓黑色糖浆,再加上清茶,在那天晚上的必美餐。

    A quintessential Yorkshire treat and, while I always associate it with Guy Fawkes Night, this rich, dark treacle and ginger cake is my chosen slice with a cup of builder's tea.


  • 带着责难心情,聆听沙沙声,叹息声以及往玻璃酒发出的单调的嘘声。

    He listened, reproved, to the rustle, the sigh of the foil cap and the single tut-tut it took to pour a glass.


  • 呜呜拉成了南非世界非官方标志但是这些喇叭响声过了观众加油声球员几乎无法彼此进行沟通

    Vuvuzelas became the unofficial symbol of the World Cup, but they drowned out crowd chants and made it nearly impossible for players to communicate with each other.


  • 发现,较音乐会促进顾客饮酒消费,顾客点的酒类平均数量2.6上升到了3.4

    Louder music spurred more consumption, with the average number of drinks ordered by patrons rising to 3.4 drinks from 2.6 drinks, Gueguen found.


  • 尽管本届世界上,特雷泽表现让人失望,且在法国队意大利队决赛打失关键的一粒点球

    The Frenchman had a disappointing World Cup and missed the vital spot-kick in the penalty shoot-out with Italy in the final.


  • 手指来粉碎他们,然后放12茶匙滤网开水,最后放进茶壶中浸泡15分钟

    Crush them a bit between your fingers, place 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls in a tea strainer, add a cup of boiling water, and steep in a covered vessel for 15 minutes.


  • 因为越莓会改过胡椒先生甜味他们一起……,反正又喝了之后我们酒,死神先生。

    Because the cranberry is a bit sour, and it cuts the sweetness of the Dr. Pepper, and together, they hide the... Anyway, so after 3 more, each of we called it a Dr. Death.


  • 代表多哥参加了2006年德国世界

    The 32-year-old footballer was part of Togo's team that participated at the 2006 World Cup held in Germany.


  • 我们朋友萨沙去洗桑纳浴的时候,塞尔就坐外面桌边聊天倒了一小伏特加

    While our friend Sasha took a sauna, Sergei and I sat at the table outside and talked, and he gave me a small glass of vodka.


  • 现在,当餐车去,列车员擦肩而过时,我发音不准的俄语已经足够应付与他们打个招呼可以车厢服务员

    I can now also mispronounce sufficient Russian phrases to greet the train staff as I squeeze past them on my way to the restaurant car and to ask Sergei, my carriage attendant, for a cup of tea.


  • 泡茶方法1茶匙研磨胡椒粉2大汤匙蜂蜜放入,加沸水浸泡15分钟过滤需要呷饮

    To make the tea, place 1 teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper and 2 tablespoons of honey in a cup. Fill with boiling water and let steep, covered, for 15 minutes. Strain and sip as needed.


  • 上个月索斯收到了一个口头转会约定转会必须等到世界决赛结束之后

    Southgate reached a verbal agreement to sign Huth within days of his appointment last month, but had to wait until after the World Cup finals to attempt to tie up the deal.


  • 特雷泽已经长期伤停中恢复过来了,他周三意大利比赛中出场了一个小时

    Trezeguet is coming back from a long lay-off and had already played an hour on Wednesday in the Coppa Italia.


  • 特雷泽世界决赛中射失了点球但是现在注意力集中在获得明年夏天欧洲资格赛的比赛中去了。

    Trezeguet was the one who missed a penalty in the World Cup final, but the attention is firmly on qualifying for next summer's European Championships now.


  • 可以肯定中国汽车还没为进军北美市场做好准备,许多参展的车辆可以看得出很汽车外还有很大的缝隙,而且车辆竟然没有准备

    To be sure, Chinese cars are not yet ready for American consumers. Many of the vehicles on display here have wide gaps where doors should meet side panels, and they do not have cup holders.


  • 三个进球使其超越德国传奇前锋·穆勒15个进球成为世界历史进球最多的球员。

    His three goals took him past German striking legend Gerd Muller to move to the top of the all-time FIFA World Cup scoring charts with 15 goals.


  • 一次性之间密封得以增强,所述包括使一次性向下倾斜的装置。

    The seal between the disposable cup and lid is enhanced by the outer lid comprising means to deflect the disposable lid downward.


  • 节能灯节能灯底板上均设有通风散热并且节能灯底板上设有灯管

    The upper cover and base plate of energy-saving lamp cup are provided with holes for ventilation and heat dissipation, and the base plate is provided with a light tube hole.


  • 节能灯节能灯底板上均设有通风散热并且节能灯底板上设有灯管

    The upper cover and base plate of energy-saving lamp cup are provided with holes for ventilation and heat dissipation, and the base plate is provided with a light tube hole.


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