• 曼哈顿麦迪逊大街路易·威登黑亮的玻璃折映街头行人匆匆步履。

    The Louis Vuitton boutique on Madison Avenue in Manhattan. The tinted glass doors reflected the snappy walking of the pedestrians out on the street.


  • 至少围观者所作第一个结论没错,这件小小的破坏行为,首先玻璃店带来生意

    This little act of vandalism will in the first instance mean more business for some glazier .


  • TLC玻璃店(TLCGlass)旧金山商务区边上一家修理店,砸车盗窃案增多的现实后果在这里得以体现。

    At TLC Glass, a repair shop on the edge of San Francisco's business district, the more prosaic consequences of the rise in car break-ins are on display.


  • 威尼斯我们乘船游览泻湖参观了一家玻璃加工工厂了一条黑色拉小船,离开城里之前一家普拉达专卖店短暂停留一会儿

    In Venice, we crisscrossed the lagoon by ferry, visited a glass factory, rented a fleet of black gondolas, and had time for a quick stop at Prada before heading back out of town.


  • 位于纽约第五道上苹果旗舰一个大的玻璃立方体顾客探索楼梯

    Shoppers navigate a staircase at Apple's Fifth Avenue store in New York, which is a big glass cube.


  • 专卖店坐落草地中间澄亮轿车就停靠在闪闪发光的玻璃墙之后。

    It's in the middle of a grassy field, shiny sedans behind gleaming glass walls.


  • 纽约旗舰店24小时营业,一个32英尺长的玻璃立方体,非常与众不同

    That one, open 24 hours a day, is a distinctive 32-foot glass cube.


  • 19世纪20年代德国玻璃郁金香(German glass tulips)曾经标价3650美元,现在芭拉波拉克古董店(BarbaraPollack Antiques)提供出售。

    German glass tulips from the 1920s were priced at $3, 650, available from Barbara Pollack Antiques.


  • 高档一点古玩为了防尘文物漂亮陈列玻璃柜子里,那里往往令人望而却步。(新概念第三册,L34)

    The more expensive kind of antique shop where rare objects are beautifully displayed in glass cases to keep them free from dust is usually a forbidding place.


  • 拉丝玻璃楼梯橡木桌子——伦敦文特花园最新开设的苹果零售店拥有一切对于这家公司期待的。

    Brushed steel, glass stairs, oak tables - the latest Apple retail store in London's Covent Garden has everything you'd expect from the company.


  • 投影仪店内窗玻璃上投射影像,安在玻璃层薄薄的触摸板使触摸屏得以运转。

    A projector beams the images onto the window pane from the inside of the shop, while a thin touch foil mounted on the glass powers the touch screen.


  • 顺便一提,也许好奇苹果店玻璃立方体怎么胶合板给遮起来了,是因为公司决定重新装修一下,把原来90玻璃减少15块。

    Anyway, in case you're wondering why the Apple cube is enshrouded with plywood, it's because the company has decided that 90 pieces of glass is too many and it's replacing them with 15 pieces.


  • 很明显,阿巴登博士被眼前的乌贼吸引住了,似乎眼睛都不能玻璃窗上移开了.那一瞬间,这个成年男子崔西想到了个站宠物店橱窗边上男孩,渴望能够进去一看小狗.秒钟之后,在无限憧憬地向窗口着.

    For a moment, the grown man reminded Trish of a little boy at a pet-store window, wishing he could go in and see a puppy. Five seconds later, he was still staring longingly through the window.


  • 昆明苹果玻璃AppleStore”的字样,不是象真的苹果那样只是简单的呈现苹果的商标图案。

    The Kunming store had the words "Apple store" printed on a sign in the window, rather than the simple Apple logo displayed in real locations.


  • 店内两侧设置了玻璃楼梯踏步两端金属托架锚固,形成漂浮之感,引导人们来到上层空间。

    Two glass stairways, fixed with metal "pucks" to create the appearance of floating treads, are located at either end of the store and lead to the upper level.


  • 他们受雇于建筑玻璃安装承包商零售服务维修和玻璃加工车间或者可能成为自雇人士

    They are employed by construction glass installation contractors, retail service and repair shops and glass fabrication shops, or they may be self-employed.


  • 高档一点古玩为了防尘文物漂亮地陈列玻璃柜子里,那里往往令人望而却步。

    The more expensive kind of antique shop where rare objects are beautifully displayed in glass cases to keep them free from dust is usually a forbidding place.


  • 这个面包精品店位于秘鲁利马有时尚品牌昂贵胡桃木墙面玻璃盖的桌子相比传统糕点看起来精致的酒吧

    Stylish branding, walls of rich walnut and glass topped tables make this boutique bakery in Lima, Peru, look more like a sophisticated bar than a conventional pastry shop.


  • 我站珠宝店柜台前仔细欣赏闪光夺目的珠宝以及明亮磨光玻璃柜里独具匠心的宝石镶座。

    I stood at the jewelry counter carefully scrutinizing the glittering stones and creative Settings in the brilliantly polished glass case.


  • 高档一点古玩为了防尘文物漂亮地陈列玻璃柜子里,那里往往令人望而却步。 。

    Thee more expensive kind of antique shop where rare objects are beautifully displayed in glass cases to keep them free from dust is usually a forbidding place.


  • 扭头,原来妻子目光穿透那扇时装店玻璃门,停了一套非常漂亮高级套裙上。

    I turned round and saw her staring through the glass door of a fashion parlor at a very elegant high-class skirt.


  • 玻璃玻璃、玻璃隔墙橱窗扶梯围栏屏蔽玻璃

    Glass for Windows, wall cladding, doors, spacers, bathrooms, shop Windows, fences of escalator, building shields, automobile, etc.


  • 厅,和所有酒食厅堂一样,有桌子酒罐玻璃瓶喝酒的人、吸烟的人,烛光暗淡,语声喧杂。

    This room resembled all drinking-shop rooms, --tables, pewter jugs, bottles, drinkers, smokers; but little light and a great deal of noise.


  • 木材其它建材零售商油漆玻璃与纸五金店苗圃,草皮与花园用品零售店活动房屋零售园。

    Lumber and other building materials Paint, glass, and wallpaper stores Hardware stores Retail nurseries and garden stores Mobile home dealers.


  • 朝阳警方证实苹果玻璃门被砸一事

    Chaoyang Police confirmed the incident smashed glass doors of Apple stores.


  • 朝阳警方证实苹果玻璃门被砸一事

    Chaoyang Police confirmed the incident smashed glass doors of Apple stores.


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