• 好吧我们可能生存下来唯一办法在此生活质量处于险境,核聚变

    Well, the only way that we might survivethe quality of life is at stake here is nuclear fusion.


  • 老鼠移植癌细胞食用苹果多酚水溶液生存生活质量方面都有比较好的抗癌功效

    After consuming liquid soluble apple polyphenol mice that have been transplanted with cancer cells have greater effect against cancer whether in terms of survivability and standard of living.


  • 当然不会气候变化那样威胁地球生存但我威胁到了人类生活质量以及人类未来

    'Whilst of course it doesn't threaten the existence of the planet like climate change, I think the quality of our existence is threatened - and the kind of people we might be in the future.'


  • 当然不会气候变化那样威胁地球生存但我威胁到了人类生活质量,以及人类的未来

    'Whilst of course it doesn't threaten the existence of the planet like climate change, I think the quality of our existence is threatened -and the kind of people we might be in the future.'


  • 但是生存获益外,患者基于症状生活质量运动能力改善令人吃惊的。

    But beyond just the survival benefit, the improvement in the patients' quality of life based on their symptoms and their ability to exercise is dramatic.


  • 结论康莱特有效地控制恶性胸腔积液,提高免疫力延长生存期,改善生活质量

    Conclusion KLT can effective treat malignant pleural effusion enhance immune function prolong living time improve life quality.


  • 现代科学技术成果医学领域广泛应用,为人类生存条件改善生活质量的提高作出了巨大贡献,但同时也导致医疗费用的高速上涨。

    Widely use of modern technology in medical field not only make contribution to improve human life condition and quality of life by also sharply increase the medical care expenditure.


  • 没有证据表明症状转移疾病治疗能实质性增加生存可能会降低生活质量

    There is no proof that treatment of asymptomatic metastases substantially increases survival, and it may reduce quality of life.


  • 无论哪种治疗延长患者生存同时,重要是提高生活质量

    No matter what treatment elongates the life span of the patients, at the sme time much more important raise their quality of lives.


  • 生态系统服务人类生存生活质量贡献生态系统产品生态系统功能

    Ecosystem services are those products and functions of ecosystem that contribute to human survival and quality of life.


  • 诚然科技把双刃剑如果滥用可能会破坏我们生活质量甚至威胁到我们的生存

    C. Admittedly, technology is a double-edged sword. Which, if misused, might undermine the quality of our life and even threaten our existence.


  • 空间环境氛围营造能够提高人们生活境界文明水平生活质量体现生存价值

    To space environment atmosphere's building, can enhance people's life boundary, the civilized level and the quality of life, and manifests the survival the value.


  • 结论综合治疗提高高血压脑出血患者生存缩短病程,减少致残率提高生活质量

    Conclusion Complex therapy could increase the survival rate, improve the quality of life, and shorten the disease course and disability incidence of patients with hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage.


  • 维持性血液透析患者透析间期体重增加过多发生率较高引起各种并发症严重影响透析患者的生活质量生存时间

    Maintenance hemodialysis patients excessive interdialytic weight gains higher rate of complications arising from its serious impact on the quality of life of dialysis patients, and survival time.


  • 结论腰椎体恶性肿瘤前方手术重建可以有效治疗腰椎椎体恶性肿瘤,提高患者生活质量延长生存时间

    Conclusion the lateral anterior surgical resection and reconstruction can treat lumbar vertebral tumors effectively to improve the quality of patient's life and prolong the living time.


  • 目的探讨腰椎体恶性肿瘤前方手术重建方法提高腰椎椎体恶性肿瘤患者生活质量延长生存时间

    Objective to explore the method of lateral anterior surgical resection and reconstruction for lumbar vertebral tumors so as to improve the quality of patient's life and prolong the living time.


  • 结论天幕脑膜瘤手术切除较好的生活质量生存时间。

    Conclusion Patients with tentorial meningioma could obtain better quality of life and survive longer following microsurgical removal.


  • 甲地孕酮;晚期恶性肿瘤生活质量生存期。

    Megestrolacetate; advanced malignant neoplasm; quality of life; life span.


  • 希望长辈们多多关心煤矿工人生存状态,提高他们生活质量

    I wish the elderships could pay much more attention to the hewer's living and improve the quality of their living.


  • 当然不会气候变化那样威胁地球生存但我威胁到了人类生活质量以及人类未来

    Whilst of course it doesn't threaten the existence of the planet like climate change. I think the quality of our existence is threatened and the kind of people we might be in the future.


  • 结论健脾消积汤提高晚期乳腺癌患者生活质量延长生存时间减轻化疗引起外周血白细胞下降保护骨髓造血功能提高细胞免疫功能。

    Conclusion: JXT can improve the life quality, prolong the survival time, reduce the decrease of peripheral WBC, protect the hematopoiesis of bone marrow and increase immunologic function.


  • 此外改善生存无病生存患者生活质量营养状况

    Furthermore, it improves the QoL and the nutritional status of affected patients with favorable overall and disease-free survival.


  • 评述长期生存肿瘤患者躯体心理社会问题研究解决这些问题全面提高患者生活质量具有重要意义

    To summary the complications of somatic, psychological and societal in cancer survivor. To study and solve these problems. It would be significant to improve survivors quality of life.


  • 姑息化疗目的不是为了治愈患者的癌症,仅仅为了他们获得更好生活质量虽然如此,但是,这种治疗也可能轻微改善生存

    Palliative chemotherapy is not intended to cure patients of cancer, only to make their lives more tolerable. Nonetheless, this treatment may slightly improve survival.


  • 应用地尔硫对DCM早期干预改变D CM自然进程提高患者生活质量生存率。

    Diltiazem intervention in early stage of DCM may change the natural course of disease and improving life quality of patients.


  • 发现、早诊断、早治疗提高青年人直肠癌患者生存生活质量关键。

    Early discovery, diagnosis and treatment are necessary to elevate survival rates and quality of life for young patients.


  • 评价病毒性角膜炎患者生活质量及其影响因素,笔者采用视功能损伤患者生存质量量表。

    Evaluate the quality of life and influence factors in viral keratitis patients, and to assess the impact of diseases on patient is life.


  • 比较治疗前后临床症候常规肝肾功能免疫功能AFP肿瘤病灶生活质量KPS评分的变化,统计生存

    The clinical symptoms, routine blood count, liver and kidney functions, immune function, AFP, tumor focus, KPS score and survival period were compared before and after treatment.


  • 结论联合脏器切除术及置化疗治疗胃癌合并腹腔脏器转移可以延长生存期,改善生活质量

    Conclusion Combined devisceration and following chemotherapy through an inseted pump can prolong the survival time of the patients with advanced cancer and abdominal metastasis.


  • 结论联合脏器切除术及置化疗治疗胃癌合并腹腔脏器转移可以延长生存期,改善生活质量

    Conclusion Combined devisceration and following chemotherapy through an inseted pump can prolong the survival time of the patients with advanced cancer and abdominal metastasis.


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