• 可以听见树木燃烧发出噼啪声。

    He could hear the crackling of burning trees.


  • 燃烧橡胶散发出臭味极其强烈。

    The stench of burning rubber was overpowering.


  • 市中心燃烧,失去了控制

    Fires were burning out of control in the centre of the city.


  • 一个男人燃烧残骸往外爬。

    A man was crawling away from the burning wreckage.


  • 到达时其中辆车燃烧

    When I arrived one of the vehicles was still burning.


  • 燃烧硫磺会产生有毒烟雾

    Burning sulphur creates poisonous fumes.


  • 消防队员水龙带燃烧汽车喷水。

    Firemen hosed the burning car.


  • 壁炉燃烧暖融融炉火。

    A welcoming fire was burning in the fireplace.


  • 他们走上街头燃烧轮胎设置路障

    They took to the streets, setting up roadblocks of burning tyres.


  • 燃烧化石燃料消耗氧气产生二氧化碳

    Burning fossil fuels uses oxygen and produces carbon dioxide.


  • 消防队员需要呼吸器以便进入燃烧的大楼。

    Firefighters needed breathing apparatus to enter the burning house.


  • 油灯昏暗地燃烧着。

    Two lamps burned dimly.


  • 田地燃烧

    The stubble was burning in the fields.


  • 肌肉细胞需要很多“燃料”,因此燃烧大量卡路里

    Muscle cells need lots of fuel and therefore burn lots of calories.


  • 他们制作木炭时要把木头地里然后慢慢燃烧

    They make the charcoal by burying wood in the ground and then slowly burning it.


  • 相比之下人类燃烧石油活动释放二氧化碳的。

    The amount of carbon dioxide released by human activities such as burning coal and oil is small in comparison.


  • 这辆轿车时速200英里的碰撞中裂成了数以千计燃烧碎片

    The car shattered into a thousand burning pieces in a 200 mph crash.


  • 如果闻到了异味(例如汽油味燃烧味),就车带修理工

    If you smell something unusual (gas fumes or burning, for instance), take the car to your mechanic.


  • 通过燃烧树枝松针松果许多人不仅屋子供暖,而且改善里面气味

    By burning tree branches, pine needles, and pine cones, many not only warm their houses but improve the smell therein.


  • 否则它们变成石墨燃烧

    Otherwise, they revert to graphite or burn.


  • 燃烧垃圾产生热量用来烧水

    The heat that is produced by burning garbage is used to boil water.


  • 走廊上间隔地插着燃烧的火炬

    Flaming torches were positioned at intervals along the terrace.


  • 返回燃烧房子

    He rushed back into the blazing house.


  • 燃烧碎片在不断地从天而降。

    Flaming fragments were still falling from the sky.


  • 这些住房有被燃烧弹烧过迹象

    The homes bore evidence of firebombing.


  • 抗议者昨天燃烧弹烧大使馆

    Protestors firebombed the embassy building yesterday.


  • 闹事者成堆燃烧轮胎挡住了街道

    The rioters barricaded streets with piles of blazing tyres.


  • 戴着面具的年轻人投掷了石头燃烧

    Masked youths threw stones and firebombs.


  • 燃烧袭击中有家店铺烧毁。

    Five shops were damaged in a firebomb blitz.


  • 强压的怒火眼里燃烧

    Anger smouldered in his eyes.


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