• 中国,你18岁就可以选举和学开车,但如果你想结婚,女性得等到18岁,男性得等到22岁。

    In China, you can vote and learn to drive a car when you are 18, but if you want to get married, women have to wait until they are 18 and men until they are 22.


  • 但是关于为什么社会最高层要求最为苛刻工作中,男性拥有天生优势我们无数博物学电视纪录片也看到这样的现象。

    But there's another reason why, at the very highest and most demanding of levels in society, men have a natural advantage - and it's one we've seen in countless natural history TV documentaries.


  • 女性倾向记住地标男性依靠几何学技巧确定方向距离

    Women tend to rely on remembering landmarks, whereas men rely on their geometric skills to work out direction and distance.


  • 差距再次某种程度上反映出,工程学商务其他高薪工作领域专业女性男性得多

    Again, the gap may partly reflect that far fewer women than men major in engineering, business and other fields leading to high-paying jobs.


  • 那么为什么男性倾向数学呢?而且,为什么在菲尔兹奖这个数学界诺贝尔100多年的历史中,没有一个女性得主?

    And why, in over 100 years of the existence of the Fields Medal, maths 'Nobel Prize, have none of the winners have ever been a woman?


  • 根据这项美国社会学评论》四月刊上发表研究显示,如果妻子每周工作60个小时以上,对男性辞职几率没有什么显著影响

    However, it did not significantly affect a man's odds of quitting his job if his wife worked 60 hours or more per week, according to the study published in the American Sociological Review in April.


  • 由于在生物学性别方面存有差异作为男性女性健康具有重大影响

    Being a man or a woman has a significant impact on health, as a result of both biological and gender-related differences.


  • 蒙特利尔麦克吉尔大学社会学教授厄兰·邵尔,"即便当今社会,失业男性造成的压力也要大过女人。"

    "We suspect that even today, not having a job is more stressful for men than for women, " said Eran Shor, a sociology professor at McGill University in Montreal.


  • 医学博士斯蒂芬·韦伯斯特明尼苏达大学医学院皮肤学临床教授,他建议男性每个月检查自己身上看不见的地方有没有痣。

    Examine your hide for moles once a month, says Stephen Webster, M.D., a clinical professor of dermatology at the University of Minnesota's school of medicine.


  • 发达国家,据统计70%女性专注人文学健康学,数学管理学领域几乎被男性垄断

    In rich countries they account for over 70% of degrees in humanities and health, whereas the vast majority of degrees in mathematics and engineering go to men.


  • 美国临床营养学杂志》上男性质量上臂肌肉36%的人更容易任何死因那些较小武器

    According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, men with a high muscle mass in their upper arms are 36% less likely to die from any cause of death than those with smaller arms.


  • 这项历时八年的研究共对九千名平均年龄45男性女性进行了调查。 研究成果发表美国流行病学杂志》上。

    The findings, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, are based on checks on 9, 000 men and women, with an average age of 45, over an eight-year period.


  • 研究员AlexandrosVgontzas睡眠领域专家精神病学教授,它实验室中观测了年轻男性女性连续13天的睡眠情况。

    Researcher Alexandros Vgontzas, a sleep expert and professor of psychiatry, monitored young men and women who spent 13 consecutive nights in his sleep lab.


  • 数据来自一项名为Moli - sani的流行病学研究,这项研究意大利南部市政厅注册人员中随机挑选了一些年龄35以上男性女性

    The data come from an epidemiological study called the Moli-sani Project, which selected men and women at least 35 years old randomly from city hall registries in southern Italy.


  • 我们知道男性忽视他们身体正在衰退也是女人为什么会多5如果从非生物学角度考虑的话。

    Men, as we all know, neglect their bodies something rotten; it is one of the reasons women, for no biological reason, live five years longer.


  • 刚刚发表美国临床营养学杂志》上研究将一组年近七旬的老年人25岁的年轻人进行了对比,两组拥有相同数量男性女性

    Research just published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition compared one group of people in their late 60s to a group of 25-year-olds, with equal Numbers of men and women.


  • 国王学院精神病学研究所的研究团队分别对20健康男性20名患有泛自闭症障碍男性大脑进行扫描,他们的年龄在20岁到68岁之间。

    The IoP team scanned the brains of 20 healthy men and 20 men with ASD, aged between 20 and 68 years.


  • 意大利语的男性鲍勃·艾德森(BobAlderson),今年46岁,一名专利律师,他没有明确的旅行计划却一心向往去远方

    Bob Alderson, 46, the man learning Italian, is a patent lawyer, with no imminent overseas travel plans, but aspirations.


  • 男性同时服用髓利尿剂、TZD、糖皮质激素胰岛素伴活动受限和下肢截肢的其骨折风险增加具有统计学意义。

    Exposure to both loop diuretics and TZDs, glucocorticoids, and insulin and limited mobility and lower-extremity amputation were associated with fractures in men.


  • 美国《大西洋月刊》援引了2013年一项社会学研究称,74%同居女性伴侣全身心投入”,只有59%的男性表示这样做。

    According to a 2013 sociological study cited in the Atlantic, 74 percent of cohabiting women are "completely committed" to their partner, while only 59 percent of men said the same.


  • 如果数百年来中出现大量绿帽子的话,同一姓氏的男性之间遗传学关联必然会有所削弱,乃至完全消失

    Had there had been a lot of cuckoldry over the centuries, the link between genetics and surnames should have been weaker, or disappeared altogether.


  • 睡眠每晚少于5小时男性其死亡风险增高没有统计学意义研究本身状况有关

    Men who got fewer than 5 hours of sleep per night also had an increased mortality risk, but this was not statistically significant, which, again may be related to study conditions.


  • 高氟人群男性血清LHT水平对照人群比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

    The serum level of LH and T in males from fluoride exposed area had no significant difference from those in control area (P>0.05).


  • 尿酸血症的患病率老年组男性女性、青年组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

    The prevalence rates of hyperuricemia in elderly male and female groups were significantly higher than in young and middle aged male groups respectively ( P< 0.05).


  • 英国医疗研究委员会生育生物学小组之前调查显示如果有避孕药男性愿意服用

    UK researchers from the Medical research Council Reproductive Biology Unit in have previously carried out surveys showing that men would be willing to take a contraceptive pill if one was available.


  • 与非贫血比较,贫血组年龄男性比率肌酐明显升高,差异统计学意义(P<0.05,P<0.01),LVEF明显降低(P<0.05);

    There were significant differences in the number of males, age, serum creatinine and the levels of LVEF between the two groups(P<0.05, P<0.01).


  • 与非贫血比较,贫血组年龄男性比率肌酐明显升高,差异统计学意义(P<0.05,P<0.01),LVEF明显降低(P<0.05);

    There were significant differences in the number of males, age, serum creatinine and the levels of LVEF between the two groups(P<0.05, P<0.01).


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