• 著妆睡觉导致皮肤呼吸困难问题

    Sleeping with make up will cause the skin to have difficulty in breathing and problem in perspiring.


  • 蚯蚓没有通过皮肤呼吸有的蚯蚓多达10颗心脏

    The earthworm has no lungs; it breathes through its skin. Some earthworms have as many as ten hearts.


  • 这种无肺蝾螈靠皮肤呼吸RAEI小组厄瓜多尔森林发现类似种群的一种

    This lungless salamander, which breathes through its skin, is one of three similar species RAEI scientists spotted in Ecuadorian forests.


  • 该头罩婴幼儿头部罩内进行输氧促进皮肤呼吸改善脑部缺氧、可任意调节氧浓度

    Head cover is used for putting infant head into it when oxygen therapy, which can improve skin breath and oxygen shortage. The consistency is adjustable.


  • 指尖橄榄色皮肤上划过,呼吸力量脆弱同时击中——这种繁杂的、脆弱的感觉分开我们我们得以喘息

    Tracking my fingertips over his olive skin, I'm struck by the potency and fragility of blood and breath and bone - these intricate, insubstantial casings that separate us, keep us alive.


  • 工作之前,他穿上防护双手套一个带有呼吸系统安全帽所有一切都是为了把自己规整的实在,确保没有一丁点皮肤暴露在外

    Before he starts he must put on two sets of protective clothing, four pairs of gloves and a helmet with breathing apparatus, all of which is taped up so that not a particle of skin is exposed.


  • 儿童来说这些症状包括呼吸困难皮肤颜色变青流感症状开始改善然后又出现发热咳嗽加剧以及伴有皮疹的发热等。

    In children, those signs include difficulty breathing; bluish skin color; flu symptoms that begin to improve, then return with fever and worse cough; and fever with a rash.


  • 假如这种副产品过量的话,呼吸皮肤眼睛产生不良影响。

    When enough of these byproducts form, they can cause problems for breathing, skin and eyes.


  • 传统的‘测仪’测谎包括通过设备上得诸多连线监测血压、脉搏心率呼吸皮肤活动

    Conventional 'polygraph' lie detector tests involve wiring up subjects to equipment that measures blood pressure, pulse, heart rate, respiration and electrical skin activity.


  • 系统症状包括皮肤发蓝呼吸问题过快过急、心律不齐耳鸣晕厥恶心、头晕以及虚弱无力

    Systemic symptoms include blue-tinged skin; respiratory problems such as shallow, rapid breathing; irregular heartbeat; ringing in the ears; fainting; nausea; vertigo; and weakness.


  • 并且通过测量,闻眼泪者的皮肤温度心率呼吸下降了

    Their physiological state, as measured by skin temperature, heart rate and respiration, also fell after exposure to the tears.


  • 矿物化妆品可以隔绝伤害皮肤自由基外界污染,而同时又让你肌肤自由呼吸

    The mineral makeup forms a breathable barrier that actually protects the skin from environmental pollutants that can cause free radical damage.


  • 即使红斑痤疮的女性可以使用,并且矿物化妆品能很好地遮挡这些疮并不会阻碍皮肤的正常呼吸

    Even women with rosacea can use mineral makeup and it will completely cover the redness and even out the skin tone.


  • 出现严重中暑时,血压下降心脏试图增加氧量,与同时心跳呼吸都会加快。低血压会导致血管收缩,严重时皮肤会发白或发青。

    In the case of severe heat stroke, heart rate and respiration rate will increase as blood pressure drops and the heart attempts to supply enough oxygen to the body.


  • 质量新生儿照护及时关注呼吸保暖脐带卫生和皮肤护理以及纯母乳喂养

    Strong neonatal care: immediate attention to breathing and warmth, hygienic cord and skin care, and early initiation of exclusive breastfeeding.


  • 焦虑症历史妇女可能心脏问题高血压代谢胃肠皮肤以及呼吸系统疾病关节炎

    Women with anxiety disorders are more likely to have a history of cardiac problems, hypertension, metabolic, gastrointestinal, dermatological, respiratory disorders and arthritis.


  • 天然矿物之间可以互相混合,并且可以阻挡来自空气中的粉尘等垃圾同时皮肤可以自由呼吸

    The nature of minerals allows them to overlap and provide protection from junk in the air, while still allowing your skin to breathe.


  • 结果呼吸系统疾病皮肤非常普遍。

    As a result, respiratory and skin problems are rife.


  • 组织最大医疗问题包括急性呼吸感染痢疾皮肤感染和疟疾

    The UN health agency says the biggest medical problems include acute respiratory infections, diarrheal diseases, skin infections and malaria.


  • 如果过量使用这种补充剂的话,你可能将面对呼吸功能下降高烧肾脏问题皮肤

    If you overindulge in this supplement, you may also face diminished respiratory function, high fever, kidney problems, and lupus-like symptoms.


  • 浙江省工商局,抽检的一品牌牛仔裤标注不当纤维甲醛含量超标,甲醛能够刺激皮肤引发呼吸问题

    The Zhejiang authorities said a pair of the brand's jeans were improperly labeled and contained excessive levels of formaldehyde in the fabric, which can irritate skin or cause respiratory problems.


  • 被动吸烟淋巴癌鼻癌肺癌、各种过敏眼病皮肤疾病以及宠物呼吸疾病有关。

    Passive smoking has been associated with lymph gland, nasal, and lung cancers, allergies, eye and skin diseases, as well as respiratory problems in cats and dogs.


  • 自古以来,大蒜普遍用于,肠道疾病,肠气,寄生虫呼吸感染皮肤老年综合症其他疾病

    Since ancient times, garlic has been a popular remedy for intestinal disorders, flatulence, worms, respiratory infections, skin diseases, symptoms of aging, and many other ailments.


  • 腹泻目前为止报道最多游泳池内引起的传染病,但是其他疾病明显的有呼吸系统皮肤神经系统感染

    Although diarrhea is by far the most commonly reported, swimming-related illnesses can also manifest as eye, ear, respiratory, skin or neurologic infections.


  • 这些小玩意可以追踪受到压力生理症状——皮肤排汗呼吸模式心率变化以期帮助人们了解自己的压力水平。

    The gadgets track the biological symptoms of stress - changes in skin perspiration, breathing patterns and heart rate - in hopes of helping people become aware of their stress levels.


  • 它们所能记录脉搏呼吸皮肤温度其它信号只能提示某人回答一个非常不利问题似乎有些紧张

    All they record are pulse, respiration, skin temperature, and other signs that may suggest whether someone seems nervous when asked a damning question.


  • 壶菌病会引起嗜睡惊厥使得青蛙呼吸通道皮肤

    Chytridiomycosis causes lethargy and convulsions, and thickens the skin that frogs breathe through.


  • 壶菌病会引起嗜睡惊厥使得青蛙呼吸通道皮肤

    Chytridiomycosis causes lethargy and convulsions, and thickens the skin that frogs breathe through.


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