• 海洋山东国土资源特色优势

    Ocean is the superiority and the characteristics of Shandong Province in the land resources.


  • 报道选题结合自身特色优势紧扣“教科文”;

    Reports with its own characteristics and advantages of the selection and cultural:ESC.


  • 哈佛中心具有三大特色优势:第一,强大的科研团队支持。

    Our research center has three mainly strengths and characteristics that differs from others in China.


  • 健康状态研究引起国内外普遍关注中医药预防调理亚健康状态的特色优势日益明显

    The research of the sub clinical state has attracted widespread attention at home and abroad. The recuperation of sub clinical state with TCM has their own significant characteristic and advantage.


  • 王国强说,中医药教育中医药事业基础,也是中国教育体系独具特色优势重要组成部分

    Said Wang Guoqiang, Chinese medicine in medical education is the basis for the cause of China's education system and the unique advantages of an important part.


  • 扩大开放海南服务业国际经济接轨、进一步发挥特区功能主要内容,是海南发挥自身特色优势的关键。

    Further opening_up is the major content of both Hainan's Service Industry's going international and the further play of Hainan's function as a SEZ;


  • 结果:中医中药用于治疗阿片类物质依赖已有百余年历史积累了丰富宝贵的经验形成一定特色和优势

    RESULTS it is a century history for Chinese herbs to treat substance-dependence of opium so it has plentiful and precious experience and forms a certain of advantages.


  • 结果受访学生导师认为七年制定位很尴尬缺乏特色优势建议制定明确具体的科研能力临床操作能力标准。

    Results Most interviewees thought that 7-year education had no its traits and advantages and suggested stipulating specific clinic ability and research ability criterion.


  • 我们追求能够专业稳健地为持有人股东创造平滑收益率曲线也是作为银行基金明显特色和优势

    We have to be able to pursue professional, stable holders and shareholders to create a smooth curve, which is the banking system as the most obvious characteristics of the Fund and advantages.


  • 正确认识汉中旅游资源特色优势客源市场定位基础,也是合理进行线路布局实现旅游资源优化配置的关键

    A better understanding of the features and the superiority is the base for marketing visitors, and the key to a reasonable layout of the touring lines and a rational use of the resources.


  • 假如精力集中扬长”上,集中寻找自己特色优势上,那么也许只要找出一个亮点来,你成功了!

    But if you concentrate on "swagger", and focus on looking for their own characteristics and advantages, then, perhaps, as long as a window to find out, you will be successful!


  • 整体运动的、辩证思想指导下所阐述的生命观、健康观、疾病观、医学模式形成了中医基础理论体系基本学术特色优势

    The life, health, disease, and medical model are the basic academic characteristics and advantages of TCM basic theory system in the whole, sports, and dialectical thinking.


  • 中东欧汽车、船舶飞机制造污水处理酿酒生物制药许多行业优势,许多技术工艺特色

    You have advantages and distinctive technologies and techniques in such sectors as auto-making, ship building, aircraft manufacturing, sewage treatment, brewery and bio-pharmacy.


  • 公司经过20多年奋斗形成了自己产品特色技术优势

    Company after 20 years of struggle, and has formed its own characteristics and technical advantages of Products.


  • 相信竞争日趋激烈的餐饮市场,阿仔泰国百味凭借自身优势特色成为类市场的主导品牌。

    I believe in the increasingly competitive restaurant market, Thailand A Subway bread biscuits will be with their own advantages and characteristics to become a market leader in cake.


  • 优势得分篮板应该算是湖人特色了,他们最大优势还是他们的深度。

    Strengths: Scoring and rebounding should be attributes for the Lakers, but their biggest strong point is their depth.


  • 具体来说,地方高校结合自己学科专业优势地域文化背景选定特色栏目主题

    To be more specific, local university must choose the theme of the column by integrating its own subjects and cultural background.


  • 高管辅导行业提出了很多定义风度”的方式——发现自己最具特色嗓音展现真实自我优势热情于一身

    The executive coaching world offers myriad ways to define presencefinding your signature voice, presenting your authentic self, combining strength and warmth.


  • 区域经济特色区际差异、区域优势产业布局指向、劳动地域分工规律区域利益所决定的。

    Regional economic characteristics are determined by regional differences and superiority, directionality of industrial distribution, laws of labour division and regional benefits.


  • 抓好川产道地药材优势特色药材基地建设。

    Perform well in developing bases for Sichuan-specific medicinal herbs and competitive medicinal materials.


  • 正确做法组织充分了解自身优势特色基础业务推向最有把握的市场获得合理利润

    The correct approach is organizations offer their business and obtain a reasonable profit in the target market based on the full understanding of its own advantages and characteristics.


  • 城市开放式花园特色世博园区北大地理优势

    Eiffelton has a feature of open urban garden and geographical advantage of locating at the north gate of the World Expo Park.


  • 特色运用一体化优势,整合景观建筑方面设计。

    Its feature is the use of integrated advantage in both landscape and architecture.


  • 内蒙古独特的地理环境资源优势人文特色

    Inner Mongolia has the unique geographical environment, the superior resources and the characteristic humanities.


  • 因此结合网络优势,研究开发富有特色网络答疑系统就成为解决问题有效途径

    Thus, taking the advantage of network Resigning and developing characteristic network-based answering system become the effective way of solve the problem.


  • 结合我院企业办学特色论述了我院实施2 +1教学模式所具有的优势运行机制

    According to our characteristic of enterprise to run a college, it discusses the predominance and the operation mechanism to implement the "2 + 1" teaching pattern.


  • 企业制订市场营销策略重点在于增强企业的核心能力市场竞争力突出本企业的特色优势

    The emphases of marketing strategy are to build up the core capability and competition capability of company and to extrude its feature.


  • 本文对依托科研优势建设流体力学特色课程进行了有益思考探索。

    The current paper introduces the thoughts and reformation made in constructing a distinctive Fluid Mechanics Course, which relies on the scientific research advantage.


  • 大学特色竞争优势学术声誉关键是通过重点学科水平体现

    The reflection of the characteristics, competitive advantage and academic reputation depends on the level of key subject.


  • 大学特色竞争优势学术声誉关键是通过重点学科水平体现

    The reflection of the characteristics, competitive advantage and academic reputation depends on the level of key subject.


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