• 所以这些矿工生活就是追寻美国他们也因此丧命

    And so these miners lived — as they died — in pursuit of the American Dream.


  • 幸福感本身可以各种不同方式定义可能包含各种各样成分可能一件生活作品抑或作品也算不上;绝大多数人们却仍坚持不懈追寻这个难以捉摸的目标

    Happiness itself can be defined in many different ways, it may have all kinds of components, it may be a life's work, or even no work at all, but we are, most of us, in pursuit of this elusive goal.


  • 所以不管怎么追寻这个问题的答案,不管形成什么样的想法最后,都必然回归生活

    So, in whatever way to seek the answer, in whatever thoughts, it will come back to life eventually.


  • 但是现实发生的事情想的一样时,追寻那个场景几乎没有任何意义,相反生活受到很多限制

    But there is little point in holding on to that picture when it turns out not to happen to you. It makes life limiting.


  • 话说,不要单身当作需要拯救的境况而是作为探索追寻美好生活最大化的机会

    In other words, view being single not as a condition to be cured, but as an opportunity to be explored and lived out to its fullest.


  • 不要追寻向往的社交生活仅仅是因为觉得应该去做。

    Don't chase a social life you don't want, just because you feel you should.


  • 即使哲学家们他们观念作为追寻真理所做纯粹理论阐释这些观念却从未停止作用人类生活指南

    Even when philosophers take their ideas as pure theoretical discourse aimed at finding the Truth, their ideas have never stopped functioning as guides to human life.


  • 还是希望他们过上可能的最好生活——迎挑战追寻梦想

    But you also want them to live their own best life - to step up to challenges and follow their dreams.


  • 这座城市运转雄心壮志动力,同时,那些落后它的城市,比如克拉科夫或者查塔努加相比,它有着与之不相称的对更美好生活追寻

    The city runs on the steam of ambitious and hungry misfits in search of a better life than the ones left behind in Krakow or Chattanooga.


  • 如果存在睡眠障碍,那么你追寻远离激烈竞争过上梦寐以求生活的理想遇到严重障碍

    If you are sleep deprived you are going to be at a severe handicap in your quest to escape the rat race and live the life of your dreams.


  • 步他们后尘你要掌控生活并且决定你想要怎样活着。只要你,你就可以追寻你的梦想

    Don't let that be you. Take control of your life and decide how you want to live. You can go after your dreams if you choose to.


  • 事实上一直告诫儿子出国追寻更好的生活,去完成诺言撇开他的国家

    In fact, he consistently tells his son to go abroad, to find a better life, to fulfill his promise and leave his country behind.


  • 人们必须时间存亡,亦或者逃避世界追寻高远的生活

    One must live with time and die with it, or else elude it for a greater life.


  • 然而人们还是继续追寻快乐幸运的是,我们实际上仍旧能够找寻属于自己的快乐尽管我们生活以及周围的一切已经失去快乐。

    However, people continue to crave happiness; luckily, we can actually make our own happiness when our lives and surroundings are short on it.


  • :“持之以恒美国式生活得一体现,可是,人们常常追寻不切实际目标导致抑郁症的产生。”

    "Persistence is part of the American way of life," he says. "People here are often driven to pursue overly ambitious goals, which then can lead to depression."


  • 目的仅仅想为那些拼命追寻现实生活模型人们清楚的解释积极性消极性真实性质

    My intent is only to better explain the true nature of positivity and negativity to those who are striving for an accurate model of reality.


  • 首先如果依赖新奇感保持生活的趣味最终可能踩上一部永不停止的跑步机,永远追寻一个刺激

    For a start, if you rely on novelty to keep life interesting, you risk ending up on a perpetual treadmill, always seeking the next thrill.


  • 提到了一位西方朋友了职背包客,追寻他自己生活的意义。

    He mentioned a Western friend who had quit his job to go backpacking and find his calling in life.


  • 说来悲哀,经过数次改变人生轨迹事件清醒过来,追寻人生的意义,为追寻自由生活展开行动

    It's sad that it took that series of life-altering events to wake me up, to make me take massive action to become more free, to find meaning in my life.


  • 所以这些矿工生活就是追寻美国他们也因此丧命。

    And so these miners lived - as they died - in pursuit of the American Dream.


  • 现实生活当然许许多多的东西阻碍追寻你的热情——财务状况时间家庭里困难健康状况等等

    There are certainly very real impediments to living out your passionfinancial, timing, family difficulties, health, etc.


  • 或许物欲横流虚假繁荣社会里,你要的只是平平淡淡的生活,罾“与世无争恬淡一生”,不想反反复复追寻只做一个平凡的

    Perhaps, in this materialistic, false prosperity of society, do you want to just flatly light life, "otherwise, serene life", do not want to pursue in the repeated, do an ordinary person.


  • 除了作为告别大学生活方式外,毕业旅行现在也成了毕业生心灵追寻途径之一。

    Apart from a way to farewell college life, a graduation trip now becomes a form of soul-searching for graduates.


  • 设立目标追寻梦想创造梦想对于成功的生活相当重要的。

    Setting goals, pursuing dreams and creating new dreams are incredibly important in a successful life.


  • 生活重要件事是追求的真追寻未知世界同情痛苦

    The most important three things in life: pursue your real lover, seek the unknown world, sympathize with other person's pain.


  • 除了作为告别大学生活方式外,毕业旅行现在成了毕业生心灵追寻途径之一。

    Apart from a way to bid farewell to college life, a graduation tip now also serves as a form of soul-searching for graduates.


  • 除了作为告别大学生活方式外,毕业旅行现在成了毕业生心灵追寻途径之一。

    Apart from a way to bid farewell to college life, a graduation tip now also serves as a form of soul-searching for graduates.


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