• 充分发挥安全生产委员会作用实施安全生产责任目标管理

    Give full play to the role of safety production Committee, the implementation of safety production responsibility target management.


  • 当时,负责利用民间经济军事机器上的“战时生产委员会”,成立一个帮助改进军品品质部门

    At that time, the War Production Board, whose job was to harness the civilian economy to the military machine, set up a department to help improve quality in the military.


  • "生产阿拉斯加鲑鱼公司立马获准产品展示海洋管理工作委员会图标

    Seven companies producing Alaska salmon were immediately granted permission to display the MSC logo on their products.


  • 根据美国联邦贸易委员会提出改革方案,那些声称生产环保产品的制造商如何消费者宣传产品方面面临严格规定

    Manufacturers of products that claim to be environmentally friendly will face tighter rules on how they are advertised to consumers under changes proposed by the Federal Trade Commission.


  • 委员会观察一系列指标包括就业率工业生产指数、实际收入批发零售数据以此来确定商业活动数量

    This committee determines the amount of business activity in the economy by looking at things like employment, industrial production, real income and wholesale-retail sales.


  • 去年汽车制造商争吵了一通没有达成自愿减排目标欧洲委员会即将迫使汽车制造商限制他们生产汽车二氧化碳的排放强度

    After a row last year with carmakers, which had failed to meet voluntary emissions targets, the European Commission is about to force them to limit the carbon intensity of their fleets.


  • 总部设在佛罗里达州冬季公园国家芒果委员会美国市场上的大部分芒果墨西哥厄尔多瓜秘鲁巴西危地马拉海地生产的。

    According to the National mango Board, based in Winter Park, Fla., most mangoes consumed in the U.S. are produced in Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Guatemala and Haiti.


  • 例如上面提到美国专家委员会阿斯巴生产公司成立的。

    The U.S. experts-panel study cited above, for example, was funded by a company that produces aspartame.


  • 委员会起诉英特尔非法电脑制造商退款,劝阻使用超微半导体公司生产芯片

    The commission accuses Intel of paying illegal rebates to computer-makers to dissuade them from using chips made by Advanced Micro Devices, Intel's arch-rival.


  • 作为一个帮助奶游说机构欧洲牛奶委员会希望欧盟立刻锐减5%的奶制品,其指出这可以通过限定配额,也可以通过贴现的方式让农民自愿减少生产来实现。

    The European Milk Board, a farmers' lobby, wants EU dairy production curbed by 5% immediately, either through quotas or by paying farmers to limit production voluntarily.


  • 去年受到国际贸易委员会裁决的鼓励,其他公司也纷纷生产蔗糖素Splenda抗衡。

    Buoyed by a ruling from the International Trade Commission last year, other firms are now producing sucralose to compete with Splenda.


  • 监管委员会采取行动强生去年8月欧洲亚洲市场上的Acuvueand TruEye隐形眼镜由于生产问题被召回。

    Regulators abroad are taking actions too: J&J's Acuvue and TruEye contact lenses were recalled in Europe and Asia last August due to manufacturing problems.


  • 委员会确定了15 个新的制剂,采用全球计量标准以指导生产厂商药品监督管理部门开展生物药品工作。

    The committee also established 15 new reference preparations, which are global measurement standards that guide manufacturers and regulatory authorities on the activity of biological medicines.


  • 面对愤怒环保斗士欧盟委员会已经通过了重量匹配”制度。该制度允许生产自重较重汽车制造商(即德国制造商)生产排放量较高的汽车。

    To the fury of green campaigners, the commission has agreed to a "weight dispensation" that will allow makers of heavier cars (ie, the Germans) to produce higher fleet-average emissions.


  • 根据委员会数据,欧洲每年生产大约200,000蜂蜜,主要自保加利亚,德国希腊匈牙利罗马尼亚

    The EU produces around 200, 000 tones of honey per year, and Bulgaria, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary and Romania are the bloc's biggest producers, according to the Commission.


  • 这种模式下资源生产消费者环保主义者其他相关团体协商分配,将生产周边地区和消费者委员会组成的网络中流通。

    On thismodel, resources would be allocated by negotiations between producers,consumers, environmentalists and other relevant parties, in networks ofworkplace, neighbourhood and consumer councils.


  • Mislah石油生产基地生产了利比亚部分最好石油国民委员会售出第一石油前遭到卡扎菲势力的袭击。

    The generator at Mislah, which produces some of Libyaâ s best-quality oil, was attacked by pro-Qaddafi forces just as the national council was preparing to sell its first tanker of oil.


  • 世界14个突出手机生产在同意欧盟委员会连接标准,于2009年6月签署这项决定。

    The world’s 14 most prominent mobile manufacturers have been sent details by the European Commission of a new standard connection, after they agreed to sign up to it in June 2009.


  • 世界14个突出手机生产在同意欧盟委员会连接标准,于2009年6月签署这项决定。

    The world's 14 most prominent mobile manufacturers have been sent details by the European Commission of a new standard connection, after they agreed to sign up to it in June 2009.


  • 公司严格采用国际电工委员会英国美国标准生产

    The Company Strict adoption of the International Electrotechnical Commission, British, American standard production.


  • 他对参议院银行业委员会(Senate Banking Committee)美联储正在调查多个高盛(GoldmanSachs)公司相关问题以及这些公司与希腊进行的生产安排

    'We are looking into a number of questions related to Goldman Sachs and other companies and their derivatives arrangements with Greece,' Mr. Bernanke told the Senate Banking Committee.


  • 国际医院医疗设备招标委员会可直接医疗设备招标公告通知医疗设备生产企业投标人(以下简称投标人)。

    The Tender Committee of Medical Equipments for Yanda International Hospital will also notify, of the bidding bulletin, the bidder of the enterprises that produce medical equipments.


  • 巴尔金补充说,石油部长纳尔逊·马丁内斯带领委内瑞拉全新欧佩克欧佩克部长委员会监测生产方面发挥核心作用

    Barkindo added that Venezuela, and its new Oil minister Nelson Martinez, would play a central role in a new OPEC, non - OPEC ministerial committee charted with monitoring production.


  • 美国国际贸易委员会(itc)初步裁定宏达电子(HTC)———基于GoogleAndroid操作系统智能手机生产商,侵犯苹果专利

    A trade tribunal in America issued a preliminary ruling that HTC, which produces smartphones based on Google's Android operating system, had infringed two patents owned by Apple.


  • 华盛顿军事情报官员告诉参议院委员会伊朗可能年后生产足够可用于制造核武器高浓缩铀。

    In Washington, a military intelligence official told a Senate committee that Iran could be one year away from producing enough highly-enriched uranium for a nuclear weapon.


  • 我们丰富经验一领域专门从事生产小组委员会断面家具现代办公现代家庭。

    We have rich experience in this field and specialize in the production of panel board sectional furniture for modern office and modern family.


  • 美国大豆委员会打个电话——他们告诉公顷生产多少加仑燃料

    Call the American Soy Bean Board - you know how many gallons of fuel they'll tell you you can get out of an acre of land?


  • 美国大豆委员会打个电话——他们告诉公顷生产多少加仑燃料

    Call the American Soy Bean Board - you know how many gallons of fuel they'll tell you you can get out of an acre of land?


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