• 讨论参数自校正仿人智能控制

    A human simulation intelligent controller is discussed which can adjust parameters on line according to the different errors.


  • 论文讨论了基于图式理论仿人智能控制理论最新进展及其磁流变应用情况。

    The new advancement of human simulated intelligent control (HSIC) theory based on schema theory and its application in the magneto-rheological (MR) suspension system are studied.


  • 针对钢坯加热炉炉温控制现状及存在问题,依据仿人智能控制原理建立炉温仿人智能控制策略

    To solve the problems of the temperature control in rolling reheating furnace, the strategy of human-simulated intelligent control is constructed on the basis of its principles.


  • 本文讨论了一种仿人智能控制方法,并将具体应用输入、二输出液位控制系统。

    The paper discusses an artificial intelligent control means which is particularly used in the liquid level control system with double input and double output.


  • 本文提出将多仿智能控制应用陀螺罗经启动过程

    This paper provided the application of simulating human intelligent control multi-mode IC control to the starting process of the electronic magnetic controlled gyrocompass.


  • 通过分析塑料瓦楞板同步剪切工艺过程结合工艺要求提出仿智能控制系统设计方法

    By analyzing technological process and combining technological requirements of synchronism shearing, the designing method of the intellect controlling system imitating human was put forward.


  • 特征模型设计仿智能控制理论十分重要组成部分之一。

    Designing of characteristic models is a very important part of human simulating intelligent control (HSIC) theory.


  • 研究结果表明选择仿人智能控制作为硫化成型过程控制策略,可实现速度快、精度控制,且具有极强鲁棒性。

    The results showed that it was rapid in response velocity, high in precision, strong in robust-ness while selecting human simulation control as control strategy for vulcanization shaping process.


  • 提出煤粉球磨机综合极值控制问题,研究了将仿智能控制模糊控制相融合智能控制算法。

    We present a composite extreme value control problem of the coal powder ball fanning mill, and propose a simulating human-behave intelligent fuzzy control algorithm.


  • 针对冶金系统煤气混合工艺过程根据常规pid算法,结合仿智能控制原理,作者设计一种简单智能PID控制

    For specific gas mixing process in metallurgy system, a simple intelligent PID controller has been designed based on conventional PID algorithm and combination with human imitative intelligence.


  • 论文介绍仿智能控制基本思路以及仿人智能控制在功率闭环控制应用

    The thesis introduces the basic idea of human simulated intelligent control, and the application of human simulated intelligent control in power close loop control.


  • 本文给出烟丝烘干系统控制策略利用仿人智能控制实现了烟丝烘干系统控制,给出控制详细设计

    This paper presents the control method of a pipe tobacco drying control system and its design involved with the use of a mimic intelligent control technology.


  • 给出了一种基于仿智能控制(SHIC)算法PID控制算法联合控制方案。

    Presents a control strategy basing on the combination of the conventional PID algorithm and the simulating human intelligent control (SHIC) algorithm.


  • 基于仿智能控制原理提出了水轮机调节系统的仿人智能PID控制策略与规则。

    Based on the principle of human emulating intelligent control, an emulating human intelligent PID strategy for hydro-turbine governing systems is proposed.


  • 描述仿人智能用于光电跟踪控制系统设计思想方法

    The design ideas and method of the intelligent control used for photoelectric tracking and control are described in the paper.


  • 针对一阶纯滞后对象,本文提出了一种基于结构仿人智能协调控制方法

    This paper proposed a method of coordinated control of human- like intelligent based on internal model structure for the first- order and second- order plants with time delay.


  • 给出一种基于仿智能控制(SHIC)算法PID控制算法联合控制方案。

    The paper presents a control strategy basing on the combination of the conventional PID algorithm and the Simulating Human Intelligent control (SHIC) algorithm.


  • 结果表明仿智能模糊控制具有很强抗滞后抗干扰优点

    The results have shown that Simulation Human Intelligence Fuzzy Control has the advantages of strong anti-delaying and anti-disturbance capacity.


  • 仿人智能控制理论(HSIC)应用中小型燃煤锅炉燃烧控制系统,并给出了仿人智能控制设计

    The HSIC is applied to the combustion system of middle and small boiler, its design is given.


  • 本文介绍一种参加首届全国大学生机器电视大赛履带式行走机器仿智能控制系统

    In this paper a HSIC (Human Simulating Intelligent Control) system of the caterpillar track robot used in the First China University Robotcon is presented.


  • 然后把实验室水槽水位控制系统作为控制对象仿人智能PID算法简化单片机应用程序自行设计了智能PID控制器。

    The simulation object is boiler's water-level system. Then through simplifying the intelligent PID algorithm into a program run in single-chip, the author designed an intelligent PID controller.


  • 基于水轮发电机组有功功率预测,研究出一种简单实用仿人智能开关控制策略

    Based on its prediction of the active power of hydroelectric generating set, a simple and practical intelligent predictive switch control strategy is presented.


  • 仿智能控制种基于知识智能控制模拟控制经验技巧

    The imitation of human intelligent control is a kind of intelligent control based on knowledge, it simulates the human operating experience and methods.


  • 控制策略采用融合仿人智能控制专家控制技术智能控制系统策略。

    It can adopt the intelligent control system strategy syncretized human simulated intelligent control with expert control technique in control strategy.


  • 针对这个问题 ,将仿智能控制模糊控制相结合 ,提出了一种仿人智能模糊控制给出控制基本结构、控制算法仿结果。

    Since AMB has the characteristics of non-liner, time-variable and complex couple, this paper proposed biotic intelligence PID control method and simulated the system with Simulink successfully.


  • 针对这个问题 ,将仿智能控制模糊控制相结合 ,提出了一种仿人智能模糊控制给出控制基本结构、控制算法仿结果。

    Since AMB has the characteristics of non-liner, time-variable and complex couple, this paper proposed biotic intelligence PID control method and simulated the system with Simulink successfully.


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