• 为了提供更多保护工程师们已经开发爆炸反应装甲。

    To provide added protection, engineers have developed explosive-reactive armour.


  • 注意-用过氧化消化一些物质可能会有强烈的爆炸反应随时要做好安全防护

    Caution-some substances may react with explosive violence when digested with hydrogen peroxide. Exercise safety precautions at all times.


  • 因此美国的覆盖着爆炸反应保护层的BradleyStryker战车不在居民区使用

    As a result, when America's Bradley and Stryker fighting vehicles are clad in explosive-reactive armour they are not used in civilian areas.


  • 采用高速摄影法通过爆炸反应区内不同部位温度测量瓦斯爆炸传播火焰特性进行试验研究。

    By measuring the temperature at different positions in the reaction zone and using high speed photography, the property of propagating flames in gas explosion was investigated.


  • 变应原(例如花粉微粒)粘附肥大细胞表面受体后,将引发爆炸反应,肥大细胞裂开并且分泌出部分内含物

    The explosive reactions are activated when an allergen (such as pollen particles) binds to receptors on the surface of the mast cell, which then opens and secretes part of its contents.


  • 机构表示福岛核发电厂反应冷却系统断电可能会发生爆炸。此前这座核电厂号核反应星期六发生爆炸

    The agency says the cooling system at the number three reactor at the Fukushima nuclear power plant is offline and could possibly explode, following Saturday's blast at the plant's number one reactor.


  • 电视新闻画面显示反应爆炸发生当地时间周六下午3点36分,灰色烟雾随即笼罩了核电站上空。

    Television footage showed a large explosion at 3:36pm local time on Saturday, with plumes of grey smoke pouring from the site.


  • 周六,福岛第一核电站反应混凝土结构的厂房发生爆炸日本官员爆炸并未危及反应核心

    On Saturday, the steel and concrete building housing the Fukushima Daiichi Number One nuclear reactor was blown apart by an explosion, but officials said the blast had not breached the reactor’s core.


  • Szilard告诉爆炸反应时,爱因斯坦吃惊地:“从未过那些”。

    When Szilard told Einstein about chain reactions, he was astonished: "I never thought about that at all," he said.


  • 开始时候,氢气大楼的6个综合反应爆炸,致使屋顶墙体损毁,带辐射的残骸四处飞溅。

    Hydrogen explosions at four of the buildings at the six-reactor complex in the first few days destroyed some of their roofs and walls and scattered radioactive debris.


  • 日本经济产业省原子能安全和保安院14日宣布,岛第一核电站3机组当地时间11时01分(北京时间10时01分)发生氢气爆炸反应所在建筑遭到损坏,但是放置反应容器损坏的可能性很小。 保安呼吁周围居民尽量待室内。

    Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency said Monday that hydrogen blast occurred at the No. 3 nuclear reactor of Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant at 02:01 GMT (11:01 local time).


  • 星期三岛核电站的工作人员自从三月15号发生爆炸以来,首次进入反应厂房

    At the nuclear power plant on Wednesday, workers entered the number two reactor building for the first time since an explosion on March 15.


  • 发生切尔诺比利爆炸大火反应内核炸到了空中,陷入气流中并漂浮乌克兰白俄罗斯俄国和西欧地区。

    The explosion and fire at Chernobyl sent parts of the reactor core high into the atmosphere in a plume that drifted over Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and western Europe.


  • 历史严重的核电站事故发生 1986 年的切尔诺贝利一个反应发生了爆炸当场炸死几十上万受到辐射影响。

    The worst nuclear power accident in history took place in Chernobyl in 1986 when a reactor there exploded, killing tens of people instantly and exposing hundreds of thousands more to radiation.


  • 令人担忧反应造成巨大爆炸理论风险

    The theoretical risk of giant explosions caused by uranium reactors is a further concern.


  • 但是法国官员指出,这次法国南部发生爆炸现场没有反应

    But French officials note there is no nuclear reactor at the site in southern France, where the explosion took place.


  • 危险起因于福岛核电站一个反应爆炸起火。(核电站)工作人员现在燃料棒可能已经开始毁了。

    The danger has been caused by a new explosion at one of the reactors in the Fukushima plant, followed by a fire. The operator says meltdown is now possible.


  • 日本媒体一次爆炸反应保护盖掀开,加剧了人们对于日本大地震中破坏核电站带来的灾难性灾害的担忧

    Japanese media said an explosion blew the roof off the reactor, raising fears of a disastrous meltdown at a nuclear plant damaged in the massive earthquake that hit Japan.


  • 事实上因为在核爆炸,许多物质反应难以预测,所以检测核弹中的一种物质。

    In fact, everything inside the bomb must be tested because materials tend to act in unpredictable ways during a detonation.


  • 然而埃及几十年来关于尼罗河咄咄逼人的虚辞假语致使河水资源成为引起爆炸反应问题

    In Egypt, however, decades of bellicose rhetoric about the Nile have made the river's water an explosive issue.


  • 事故处理小组们努力根电力线导入站点使电站内重要的水泵恢复运行,它冷却过热反应阻止反应堆的爆炸

    Disaster teams managed to get a power line onto the site in an effort to reactivate crucial water pumps to cool overheating reactors and prevent a calamitous meltdown.


  • 氧化物剩下的发生反应产生容易爆炸氢气

    That oxidation will react with the water that's left, producing highly explosive hydrogen gas.


  • 毫无疑问它们也存在值得庆幸揭示它们实验并不反应爆炸那样剧烈

    No doubt they exist, but it would be nice to think that the experiment needed to expose them is not quite so drastic as an exploding reactor.


  • 1986年乌克兰一座反应发生了爆炸并且持续10喷发大量放射性物质。

    The Ukrainian reactor blew up and spewed huge amounts of radiation for 10 days in 1986.


  • 尽管爆炸威力巨大反应上层结构炸开了,强化安全壳依然保持完整

    The blast was powerful enough to rip the superstructure of the reactor apart, although the hardened containment vessel appears to have remained intact.


  • 有人担心2反应发生爆炸可能已经损坏保护罩从而增加了核泄漏的风险

    There were fears that an explosion at reactor unit 2 May have damaged the containment vessel, which increases the risk of release of hazardous radioactive materials.


  • 注意并不涉及反应只是简单化学爆炸基本不会导致放射性物质泄漏出来。

    Keep in mind, this is not a nuclear reaction, but a simple chemical explosion that often (as in this case) results in little or no radioactive material being leaked into the outside world.


  • 注意并不涉及反应只是简单化学爆炸基本不会导致放射性物质泄漏出来。

    Keep in mind, this is not a nuclear reaction, but a simple chemical explosion that often (as in this case) results in little or no radioactive material being leaked into the outside world.


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