• !”一个刺耳的男性声音辩护道

    I won't! "a raspy male voice asserted."


  • 指挥塔一个男性声音说:“伙计们,等孩子毕业后你们听到的就是这些。”

    'That's what you get, guys, when the kids are out of school,' a male voice in the tower said.


  • 天晚上打电话是个激动女人背景听到咆哮男性声音

    One night, though, the caller was an agitated female, and a snarling male voice could be heard in the background.


  • 第一个方面语音而不是声调第二个方面,说话突然男性声音改变女性声音

    The first was that it was speech compared to a tone, the second was when the speaker suddenly changed from male to female.


  • 史密斯总结道:“我们发现证明相比缺乏吸引力高音男声, 低音男性声音更能加深女性记忆

    Smith concludes: "Our findings demonstrate that women's memory is enhanced with lower pitch male voices, compared with the less attractive raised pitch male voices.


  • 科学家们大学生一些来自不同文化领域男性声音记录罗马尼亚大学生阿根廷美洲驼的牧人

    Scientists asked undergraduates to listen to recordings of men from a variety of cultures: from Romanian college students to Argentinian llama herders.


  • 这两种情况下作者发现女性偏爱低音男性声音并且当听到低沉男性声音介绍时候她们能更准确地记住物体

    In both cases, the authors found that women had a strong preference for the low pitch male voice and remembered objects more accurately when they have been introduced by the deep male voice.


  • 其他研究人员参与男女两性声音测试志愿者分别播放男性声音和女性声音片段然后这些志愿者听完之后确定并选出喜欢的声音

    He and fellow researchers played clips of male and female voices to people of both genders, then asked them to identify which they preferred.


  • 尽管恐惧笼罩着渴望听到男性声音,但她不愿唤醒他们

    Though fear was upon her, and she longed to hear male voices, she would not waken them.


  • 他们的研究第一表明男性低沉声音伴侣选择女性记忆准确性重要。

    Their work shows for the first time that a low masculine voice is important for both mate choice and the accuracy of women's memory.


  • 匀称脸型一种健康暗示不错发型挺拔的下巴低沉声音这些男性气质亦是健康暗示。

    A symmetrical face is a health cue, as are a good head of hair and masculine features such a strong jaw and a deep voice.


  • 使用母亲以及男性心跳声音做过相同实验

    The same experiment was done using the sound of the mother's heart beat and that of a male voice.


  • 第二实验中,研究人员分别利用男性女性的真实声音另外46名女性进行了实验,让她们各种声音和对物品印象程度进行评估。

    In the second experiment, the researchers used real male and female voices to test how 46 new women rated the voices and how they scored on object memory.


  • 所以声音有魅力人——音调女性音调男性——将来出轨可能性越大

    'So the more attractive the voice - a higher pitch for women and lower pitch for men - the more likely the chances he or she will cheat.'


  • 目前德国他们试用了一种类似的系统男性反对使用女性声音提供方向信息,因此系统不得不退出市场

    Now, in Germany when they tried a similar system, men reacted against being given directions by a female voice so it had to be taken off the market.


  • 加拿大麦克马斯特大学研究人员人们好的男性女性声音片段这些声音的音调高低可以通过电子手段来调整

    Researchers at Canada’s McMaster University asked people to listen to recorded clips of a male and female voice, which were electronically altered to become higher or lower pitched.


  • 加拿大麦克马斯大学研究人员人们好的男性女性声音片段这些声音的音调高低可以通过电子手段来调整

    Researchers at Canada's McMaster University asked people to listen to recorded clips of a male and female voice, which were electronically altered to become higher or lower pitched.


  • 科学家继续复述的话:”有察觉到和住一间朋友变成男性的趋势,她的声音也变成男人的声音

    "One time another woman, a friend of mine, was in the same room, I perceived also her as becoming a male person including changing sound of her voice, " the scientists reported her saying.


  • 第二项试验中,同样操作过声音这些研究人员使用真实的男性女性声音测试另外46女性怎样评估这些声音以及怎样记忆这些物体的。

    In the second experiment, as well as manipulated voices, the researchers used real male and female voices to test how 46 new women rated the voices and how they scored on object memory.


  • 越来越年轻女性热衷穿着男性风格女装宽松裤子,留短发并用低沉的声音说话当地媒体那些思想更为传统的当地居民对此十分心烦

    The local press says that more tradition-minded locals are upset by the growing number of young women affecting a masculine style of dress, baggy trousers, short hair and deep voices.


  • 对话声音越多起伏,容易认为男性中“易兴奋”,女性化的人,或者是同志。

    The more up and down a voice goes in conversation, the more likely it is to be perceived as "excitable", feminine and gay in men.


  • 人们对塞门娅男性外表低沉声音长足进步的成绩有所猜疑上个月柏林田径世锦赛上取得的胜利这些怀疑声掩盖了。

    Semenya's victory at last month's World Championships in Berlin was overshadowed by speculation over her masculine appearance, deep voice and radically improved performance.


  • 路易斯安那州立大学研究人员女性认为低沉声音她们听上去阳刚这样才能更好地工作中男性竞争。

    Louisiana State University researchers said that women think that lower voices make them seem more masculine and so better able to take on men in the workplace.


  • 语言现象这些女性的声音变得更低沉也许反映在职场上男性竞争需要

    Their voices are also getting lower thanks to the linguistic phenomenon - perhaps reflecting the need to compete with men in the workplace.


  • 青少年时期,斯一直质疑自己性别认同后来决定倾听自己内心声音,把自己按男性不是女性样子打扮。

    Throughout her teenage years, Rose struggled with her gender identity before finally deciding to listen to her heart and fashion her appearance after that of a man and not a woman.


  • 非常雄激素水平导致男性型的秃顶声音低沉肌肉疙瘩。

    Very high androgen levels may cause male-like balding, deepening of the voice, and increased muscle mass.


  • 非常雄激素水平导致男性型的秃顶声音低沉肌肉疙瘩。

    Very high androgen levels may cause male-like balding, deepening of the voice, and increased muscle mass.


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