• 最后探讨生物因子即协同作用共代谢作用生物降解影响

    Finally, the impact of biological factors -cooperation and co-metabolism on biodegradation is discussed.


  • 试验研究了果—草人工生态系统土壤生物因子土壤养分关系

    A experiment was done to study the relation between biological factors and nutrients in soil in an artificial fruit-grass ecosystem.


  • 根系生物的大小决定土壤呼吸以及根系呼吸主要生物因子

    Root biomass was the main biological factor that determine soil total respiration amount and root respiration amount.


  • 更进一步使用生物因子临床实验证实延长肝癌患者生存时间

    Further clinical trials using biologic agents are warranted to prolong the survival in HCC patients.


  • 血管损害产生气生物因子导致神经组织营养障碍和局部神经缺血。

    Vascular impairment can be induced by both mechanical and biological factors, resulting in a nutritional deficit of the nerve tissue and subsequent ischemia of the nerve.


  • 血管损害产生气生物因子导致神经组织营养障碍和局部神经缺血。

    Vascular impairment can be induced by both mechanical and biological factors resulting in a nutritional deficit of the nerve tissue and subsequent ischemia of the nerve.


  • 分析连云港海洋环境质量连云港港区水质沉积物生物因子进行监测。

    The water quality, sediment and biological factors were monitored to analyze Marine environment quality of Lianyungang harbor district.


  • 影响水体功能安全因素主要分为常规理化指标毒害指标生物因子因素组。

    The water body function security of sewage irrigation is displayed in the factors of routine physics and chemistry index , poison three respects of the index and microorganism's factor.


  • 植物的繁殖物候生物因子生物环境因子的选择,热带地区表现得非常多样

    Reproductive phenology is determined by the interactions between biotic and abiotic factors and is most diverse in tropical forests.


  • 探讨动物对重金属吸收机制生物、非生物因子底栖动物重金属富集影响

    The mechanism of macrobenthos assimilating heavy metals and the effect of biologic and abiological factors to the enrichment content of heavy metals are discussed.


  • 介绍排水水体生态环境影响结合一些工程实例,重点叙述了一些水生生物因子受热水体中的反应

    The impacts of thermal discharge on aquatic ecological environment were described. Based on the previous engineering works, the responses of biological factors in heated water bodies were discussed.


  • 应用灰色系统关联度分析方法,对1991~1995年的5年间影响小菜蛾成虫田间种群数量的非生物因子进行分析。

    Using the method of relational grade of grey system, the abiological factor influencing Plutella xylostella population from 1991 to 1995 were analyzed.


  • 基因传递生物属性特征信息复制因子

    Genes are replicators that pass on information about properties and characteristics of organisms.


  • 这个由多种生物构成复杂环境,充满风险防护因子仍然还无法具体描绘

    The biological components of this complex landscape of risk and protective factors remain largely uncharacterised.


  • 因此具有诸如抗氧化剂抗炎剂蛋白质活性因子生物成分可以轻而易举加速身体自身修复的速度。

    So, biological ingredients with active parts like antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, proteins, peptides, and enzymes can with rather little effort stimulate the speed in which the body heals itself.


  • 这种复制、改变选择信息称为复制因子生物过程已为人熟知。

    The information that is copied, varied and selected is called the replicator, and the process is well understood when applied to biology.


  • 十多年取得了重大进展,加州生物科技公司Genentech(中文名:基因泰克)发行了一种药物,这种药物攻击蛋白质HER2(中文名:人表皮生长因子受体- 2)含量过多乳腺癌细胞

    A breakthrough came more than a decade ago when Genentech, a Californian biotech firm, launched a drug that attacks breast-cancer cells with too much of a certain protein, HER2.


  • 曾经不过第一复制因子运输工具一种生物现在变成了第二因子复印机

    A living creature, once just a vehicle of the first replicator, was now the copying machinery for the next.


  • 它们认为是生物反应的调节者,具有有激活巨噬细胞T细胞能力产生细胞因子、白细胞介素肿瘤坏死因子

    They are reported to serve as biological response modifiers with the capability to activate macrophages and T-cells, and to produce cytokines, interleukins and tumor necrosis factors.


  • 其次必须很快生成遗传因子使得能够自我复制,当然也不需要更多精心制造的”生物机器“——RNA,DNA什么的没那么早出现。

    Secondly it must have been able to quickly assemble a genetic molecule that could make copies of itself without the need for more elaborate bio-machinery like RNA and DNA -- that would evolve later.


  • 海岛恢复限制性因子缺乏淡水土壤生物资源缺乏、严重的风害或暴雨

    The limited factors of island restoration are lack of fresh water and soil, poor biological resource and severe storm.


  • BFGF细胞生长因子高科技基因生物工程提炼而成。

    The BFGF cell growth factor becomes after the high tech gene bio-engineering refinement.


  • 进一步研究一种蛋白制品可以作为最佳预测因子是否一些生物标记可能疾病进展不同时点发挥优势作用。

    The research is continuing to determine which protein combinations are the best predictors and whether some biomarkers may be better than others at different points of the disease's development.


  • 大豆异黄酮雌性激素作用影响到激素分泌、代谢生物活性蛋白质合成生长因子活性、是天然癌症化学预防

    The female hormone of soybean isoflavones is affecting on hormone secretion, metabolic biology activity, protein synthesis, growth factors activity, is the natural cancer chemoprevention agent.


  • 本文进而探讨多肽生长因子生物进化系统中的可能分布。

    The possible button of polypeptide growth factor in the evolution system was inquired first time in this peper.


  • 肺癌表皮生长因子受体基因临床生物特点

    Clinical and Biological Features Associated With Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Gene Mutations in Lung Cancers.


  • 免疫活性(ICP)表皮生长因子(EGF)两种生物活性因子,ICP对卵母细胞体外成熟胚胎体外培养影响报道

    Immunocompentent peptide (ICP) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) are two bio - active factors, the effect of ICP on in vitro maturation of bovine oocytes and development of embryos not being reported.


  • 免疫活性(ICP)表皮生长因子(EGF)两种生物活性因子,ICP对卵母细胞体外成熟胚胎体外培养影响报道

    Immunocompentent peptide (ICP) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) are two bio - active factors, the effect of ICP on in vitro maturation of bovine oocytes and development of embryos not being reported.


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