• 皮科瓦已认罪,目前正等待判决结果

    Tupikova confessed her guilt and is now awaiting sentencing.


  • 目的分析皮科药疹致病药物临床表现

    Objective: To analyse the causative agents and the clinical features of drug eruption.


  • 首先,威尔金森先生皮科女士没有排除他们采样中的异常值。

    First, Mr Wilkinson and Ms Pickett did not exclude outliers from their sample.


  • 苏格兰东部地区,位于福斯之间王国的土地。

    A region of eastern Scotland between the Firths of Forth and Tay. It was once a Pict kingdom.


  • 提特金史坎纳皮科合作探讨类星体光谱观测到重元素群集现象

    Petitjean and Scannapieco are working together on the clustering of heavy elements observed in quasar spectra.


  • 墨西哥东部城市,濒临墨西哥湾皮科一个区。人口32,444。

    A city of eastern Mexico on the Gulf of Mexico. It is a suburb of Tampico. Population, 32,444.


  • 莱利娅•图皮科告诉警察说,丈夫哈里·早晨上班前就没有起来那是她特别的日子

    Lyalya Tupikova told police that her husband Khalpik failed to remember her special day before going to work in the morning.


  • 3月20日阿根廷将军镇,当地民众创造了世界最大烤肉盛宴烤制了13,713吨烤肉

    On March 20, local residents in General Pico, Argentina created the world's largest barbecue banquet, making 13, 713 kilos of meat.


  • 李将军于7月3下令袭击联邦军中部防线,乔治·皮科将军率领的先遣队率先撕开联邦军防线。

    On July 3 Lee ordered an assault on that center, spearheaded by Major General George Pickett's fresh division.


  • 这里有160名作家许多都是从外国前来西蒙沙玛尔、林·萨布龙蒂纳布朗均在其中

    More than 160 writers gathered there, including many foreign visitors, among them Simon Schama, Pico Iyer, Colin Thubron and Tina Brown.


  • 3月20日阿根廷将军镇,当地民众创造世界最大烤肉盛宴烤制了13,713烤肉

    On March 20, local residents in General Pico, Argentina created the world's largest barbecue banquet, making 13,713 kilos of meat.


  • 目前意大利冠军里卡尔多拉比蒂已经转会驱动操作系统引擎2012成功赛季意大利公司皮科-赢得了的2011个全国冠军他们

    Current Italian Champion Riccardo Rabitti has made the move to drive OS engines in 2012 having spent two successful seasons with Italian firm Picco - winning his 2011 National Championship with them.


  • 上个月警方鲁•皮科洛(lo Piccolo)先生获得了一份类似文件,这份文件让警方着手调查马勒莫城医生协会(该协会否认了黑帮付费),其它一些协会也受到调查。

    Last month a similar document was taken from Mr Lo Piccolo, which has led the police to question, among others, the head of the Palermo doctors' guild (who denies it pays the Mafia).


  • 有时它的主人会给阿格罗宠物打电话家里其他宠物订购食物非常乐意商店食物带回家其他宠物。

    Sometimes his owner calls Agro Pet for food for his other pets, and Pituco is more than happy to go to the shop and bring the food back home for the other pets in the family.


  • 其它实验中两只不同——埃尔布,三个独立场景中利用了工具进行初次接触

    In other experiments, two different birds, called Pierre and Corbeau, also made the first approach with tools on three separate occasions.


  • 可能现存最古老两个印第安人社区它们都可以追溯到至少一千年前

    The Acoma and Hopi are probably the two oldest surviving Pueblo communities, both dating back at least a thousand years.


  • 埃尔一小木片碰了闪光而且有人看见棍子戳一只金属蟾蜍

    Pierre used a short piece of woodchip to touch a light which was flashing, and Corbeau was seen prodding a metal toad with a stick.


  • 患有双相障碍女性来说,自己家人精神病医生商量一个计划成为自己的精神医生,非常重要的,斯内利这样说

    It's extremely important for a woman with bipolar disorder to have a plan in place with her family and her doctors in the event that she does become psychotic, says Spinelli.


  • 日常饮食紫色葡萄或者葡萄汁提供

    Eat purple grapes or drink Concord grape juice to provide quercetin in your diet.


  • 一旦保护层丧失整体屏障就受到破坏——意味着开裂发痒痛、各种组合的情况,“兰驰菲尔德说。”

    "Once that protection is lost, and the integrity of the skin barrier disrupted, skin becomes dry - which means it can crack, peel, itch, burn, sting, or any combination," says Crutchfield.


  • 为实现一目标,计划呼吁美国德克萨斯州到达他州这个长廊上建设多个风力发电场

    The Pickens plan calls for America to meet this goal by building wind farms throughout the windy corridor that runs up the country from Texas to the Dakotas.


  • 如果脱发问题,世面上有众多针对女性治疗方法。 但克利夫兰诊所专家梅丽莎·博士表示大多数都是没有疗效的。

    Ifyour hair is coming out, be advised that of the multitude of treatmentson the market for women, few are worth your money, says Dr. MelissaPiliang, a dermatologist at the Cleveland Clinic.


  • 阿莫石油公司乔治.尼翁还指出委内瑞拉可能会真的进一步削减美国石油出口因为委内瑞拉依赖美国的消费者,也依赖美国的炼油厂加工原油

    Pinon adds that Venezuela is unlikely to carry out threats of further cuts of exports to the U.S. because it relies on American customers and refineries to process its heavy crude.


  • 75岁的贝卢斯尼曾塞拉合作推出过其它专辑此次首次融入了巴西桑巴舞元素。

    Berlusconi, now 75, has written other albums with Apicella, though this is the first that includes samba tracks.


  • 斯通黑帮渗透的过程中,联邦调查局(译者注:后简称为调查局)也在尝试搞清楚这个波南诺家族的新人到底-其实斯通把自己伪装成了一个化名东尼 布拉斯的珠宝大盗。

    While Pistone was immersing himself into Mob Life, the FBI was trying to figure out who this new guy with Bonanno family was- Pistone has remad himself into a jewel theif named Donnie Brasco.


  • 医生拒绝承认否认曾经治疗过但是次偶然采访工作的时候,ESPN记者透露,他唯一一位可以治疗膝盖炎症的医生。

    Wehling declined to confirm or deny that he treated Bryant. But in a rare interview about his work, he told ESPN The Magazine, "I am the only one to have found a way to cure arthritis."


  • 医生拒绝承认否认曾经治疗过但是次偶然采访工作的时候,ESPN记者透露,他唯一一位可以治疗膝盖炎症的医生。

    Wehling declined to confirm or deny that he treated Bryant. But in a rare interview about his work, he told ESPN The Magazine, "I am the only one to have found a way to cure arthritis."


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