• 缓和膝部慢性疼痛提升肘部本体感觉,起到防护作用保暖效果好。

    To ease the chronic knee pain syndrome, knee proprioception upgrade, play the role of protection, thermal effect.


  • 缓和腕部慢性疼痛提升腕部本体感觉,起到防护作用保暖效果好。

    Wrist can ease the chronic pain syndrome to improve knee proprioception, played the role of protection, thermal effect.


  • 缓和慢性疼痛提升踝部本体感觉,起到防护作用保暖效果好。

    To ease the chronic knee pain syndrome and enhance ankle proprioception play a protective role, warm effect.


  • 密歇根大学肯尼斯·凯西解释说,那些饱受慢性疼痛折磨的患者就是通过训练自己的大脑减缓痛苦的感觉的。

    Casey at the University of Michigan explained that people who suffer from chronic pain conditions can be coached to relieve some of their symptoms by altering how they thought.


  • 这种是由于免疫系统功能故障攻击健康组织所致,它会使关节红肿疼痛

    It happens when your immune system malfunctions and attacks healthy tissue, making your joints swollen and painful.


  • 症状(主要是盆腔直肠腹部疼痛尿频疲倦)已经困扰医生心理学家以及了这个男人们几十年了。

    This group of symptoms (mainly pelvic, rectal, and abdominal pain, urinary frequency, and fatigue) has confounded physicians, psychologists, and the men who suffer from it for decades.


  • 狂犬最初症状发热伤口部位常有疼痛异常或原因不明的颤痛刺痛或灼痛感(感觉异常)。

    The initial symptoms of rabies are fever and often pain or an unusual or unexplained tingling, pricking or burning sensation (paraesthesia) at the wound site.


  • 所谓隐性心脏就是指,有些患者没有表现出任何或者忽视或是曲解了自己的症,强忍着疼痛

    It's called the silent heart attack, when someone either shows no symptoms at all or ignores or misinterprets the symptoms until the pain goes away.


  • 虽然糖尿神经会引发许多不同问题,但常见症状还是麻刺感、疼痛麻木手脚酸软

    Although many different problems can occur as a result of diabetic neuropathy, common symptoms are tingling, pain, numbness, or weakness in the feet and hands.


  • 用来治疗带状疱疹疼痛糖尿引起神经疼痛

    It's also used for treating shingles pain and diabetes-related nerve pain.


  • 注射生长激素造成可逆性关节疼痛,腕管综合症以及糖尿

    Taking growth-hormone injections may cause reversible joint pain, carpal tunnel, and proto-diabetes.


  • 如果不治疗,这种引起剧烈疼痛视觉模糊,也有少数出现中风甚至是死亡

    Without treatment, they can become extremely painful, distort vision, and, in rare cases, lead to stroke and death.


  • 如果遇到伴有手臂疼痛强烈胸痛仅仅强烈的胸痛,呼吸短促,或休克,你可能心脏发作了

    If you're experiencing crushing chest pain with or without pain in your left arm, are short of breath, or have a sense of impending doom, you may be having a heart attack.


  • 写作为生,为了每周150美元的收入辛勤工作,但他从不抱怨的问题,没有因为生来就患有镰刀细胞——种伴随着巨大的疼痛的疾——而自怨自艾。

    He was a writer who worked hard for $150 a week. He never whined or complained about money or that he was born with a painful disease called sickle cell.


  • 丝虫感染通常发生童年期疼痛严重畸形症状出现在成年期。

    Infection is usually acquired in childhood, but the painful and profoundly disfiguring visible manifestations of the disease occur later in life.


  • 之后白血冲击了大腿骨头引发骨裂,导致了位猛烈难以言喻疼痛

    Then the leukemia burst through one of the bones in his thigh, causing a fracture and unleashing a blindingly intense, indescribable pain.


  • 阿司匹林推荐预防心脏发作中风单独传统用于缓解轻微疼痛

    Aspirin already is recommended for preventing heart attacks and strokes, along with its traditional use for relief of minor aches and pains.


  • 如果疼痛心脏发作前兆,进行重症监护将是最好的预防治疗方法;如果不是心脏,重症监护只浪费钱使受到危险感染

    If a heart attack is imminent, intensive care is best; if not, it wastes money and exposes patients to dangerous infections.


  • 电话(phone neck)电话夹在肩膀耳朵之间时间引起颈部疼痛现代白领一种

    Phone neck refers to neck pain caused by holding a telephone between one's shoulder and ear for extended periods. It is one of the modern white-collar ailments.


  • 越来越多心脏糖尿癌症忍受疼痛但是很多用来缓解疼痛药物不是完全有效或者危害性副作用

    More people suffer from pain than from heart disease, diabetes and cancer combined, but many of the drugs used to relieve suffering are not completely effective or have harmful side effects.


  • 可能导致贫血出血感染严重问题白血细胞可能扩散淋巴结其他器官引起肿胀疼痛

    This can lead to serious problems such as anemia, bleeding, and infections. Leukemia cells can also spread to the lymph nodes or other organs and cause swelling or pain.


  • 结论研究鉴别基因尤其是疼痛信号炎症相关基因可能是神经分子治疗潜在靶点

    Conclusion. The genes identified in this study, especially those involved in pain signaling and inflammation, serve as potential targets for molecular-based therapy for lumbar radiculopathy.


  • 在那段时间他们记录哪些志愿者患上心脏中风、感到胸口疼痛其他类型心脏

    During that time, they noted which volunteers had a heart attack, a stroke, suffered chestpains or died from other types of heart disease.


  • 对于颈椎腰腿疼痛全身酸痛免疫力低下有着好的效果

    For cervical spondylosis Yaotui whole body aching pain immunocompromised persons have very good results.


  • 该组结果提示在行首次P V术后疼痛未能缓解相同进行重复PV手术有效的。

    The outcomes of this series suggest that repeat PV is effective at the same vertebral levels in patients without pain-relief who underwent previous PV.


  • 结果治疗防治肛肠术后便秘疼痛术区出血方面疗效明显优于对照组

    Results The efficacy in therapy group was superior to the control group in respect of postoperative constipation, pain and bleeding.


  • 结论儿童发性佝偻间歇性下肢疼痛为主要表现,被误诊生长

    Conclusion The cardinal symptom of late rickets in children is intervallic pain in the lower extremities and to be easily misdiagnosed as growing pain.


  • 结论儿童发性佝偻间歇性下肢疼痛为主要表现,被误诊生长

    Conclusion The cardinal symptom of late rickets in children is intervallic pain in the lower extremities and to be easily misdiagnosed as growing pain.


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