• 另外的一大事就是要始终如一地正确认识生活处境

    Another great thing to do is constantly gain perspective on your life situation. Try this exercise.


  • 认为日本女人生活处境困难唯一应对之道就是推迟婚姻养或不养孩子

    He reckons that the only way Japanese women can manage their difficult lives is by postponing marriage and having fewer, if any, children.


  • 至于自由与生俱来的自由,一种就要取决于生活处境

    As regarding freedom, there are two types, one is inborn and the other depends on life's situations.


  • 当然追求更好自己更好生活处境但是这些都要付出巨大代价。

    Of course it is okay to aspire to better yourself and your situation, but remember that could well come with a high price.


  • 通过阅读封信,让学生感受png儿童学习生活处境艰难,学会更加珍惜自己的学习机会。

    Reading of this letter may expose the students to the sufferance of the PNG children, and teach the students to cherish their advantageous learning conditions.


  • 通过hooponopono内在家庭外在生活处境改变从而带来前方一个和谐明天

    Heal the inner family through ho 'oponopono and the outer life circumstance will also shift leading to a more harmonious day ahead.


  • 孩提时贫困处境好莱坞生活有着天壤之别。

    The poverty of her childhood stands in total contrast to her life in Hollywood.


  • 如果精神生活毫无兴趣女儿一心向往,就佐伊父亲处境一样你便认为是针对个人的反叛

    It can feel like a personal rejection if, like Zoe's dad, if you have no interest in the spiritual life, and your daughter does.


  • 心理过滤用,只用消极方式看待歪曲一个或者处境甚至整个生活

    Mental filtering. You see only negatives and dwell on them, distorting your view of a person or situation or your entire life.


  • 史密斯夫妇现在不得不极端艰难”做出决定处境下,决定是否申请赦免。或者放弃生意谢娜生活密歇根迁离。

    The Smiths now have to decide whether to apply for a waiver from the decision on grounds of "extreme hardship," or abandon the business and uproot Shayna from her life in Michigan.


  • 尽管处境看起来完美但他们还是不敢把自己甜蜜生活分享给他们的父母

    Despite the apparent perfect situation, both men are anxious about telling their parents about their happy lives.


  • 下游数千万居民生活在过分泄洪的危险之中,假如有那么千分之一的几率,大坝由于战争地震或者设计缺陷而溃坝,他们的处境就会变得更加危险。

    Tens of millions of the people who live downstream of the dam would be endangered by overflow, or worse yet, the one-in-one-thousand chance of a dam collapse due to war, earthquake or design flaws.


  • 一天生活费只有美元时,正视你的处境甚至期望美好的东西可能都是痛苦的。

    When you live on a dollar a day it may be painful to confront your circumstances too squarely, or even to aspire to better things.


  • 尽管有着铝土矿钻石巨大储量几内亚却是处境狼狈,普通民众生活每况愈下

    For despite vast reserves of bauxite and diamonds, Guinea is in a terrible mess, and life for ordinary people continues to worsen.


  • 情绪生活起伏更多依赖于我们过去当前处境

    The ups and downs of our emotional life depend a great deal on our past or present surroundings.


  • 理解处境承受的来自家庭压力,”,“我能够体谅她的父母,不过是女儿一个好人家,生活更好。”

    I understand her situation and the pressure from her family, ” he said. “I also understand that her parents want their daughter to find someone who can give her a better life.”


  • 大熊猫世界处境危险物种之一据专家估计,有1000只大熊猫生活四川盆地周围那些云雾笼罩的山里世界各地人工饲养状态下的大熊猫则有140只左右。

    Experts estimate that 1,000 giant pandas, one of the world's most endangered species, live in the foggy mountains around the Sichuan Basin, while about 140 live in captivity around the world.


  • 大熊猫世界处境危险物种之一,据专家估计,有1000只大熊猫生活四川盆地周围那些云雾笼罩山里世界各地人工饲养状态下的大熊猫则有140只左右。

    Experts estimate that 1, 000 giant pandas, one of the world's most endangered species, live in the foggy mountains around the Sichuan Basin, while about 140 live in captivity around the world.


  • 进入一个孩子生活特别是如果他们处境危险,可以让你们一生联系在一起。

    Getting involved in one child's life, especially if they are at-risk, helps you both make connections throughout your lifetime.


  • 如果某人环视处境后,认为生活应该继续下去,毁灭并不是完全势不可挡的,他们怀疑似乎会动摇开始讨论变化

    If the individual, after surveying the situation, determines that life should go on and the devastation not overwhelming, they seem to shake of their disbelieve and start talking about changes.


  • 优质生活有时外在处境毫无关系。我们感到幸福充实,很大一不部分原因在于我们内在感受。研究也证实了这点。

    The good life sometimes has little to do with outside circumstances. We are happy and fulfilled mostly by who we are on the inside. Research validates that.


  • 虽然人们关注一个处境但是有时候我们对于这种感觉过于习以为常因为已经成为了我们生活一部分

    While it does provide a way for the Universe to bring attention to a situation, we sometimes become so accustomed to the feeling that it becomes part of our life.


  • 我们现在正面临一个处境,就是,城市里,非遗美国人、西班牙裔人的生活水深火热。

    We have a situation in which we have, eh, in the city, African-American, Hispanics are living in hell.


  • 如果一颗平常心来对待生活中的挫折,那么积极的方式改变处境不是什么难事。

    If you perceive life's setbacks as business as usual, you won't bother behaving in positive ways that can change your situation.


  • 有压力活动生活现实也许不能改变当前处境

    Stressful events are a fact of life. And you may not be able to change your current situation.


  • 有压力活动生活现实也许不能改变当前处境

    Stressful events are a fact of life. And you may not be able to change your current situation.


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