• 论述了邵阳市建设百万人口城市必要性及其交通、产业布局形态方面所应采取的基本对策

    The paper analyzed a lot of confusion on Chinas basic urban concepts such as "urban place" , "urban population" , "urban scale" and "urbanization" .


  • 更正昆士兰煤层发现天然气能够支撑一个拥有一百万人口城市五千的使用量,而不是之前所说的一千年。

    Correction: Natural gas found in Queensland's coal seams should be able to power a city of 1m people for 5, 000 years, not 1, 000 years as we first stated. This was corrected on June 9th 2011.


  • 好几城市工作生活,还轿车公共汽车卡车交通工具,因而这种百万人口城市空气污染最为严重。

    Air pollution is at its worst over big cities where millions of people live, work, and travel about in cars, buses, and trucks.


  • 阿曼,这个百万人口城市坐落沙漠下方物产丰富的山谷之间山上饮水灌溉水斗来自约旦河

    This city of 3 million, perched on hills between the desert and the fertile valley below, draws its drinking and irrigation water from the Jordan River.


  • 尔,联军并未贸然百万人口城市展开血战,而是在夺取必要机场座桥梁继续前进,英军甩在后面。

    So rather than risk a bloody urban battlefield in a city of 2 million, the allies took what they neededan airport and a bridge—and moved on, leaving British forces behind.


  • 孟买有一千四百万人口熙熙攘攘,热闹拥挤城市这样安静宽敞非常难得和奢侈

    The club is quiet and uncrowded, a rare luxury in this heaving, bustling city of 14m.


  • 拥有一千二百万人口伊朗首都德黑兰,城市规划糟糕经常因为交通阻塞而陷入瘫痪,当地地震频发众所周知。

    THE capital of Iran hosts about 12m people, is poorly planned, often paralysed by traffic, and notorious for its seismic activity.


  • 这个百万人口城市污染交通拥堵已经造成了很高的经济环境代价Walters

    The economic and environmental costs of the megacity’s pollution and traffic congestion have been considerable, says Walters.


  • 的黎波里这个繁忙2百万人口城市几乎荒废

    Tripoli - normally a bustling, noisy city of some 2 million people - is largely deserted.


  • 例如最近一次中国访问中,我们中的作者遇到了一个对保护知识产权负责官员,而这个超过3百万人口城市从事保护知识产权工作的一共只有3名官员。

    For example, during a recent trip to China, one of the authors met with one of the three government officials responsible for IPR protection in a city of over 3 million people.


  • 令人遗憾是,有着数百万人口城市能够他们农村周边工作养活自己人们依靠石油但有着十亿、二十亿人口城市却不能

    Unfortunately, whereas cities of up to a million population may be able to work with their rural surroundings to feed their people without dependence on oil, cities of ten and twenty million cannot.


  • 几乎所有较小城市中,即使拥有百万人口房价也要明显地便宜

    Homes are markedly cheaper in almost all slightly smaller cities, even though they have millions of residents.


  • 转换一个百万人口城市,大概1760个额外的糖尿病例会因为小时电视

    That translates to a city of a million people having 1760 extra cases of diabetes compared to a city of a million who watch two hours less TV per day.


  • 汉唐时期长安世界上最早达到百万人口城市

    During the Hang and Tang dynasties, Chang'an was the world's first city having a population of one million.


  • 尽管中国这次灾难影响了百万但是破坏集中农村小城镇而非人口稠密的的城市

    While China's disaster affected millions of people, the destruction was concentrated in rural areas and smaller towns, not a dense city.


  • 居住的城市百万人口中心15公里以内

    There are seven million people in my city and everyone lives within 15 kilometers off the center.


  • 一千三百万两千万人口涌入这座城市印度最大金融工业中心以及宝莱坞电影的发源地

    Somewhere between 13 and 20 million people are squeezed into the city that is India's leading financial and industrial center and the home of the Bollywood movie.


  • 来自加拿大西北部一个非常寒冷只有百万人口城市我们那只有在两种情况下男士会为女士拎包:1、怀里抱孩子(如果是最好);

    Where I come from - a city of 1 million in the frozen Canadian northwest - there are only two acceptable reasons for a man to carry his lady's purse: 1) she is holding a baby (preferably his);


  • 然而米奇已经席卷了这个位于中国南部海岸将近百万人口城市

    Nevertheless, Mickey mania has swept this city of nearly 7 million people on China's southern coast.


  • 百万人口级别城市中,伯明翰最大选举城市

    With a population of around 1m, Birmingham will be the biggest city to vote.


  • 大体上有两亿九千七百万人口40C40主要城市地球人口百分之五。

    Roughly 297m people, less than 5% of the Earth's total, live in the 40 charter-member C40 cities.


  • 许多市民更喜欢一个小点城市不是住在那种挤了百万人口的大城市

    Most citizens will prefer to live in a smaller city than a mega size one with millions of people;


  • 每年通过24,328千米管道为1,855平方公里三个主要城市里的一千一百万人口供应十六亿两千八百万立方米的可饮用水

    It supplies some 11 million people in three major cities with1,628 million cubic meters of potable water a year via 24,328 kilometers of pipeline over an area of 1,855 square kilometers.


  • 这个人口五十城市具有一个成为百万人口大都市野心气魄和事业。

    It was a city of over 500,000, with the ambition, the daring, the activity of a metropolis of a million.


  • 这个人口五十城市具有一个成为百万人口大都市野心气魄和事业。

    It was a city of over 500,000, with the ambition, the daring, the activity of a metropolis of a million.


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