• 这个赛季至今射中21

    He has netted 21 goals so far this season.


  • 落地地方了个标记

    He placed a marker where the ball had landed.


  • 我们需要努力中场更多

    We need to try and get the midfield scoring more goals.


  • 轻轻一触,踢进门柱之间

    He stroked the ball between the posts.


  • 转身一盘,绕过守门员

    He turned and curled the ball around the goalkeeper.


  • 托雷尔巴把猛打到左边看台上

    Torrealba belted the ball into the left-field bleachers.


  • 守门员刚好捅出门的横梁

    The goalkeeper just managed to tip the ball over the crossbar.


  • 联队上半场被攻入了

    United conceded two goals in the first half.


  • 一时地失掉了,让霍洛威跑垒成功。

    The ball was bobbled momentarily, allowing Holloway to race home.


  • 金属相撞声音。

    I listened to the thwack of the metal balls.


  • 随着山下滚动速度越来越快

    The ball gathered pace as it rolled down the hill.


  • 欧文勉力捅入网窝。

    Owen managed to scramble the ball into the net.


  • 欧文戈达德各

    Owen and Goddard scored a goal apiece.


  • 熟练地接住了。

    He fielded the ball expertly.


  • ,却扑到。

    He dived for the ball and missed.


  • 欧文对准无人控制就是一脚,破门得分

    Owen pounced on the loose ball and scored.


  • 里有2只小鸡:还只是两个灰色小毛

    The nest contained two chicks: just small grey balls of fluff.


  • 刺猬团成了一个

    The hedgehog rolled up into a ball.


  • 抛给了安娜

    He tossed the ball to Anna.


  • 给了安娜

    He tossed Anna the ball.


  • 希望提高过去场比赛打进纪录。

    He hopes to improve on his tally of three goals in the past nine games.


  • 传给欧文

    He passed the ball to Owen.


  • 攻进另有险些破门。

    He scored two goals and had another two near misses.


  • 门柱弹回欧文攻进。

    The ball rebounded from the goalpost and Owen headed it in.


  • 羽毛时候跟腱撕裂了。

    While playing badminton, I ruptured my Achilles tendon.


  • 年轻的时候威尔士橄榄

    In his younger days he played rugby for Wales.


  • 终场哨响时三分未中。

    He missed a three-point attempt at the buzzer.


  • 25英尺处推进洞中。

    She holed out from 25 feet.


  • 这场比赛中发了20个爱司

    He served 20 aces in the match.


  • 悠悠似的蹦蹦跳跳。

    He kept bouncing up and down like a yo-yo.


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