• 强烈批评了那些声称电脑软件比评分人员优秀研究

    He has also been highly critical of studies claiming that the software compares well to human graders.


  • 电脑越来越多地帮助中层高层管理人员,让他们没有秘书帮助的情况下准备他们自己的备忘录

    Computers increasingly aid mid and upper level managers who prepare their own memorandums without secretarial help.


  • 这位技术人员试图微型喷嘴搅拌液体,以确保最大热量交换,从而为个人电脑提供更好冷却效果

    The technician attempts to produce better cooling in personal computers by stirring up the liquid with tiny jets to make sure maximum heat exchange.


  • 人员对经常在夜间使用电脑的大学生进行了研究。

    The researchers studied the college students who often used computers at night.


  • 全起见,研究人员建议,我们应该比以前更少使用电脑,或者在睡觉前尽可能地把屏幕亮度调低。

    To be on the safe side, the researchers suggest that we should use computers less than before, or turn down our screens as much as possible before sleeping.


  • 一项研究中,研究人员给三组六岁的儿童安排了一项困难的任务,让他们在电脑上完成。

    In a study, researchers gave three groups of six-year-old children a difficult task to complete on a computer.


  • 研究人员表示任何有权访问设备电脑都能获得这些信息

    The researchers say the information is available to anyone who has access to the device or computer.


  • 研究人员制造了一个电脑模型用来模拟斯堪的纳维亚北部巴伦支海不断减少冬季冰雪覆盖情况下,对气候类型产生的影响

    The researchers created a computer model simulating the impact on weather patterns of a gradual reduction of winter ice cover in the Barents-Kara sea, north of Scandinavia.


  • 有人可能会为什么入侵别人大脑研究人员却说,使用电脑造成神经损害已有先例

    Some might question why anyone would want to hack into someone else’s brain, but the researchers say there’s a precedent for using computers to cause neurological harm.


  • 教训:疾病预防控制中心正在增设人员,建立电脑追踪系统以便及时发现疫苗潜在问题所以一旦意外危险崭露头角,他们一定迅速通告大家

    Take-home lesson: the CDC is adding staff and computer tracking systems to look for possible problems with the vaccine, so if any unexpected dangers show up, they'll be flagged quickly.


  • 然后研究人员电脑输入60个名词中的58训练

    The researchers then fed the model 58 of the 60 nouns to train it.


  • 研究人员参加实验人观看经电脑修改的,表情模棱两可照片他们思考照片表达的是高兴还是愤怒

    The researchers showed experimental participants still photographs of faces computer-morphed to express ambiguous emotion and instructed them to think of these faces as either angry or happy.


  • 测试过程,研究人员孩子电脑屏幕上蓝色黄色圆点动画然后他们那种颜色的比较多。

    In this test kids watched groups of blue and yellow dots flash on a computer screen, and had to guess which color was more numerous.


  • 这些参与实验志愿者要求一个赌博电脑游戏然后告诉实验人员他们愿意他们赢取一部分还是全部都捐赠给秘鲁贫困儿童

    The volunteers were given a gambling computer game to play and then told they could donate some or all of their winnings to a poor child in Peru.


  • 系统能够让作战人员使用掌上电脑请求怀疑敌军阵地敌对领土等利益方面全动态视频

    The system will enable warfighters to use handheld computers to request full-motion video of area of interests such as suspected enemy positions or hostile territory.


  • 组织研究人员完全是电脑创建了基因组甚至添加了特殊水印例如46个参加该项目工作研究人员DNA -标识姓名一个网址。

    The organization's researchers created a genome entirely on computers, even adding special watermarks such as the DNA-ified names of 46 researchers who worked on the project and a web URL.


  • 过去几年里,那些保护电脑网站免遭攻击的人员一直追赶他们装备精良黑客对手

    For the past several years, those defending their computers and networks against hackers have been playing catch up to their increasingly well-funded and organized adversaries.


  • 他们通过笔记本电脑上传本田保全人员粗暴对待雇员视频

    And armed with desktop computers, they uploaded video of Honda Lock's security guards roughing up employees.


  • 电脑瑜伽就是办公室人员作家如何整天保持精力充沛秘密;理论上每天练习电脑瑜伽帮助每天的日常工作中保持良好的精神状态

    Computer yoga is the office worker's and writer's answer to remaining positive through the day; ideally, practicing computer yoga daily will help you to remain positive throughout your daily routine.


  • 各组的成员实验中被要求电脑游戏有一名实验人员伪装为研究志愿者

    Members of each group played a computer game with an experimenter posing as a research volunteer.


  • 去年瓦特地区的三百万人民战斗无家可归美国的帮助下国家灾难管理局成立了。 但该局只有几十人员电脑数量更少

    The National Disaster Management Authority, set up at America’s expense after 3m people were displaced by fighting in the Swat area last year, had only a dozen staff and fewer computers.


  • 目前邻居照料花园教堂工作人员解决电脑方面的难题,参加网上调查工作,每份调查可以得到美元的收入。 她的收入都是通过这些零碎的工作拼凑得来的。

    For now, she stitches together an income by gardening for neighbors, helping fellow church members with their computers, and participating in Internet surveys for as little as $5 apiece.


  • 群研究人员通过电脑模拟然后利用玻璃进行一系列实验证实这个理论

    The researchers ran computer simulations and then a series of experiments with glass beads to confirm the theory.


  • 理论上这样系统节约加热屋子冷却机器的花销,使得计算机房在保持低温下,办公室工作人员享受电脑带来的温暖

    In theory, such a system would save on heating and cooling bills by exposing computers to low-temperature offices while exposing office workers to the warmth of the computers.


  • 研究人员这种设备可以电脑生成视觉信息覆盖真实世界的景观之上,能够用于游戏设备导航系统

    The researchers said the device could overlay computer-generated visual information on to the real world and be of use in gaming devices and navigation systems.


  • 研究人员电脑屏幕分成棋盘格,设置不同闪烁频率显示机器人不同的指令

    Researchers divided a computer screen into four checkerboard patterns that flash at different frequencies and represent different commands for the robot.


  • 电脑曾经神秘莫测且价格昂贵的物品,而现在人们通常现有元件组装电脑甚至非技术人员也拥有电脑

    Computers were once both expensive and arcane. Today, they are built mostly from off-the-shelf components, and even a relatively non-technical person can assemble one.


  • 在这里监督所有技术人员监视屏幕电脑输出以及电话总机所有他手下安全人员保持联系

    Here he oversaw a staff of technicians who watched visual monitors, computer readouts, and a telephone switchboard that kept him in contact with the many security personnel he commanded.


  • 在这里监督所有技术人员监视屏幕电脑输出以及电话总机所有他手下安全人员保持联系

    Here he oversaw a staff of technicians who watched visual monitors, computer readouts, and a telephone switchboard that kept him in contact with the many security personnel he commanded.


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