• 狂怒风暴减弱了

    The fury of the storm subsided.


  • 狂怒村民笼子形的舞台制造了场悲剧

    The villagers in rage caused a tragedy on the cage-like stage.


  • 狂怒黄蜂会庄稼造成很大的伤害

    An angry hornet does much damage to the crops.


  • 势利英帝国堤坝阻挡着狂怒有色人种的海洋

    The dikes of imperial snobbery hold back a raging sea of color.


  • 狂怒循环难道会变成嗜血+猛击,剩下的英勇打击怒?

    Will the rotation for a Fury Warrior just be Bloodthirst and Slam with Heroic Strike to burn off rage?


  • 好像已经听到狂怒质问宣布窗外的寒冷气候变暖结果

    I can already hear the howls of execration: now you're claiming that this cooling is the result of warming!


  • 由于紧张,渐渐地疲惫不堪,几乎没有耐心再狂怒大海抗衡。

    For strained nerve, gradually, he became tired and practically impatient to resist the raged sea.


  • 狂暴(Ex):每天,狂暴龙兽可以进入一种狂怒状态持续11

    Rage (Ex) : Four times per day, a rage drake can enter a state of fierce rage that lasts 11 rounds.


  • 狂暴(Ex):每天,炼狱狂暴龙兽可以进入一种狂怒状态,持续12

    Rage (Ex) : Four times per day, a fiendish rage drake can enter a state of fierce rage that lasts 12 rounds.


  • 所有恶魔包括阿克·德,被吸入永恒之狂怒嚎叫着,被扔扭曲虚空

    All the demons, including Archimonde, were sucked into the Well and forced back into the Twisting Nether, howling in fury.


  • 触须船只间移动,把人类恶魔的舰船拖卷在一起和风被搅动狂怒混沌

    His tendrils wove among the ships, drawing demon and human craft together, churning the water and wind into a raging chaos.


  • 其中一个蒙面滚动珠子上,摔倒地。听到狂怒叫喊,持枪同伴转过身去

    One of the masked men slid as his foot hit a rolling bead and his companion holding the gun turned at the sound of his fury.


  • 甚至走廊纳什自动行为可以引出狂怒为什么说哈罗?”

    Even the small act of saying an automatic hello to Nash in a hallway could elicit a furious "Why are you saying hello to me?"


  • 一种方法告知:“尽管去发怒遭受狂怒后果将会治愈你。”

    According to one method he would be told: "Get as angry as you like, you will suffer the consequences of your anger and this will cure you."


  • 山上下来接近营地,因眼前看到景象,感到震惊,拿着法板,然后狂怒把法板在了山脚下

    He comes down from the mountain, he approaches the camp, he's stunned by what he sees. He's carrying the tablets, the instructions, and then he smashes them at the foot of the mountain in fury.


  • 带着耳环,他一个iPod,他有一部黑莓手机,他历尽各种沧桑,他最终成功到达暴雪狂怒白宫

    He has an earring, he has an iPod, he has a BlackBerry - and after all kinds of vicissitudes he makes it through to the White House, where a blizzard is raging.


  • 留有狂怒情绪会使事情变得糟,记住这些不幸的遭遇它们本身那么糟,反而一个我们变得更坚强机会

    To remember that emotional rage only makes matters worse. And to remember that tragedies are rarely as bad as they seem, and even when they are, they give us an opportunity to grow stronger.


  • 许多同性恋人士都希望能为巴拉克·奥巴马胜利而欢呼庆祝加州通过禁止同性结婚提案之后狂怒他们走上了街头而不是举行庆祝派对

    Many in the gay and lesbian community hoped to celebrate the victory of Barack Obama, but instead of partying they have taken to the streets in fury after California voted to reverse gay marriage.


  • 作为礼貌行为典范已经克服内心狂怒情绪

    A model of good manners, he has conquered any inward fury.


  • 老人狂怒消失了,变得温柔起来。

    The old man's frenzy departed, and he became all gentleness.


  • 迫使来到这里经济形势这份有损人格工作感到狂怒痛恨的当属我自己

    I felt rage at the economy that forced me here and the demeaning nature of the job, but most of all at myself.


  • 他酒醉狂怒,拿刀威胁我们想要更多

    In a drunken rage, he demanded more cash and threatened us.


  • 透过狂怒迷蒙雾霭觉得把枪发到手里更大更感觉更重

    Through the mists of rage and bewilderment he saw that it was bigger and blacker than it had been when it was issued to him. It felt heavier, too.


  • 一些iPads怪诞地作为祭品留在商店好像现代上帝不是需要鸡肉而是电子商品安抚他们狂怒

    Some iPads were, bizarrely, left at the shops as an offering, as if modern gods demand not chickens, but small electrical goods, to soothe their rages.


  • 巴勒斯坦阿拉伯媒体掀起一阵狂怒

    A storm of abuse raged in the Palestinian and Arab press.


  • 过去只存在于停电之后苏醒过来时身处的具令厌恶完美躯体,存在于他面对脚踏出租车司机那种狂怒,存在于酸雨中拒绝回头的背影。

    History was his loathing for the perfect body he woke in if the juice dropped, his fury at the pedal-cab driver, and her refusal to look back through the contaminated rain.


  • 过去只存在于停电之后苏醒过来时身处的具令厌恶完美躯体,存在于他面对脚踏出租车司机那种狂怒,存在于酸雨中拒绝回头的背影。

    History was his loathing for the perfect body he woke in if the juice dropped, his fury at the pedal-cab driver, and her refusal to look back through the contaminated rain.


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