• 地耕种,那一百倍收成

    Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year a hundredfold.


  • 由此引起的电子雪崩可以产生倍的放大增益

    The resulting electron avalanche can produce gain factors up to several hundred.


  • 只要一点希望我们都会百倍的努力绝不放弃。

    As long as there is even a little hope, we will redouble our efforts100times and will never relax our efforts.


  • 笑脸迎接悲惨厄运,用勇气应付一切不幸

    With a smile to greet the tragic fate, with a hundred times the courage to cope with all the misfortunes.


  • 这个故事告诉我们,听从贤明老师建议会得到百倍的回报

    The moral is: One is rewarded a hundred-fold for following the advice of a wise teacher.


  • 秘密在于水凝胶,强烈吸收超过重量百倍聚合物

    The secret is hydrogels, powerfully absorbent polymers that can suck up hundreds of times their weight in water.


  • 投资者兴致关注对审计人选派以及他们报酬是否充足。

    Investors would take a much keener interest in the appointment of auditors and the adequacy of their remuneration.


  • 如果不是数千我们每天要接触我们曾祖父母那代多几百倍信息

    We are exposed to hundreds, if not thousands, of times more information on a daily basis than our great-grandparents were.


  • 月薪只有几千担忧那些收入超过他们几百倍的人的生活,滑稽。

    It's funny people making a few thousands of yuan a month worry about the livelihood of those making hundred times more.


  • 我们已经讨论喜欢活动方法现在也该出让你精神百倍的原因了。

    We've already looked at the activities and skills you enjoy, and now it's time to look at what leaves you feeling energised.


  • 增加勇气信心,奋励自励我们伟大祖国伟大人民继续奋斗

    I am a hundredfold of courage and confidence, excited excited, continue to struggle for our great motherland and the great people.


  • 所有协会文章网络可以任意使用,带来倍的来读这些文章。

    All new Adam Smith Institute reports are now available free online, which has brought a hundredfold increase in the number of people reading them.


  • 朋友我们自信笑脸去迎接人生挫折,用百倍的勇毅去战胜一切不幸

    Dear friend, let's meet the frustrations in life and defeat any unlucky things bravely with our confident smile.


  • 一千短暂了,人类即使拥有多于百倍潜能不能掌握全部知识

    One thousand years too short, even if human beings have more than ten times, a hundred times the potential, but also can not grasp all of the knowledge.


  • 我们能够百倍智慧努力,尽量敦煌美丽的生命青春常驻,益寿延年

    Nevertheless, we can make the most of our wisdom and effort to make Dunhuang stay young and beautiful as long as we can.


  • 咖啡煮着香浓的咖啡,取出干净杯子勺子甚至一份让你精神百倍的特别早餐

    Set the coffee maker put out clean cups and spoons maybe even make a special breakfast that just needs to be warmed up.


  • 麦奇常常在河流中的岩石徒步旅行,有时候我们会碰到比麦奇大好几百倍的大石头。

    When Munchie and I go hiking over rocks up a stream, sometimes we come to boulders that are hundreds of times his size.


  • 没有不在今世就是房屋弟兄姐妹母亲儿女田地并且逼迫。来世必得永生

    But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life.


  • 没有不在今世得,就是房屋弟兄姐妹父母儿女、田地,并且逼迫来世必得永生

    30will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields — and with them, persecutions) and in the age to come, eternal life.


  • 伟大胸怀应该表现这样的气概,笑脸迎接悲惨的命运,用百倍的勇气应付自己的不幸

    Great breadth of view, should express a bearing like this, use the pathetic destiny of the smiling face accolade, use centuple courage to cope with an own misery.


  • 算法搜索块匹配算法相比,在重建图像质量方面是非常接近的,但却获得了几百倍提速

    The new algorithm achieves very close quality compared to full search but with several hundred times speedup.


  • 其实教会一个“防知识所花成本能够获得回报中学生“防艾”

    In fact, the Church of a person "AIDS" Knowledge spent several hundred times the cost of access to be able to return to secondary school students to talk about "AIDS" is not too early.


  • 展望未来我们充满信心我们将不懈追求百倍的信心,努力制造中国螺丝机械行业最好产品

    We are full of confidence to prospect future, would pay unremitting pursuit and centuple belief to manufacture the best product of Chinese screw mechanism industry.


  • 不得不再次融入一个陌生全新世界,我下定决心,虽然自己缺乏工作经验,但要百倍的努力弥补

    I had to earn my stripes all over again in a strange, new world. What I lacked in experience, I was determined to make up with effort and energy.


  • 能够利用牠视网膜内大量细胞组成的、人类敏感视觉系统黑暗中看见色彩

    They are able to see colour in the dark with their vision system, which consists of large cones in their retinas which are hundreds of times more sensitive than humans'.


  • 能够利用牠视网膜内大量细胞组成的、人类敏感视觉系统黑暗中看见色彩

    They are able to see colour in the dark with their vision system, which consists of large cones in their retinas which are hundreds of times more sensitive than humans'.


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