• 史学根据使理论更为可信。

    Historical evidence lends credence to his theory.


  • 自己新潮理论分心了。

    Don't let yourself be distracted by fashionable theories.


  • 洛克17世纪创立这个理论

    Locke originated this theory in the 17th century.


  • 遗憾的是,事实完全证实理论

    Unhappily the facts do not wholly bear out the theory.


  • 理论研究实际应用之间存在时滞

    There is a time-lag between theoretical research and practical applications.


  • 不可否认,想法理论深度

    There was undeniably a strong theoretical dimension to his thinking.


  • 课程的目标基本上理论的。

    The course is essentially theoretical in orientation.


  • 他们谈论那些相互矛盾生命起源理论

    They talked about the competing theories of the origin of life.


  • 这些理论现已大多受到语言学家的质疑

    These theories are now largely discredited among linguists.


  • 理论不适用于许多不发达经济体

    His theory was inapplicable to many underdeveloped economies.


  • 一套理论应当内在一致

    A theory should be internally consistent.


  • 爱因斯坦拥有抛弃早已既定的理论胆识

    Einstein had the chutzpah to discard long-established theory.


  • 理论未经过验证

    The theory remains untested.


  • 学生们学会课堂上学理论实际应用

    Students learned the practical application of the theory they had learned in the classroom.


  • 第一学生以后学习奠定坚实理论基础

    The first year provides students with a sound theoretical basis for later study.


  • 这一对比表明理论实践之间有相当大出入

    The comparison shows considerable disagreement between theory and practice.


  • 量子力学混沌理论指出世界处在不断变化

    Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux.


  • 那个理论有些漏洞一些没有得到解答问题

    There were some holes in that theory, some unanswered questions.


  • 弗洛伊德关于女儿理论没有什么证据证实

    The Freudian theory about daughters falling in love with their father has little evidence to support it.


  • 星系中心接收到无线电信号证实黑洞理论

    Radio signals received from the galaxy's centre back up the black hole theory.


  • 理论各种政治宗教信仰完美地结合起来了。

    His theories mesh together various political and religious beliefs.


  • 教的是理论没有任何东西能代替实践经验

    The course teaches you the theory but there's no substitute for practical experience.


  • 他们学习商业管理理论其付诸实践方面表现优异

    They have excelled in learning the lessons of business management theory, and putting them into action.


  • 来自于那些研究其他研究的结果开始成形一个理论

    Results from those studies and others began to jell into a new theory.


  • 建筑历史学理论热爱使科学技术兴趣更加浓厚了。

    His interest in science and technology was leavened by a genuine passion for architectural history and theory.


  • 达·芬奇研究非常有条理,仔细地记录下他的观察所得理论

    Da Vinci was methodical in his research, carefully recording his observations and theories.


  • 我们发现所有主流经济学家中出现了一种背离劳动理论惊人变化

    We observe a striking shift away from a labour theory among all mainline economists.


  • 不能确定自己理解是否正确尽管理论逻辑推理引起的兴趣。

    He wasn't sure he'd got it right, although the theory attracted him by its logic.


  • 马克思提出了一个理论,认为历史变革由于对立集团冲突而产生的。

    Marx produced a new theory about historical change based upon conflict between competing groups.


  • 节目不赞同如下理论作为中等品味媒体的电视不如最富智慧电影那样睿智,又不笨拙不堪的电影那样笨拙。

    This programme disproves the theory that TV, a middlebrow medium, is neither as smart as the smartest films nor as dumb as the dumbest.


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