• 新的犯罪构成应按照犯罪客观方面犯罪客体犯罪主观方面犯罪主体顺序排列。

    The new order of constitutions of crimes is crime objective respect, object of crime, crime subjective respect and subject of crime.


  • 合同诈骗犯罪案件侦查犯罪主观方面证据特别是非法占有目的证据调查重点和难点。

    In the criminal investigation of the crime of contract fraud, it is the key point to investigate the subjective evidence, especially the evidence of illegal possession.


  • 文章采用犯罪构成四要件学说犯罪主体、犯罪主观方面犯罪客体犯罪客观方面四部分。

    This paper still USES the theory of constitutive elements of crime, which includes criminal objects, objective aspects and criminal subjects and subjective aspects.


  • 所以本文持有犯罪主体客体并未多加笔墨,着重犯罪主观方面与客观方面对持有犯罪进行了评述。

    Therefore, there are no more word on subject and object of crime of possession, but concentrate on subjective aspects and objective aspects.


  • 定义我们可以看出刑法认识错误犯罪主观方面有着密切联系因此定罪量刑都有着重要影响

    From this definition we can see that the Penal Code subjective awareness of errors and crimes are closely linked, so the right conviction, sentencing has had an important impact.


  • 部分主要是从犯罪客体方面犯罪客观方面犯罪主体方面以及犯罪主观方面过失危险犯罪构成进行了分析。

    This section is mainly from the object of a crime, criminal objective, the subject of crime and crime and so subjective, on Potential Damage of crime analyzed.


  • 故意犯罪主观方面包括认识因素意志因素两个方面认识因素相较意志因素而言更为重要

    The subjective aspect that commit crime intentionally includes to know factor and two aspects of the will factor, but know that the factor compare the will factor but speeches are more important.


  • 当前大学生犯罪呈现新的趋势原因包括主观客观两个方面

    College students' crime, which has certain subjective and objective causes, shows a new development trend.


  • 部分妨害作证犯罪客体客观方面妨害作证罪主体主观方面四个方面论述妨害作证罪的构成要件

    The part from prejudice to testify object of the Crime, objectivity, Obstruction of Witnessing the subject, the subjective aspects of four to discuss prejudice to testify Crime Legislation.


  • 论述了共同犯罪成立条件包括主体客观方面主观方面的条件。

    Discussed the conditions for the establishment of a common crime, including the main objective, the subjective conditions.


  • 犯罪主观方面强调无论是自然人为主体或是单位主体合同诈骗罪必须具备非法占有为目的主观故意

    The subjective of the crime stresses the subjective intention having to possess something with illegal way for aims, whose subject of the crime of contract fraud is the nature or the unit.


  • 该罪犯罪客体客观方面主体主观方面都有自己特征

    This crime has some special features in terms of crime object, objective aspect, crime subject and subjective aspect.


  • 关于绑架主观方面主要论述了绑架罪的目的对于区分绑架罪其他犯罪意义

    As for the subjective aspects of kidnapping, the author mainly expounds significance of deciding the objective of kidnapping in differentiating it from other crimes.


  • 侵犯商业秘密罪故意犯罪主观方面包括过失

    The crime of commercial espionage is a kind of intentional crime and its subjective aspect shouldn't include negligence.


  • 主观方面表现故意即过失构成酷刑犯罪的。

    The subjective aspects's performance is intentional, negligence is not constitute torture crime.


  • 司法机关工作人员不仅应该犯罪行为人主观故意为主要依据,必须考虑爆炸手段爆炸结果客观方面内容

    Judicial authority staff should not only regard crime actor's subjective on purpose, but also consider objective content of explosion means and result of exploding etc.


  • 第三论述持有犯罪构成要件问题,着重分析持有型犯罪的客观方面主观方面

    In Chapter Three, it explores the constituent elements of possession crimes, it mainly analysis the objective and subjective aspects of possession crimes.


  • 生产销售假药行为是违法还是犯罪,应从其客体客观方面主体主观方面四个要件划分。

    The distinction between crime and illegality in production and sale of bogus or substandard drugs should be made by the four elements, namely subject, subjectivity, object and objectivity.


  • 黑社会性质组织犯罪原因主观客观方面

    The reason of the crime in terms of underworld nature organization has subjective and objective aspects.


  • 行为犯罪客体、实行行为特性以及犯罪主观方面显著不同结果犯其他犯罪类型特点。

    The behavioral offense is quite different from the consequential offense and other kinds of crimes in the criminal object, the features of behavior and the subjective elements of crimes.


  • 文章犯罪主体犯罪客体犯罪主观方面犯罪客观方面内幕交易犯罪构成进行了分析以期对实践中该罪的认定有所裨益。

    This paper analyzes the constitution of the crime of insider dealing from the subjects and objects of crimes, the subjective and objective elements of crimes, hoping to be.


  • 侵占主观方面部分,论述侵占罪是以非法占有目的犯罪主观直接故意

    The part of the subjective aspects of the Crime of Embezzlement: It aims at owning public and private property unlawfully and has the direct intent subjectively.


  • 文章滥用职权犯罪构成中的一些争议问题进行了探讨,对该罪主体主观客观方面等构成要件进行界定。

    In this thesis, I inquired into some disputing questions about constitution of crime of abuse of authority. I delimitated the constitutions of the crime of subject subjectivity and object.


  • 主观方面特征主要说明虐待主观方面直接故意分析直接故意相联系犯罪目的动机等

    Forth, the characteristics on the part of subjective mainly explain the crime of abuse should be direct intent subjectively and analyzes the crime purpose and motive related to the direct intent.


  • 挪用公款罪的共犯必须同时具备犯罪主体客观方面主观方面三个条件

    Embezzlement accomplice should have three conditions including crime subject, objective and subjective aspects.


  • 犯罪构成四大要件意志自由密切相关思想因素意志自由因素或主观恶性因素,是定罪所必须考虑的重要条件,量刑与行刑方面的重要作用亦不可小视

    Four important parts constituting the crime all have close correlation with the freedom of will, the mentality factor, also called the freedom of will factor or the subjective malignant facto.


  • 业务过失犯罪主体主观方面客体客观方面四个方面的要件展开分析。

    The paper analyze four aspects including its subject, subjective aspect and its object , objective aspect.


  • 主观方面作者认为犯罪主观罪过只能直接故意明知程度知道应当知道。

    In the subjective, the authors believe that the perpetrators of the crime can only be subjective and deliberately direct, which he knows should be aware of the extent and can be aware of the extent.


  • 传染病防治失职属于渎职罪中的具体罪名该罪犯罪客体、客观方面、主体和主观方面都有自己特征。

    The crime of breach of duty concerning epidemical prevention and cure is categorized as a specific crime of dereliction of duty. ollege students deemed as a special social group.


  • 传染病防治失职属于渎职罪中的具体罪名该罪犯罪客体、客观方面、主体和主观方面都有自己特征。

    The crime of breach of duty concerning epidemical prevention and cure is categorized as a specific crime of dereliction of duty. ollege students deemed as a special social group.


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