• 参与者邀请访问一个网站提供一些传记细节后,观看一系列20对每张照片恶心程度进行15评分

    Viewers were invited to visit a website and, after giving a few biographical details, to view a series of 20 pictures and rate each of them for disgustingness on a scale of one to five.


  • 每个女人都能拿到并保管几个星期写下朋友们回忆,写下她现在生活上的细节并附上照片甚至写下让她伙伴们回答问题

    Each woman gets to keep it for a few weeks, writing down her memories of the friends, details of her current life, photos, even questions for her PALS to answer.


  • 细节永远不够细;主动公布照片视频受到何种程度的质疑都不过分

    No detail is too small. No level of paranoia about an unsolicited photograph or video is too great.


  • 这个网站实际存在的,里面包括寝室日历,寝室派对照片文件夹样本还有其他诺的色号那个相关的细节

    This was an actual website that included a dorm calendar, dorm party photos, samples from Noel's portfolio, and other details related to Noel's life.


  • 微距摄影特写艺术照片显示细节不能我们的肉眼所看到的。

    Macro photography is the art of taking close-up pictures that reveal details which can't be seen with the naked eye.


  • 我们旨在列出制作出来每部影片电视节目的每一细节包括演出者、制作人、梗概、用户评分预告片照片评论引述、穿帮、琐事等等。

    We aim to list every detail about every movie and TV show ever made, including who was in it, who made it, the plot, user ratings, trailers, photos, reviews, quotes, goofs, trivia and much more.


  • 早晨柬埔寨吴哥喜欢捕捉的吴哥窟细节神秘

    Morning at Angkor Wat in Cambodia, I love this photo how it captures the details and mystery of Angkor Wat.


  • 新泽西理工大学著名教授飞利浦·r·古德和大熊天文台小组共同拍摄了一张目前细节丰富的太阳黑子照片

    A new image taken by NJIT Distinguished Professor Philip R. Goode and the Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) team is the most detailed sunspot photo yet.


  • 上面照片最近哈勃太空望远镜拍摄显示了星云空前的细节

    The nebula is shown above in unprecedented detail as captured recently by the Hubble Space Telescope.


  • 处理照片任务——普遍黯淡天体里提取最多细节以及去除噪点。

    There are two main tasks while processing the pictures – to drag the maximum details from the usually dim objects and noise removing.


  • 照片右边恒星丝状气体尘埃突出心脏星云红外图景的精彩细节

    On the image right, stars, gaseous filaments, and warm dust highlight a detailed infrared view of the Heart nebula.


  • 我们现实”下不会注意细节照片定格下来的时候很显然这样让我们非常的痛苦

    While we don't usually notice this in "real time", when it is frozen in a photograph for eternity it can become painfully obvious.


  • 照片容量小——掌握原始信息最终的结果能够利用专业软件从中提取细节就更丰富

    The less the compression of the picture – the more raw information it handles and, consequently, the more detailes it will be possible to retrive from it with the help of the specialized software.


  • 古老海滨小镇发现罹难者遗骸年后国家地理发布了一系列触目惊心照片细节

    Two years after macabre new relics are discovered at the site of the ancient seaside town, National Geographic provides haunting photos and new details on the long-dead victims of Vesuvius.


  • 十分小心避免透露逃脱细节说用手机上照相机记录下了全过程,很快公开这些照片加上自己解说词

    He is cagey about how exactly he escaped. But he says he used a cellphone camera to record virtually every step of his journey, and will soon go public with the pictures and his commentary.


  • NGC 4697照片左上画面之外,画面底端可见较小不规则星系ngc 4731a自己的年轻蓝色星团细节令人印象深刻

    NGC 4697 is beyond this frame above and to the left, but a smaller irregular galaxy NGC 4731a can be seen near the bottom in impressive detail with its own young blue star clusters.


  • 比如放一些盆栽艺术品照片。这些有意设计细节自己工作环境产生好感

    Bring plants, artwork, photographs, and organizational details that will make you feel good about your workplace.


  • 他们有意低调白宫会面没有照片,没有记者会甚至联合声明没有。) 的细节没有披露

    Details of their deliberately low-key White House meeting (no photos, no press, not even a joint statement afterward) have not been revealed.


  • 或是考虑利用免费网站Myclothingcalendar.com。 在这个网站上,可以记录下来所穿衣服的全部细节出席的场合,见了什么,你可以添加照片

    Or consider Myclothingcalendar.com, a free Web site where you can record all the details about your outfits, the events you wore them to and the people who saw you -- and you can add photos, too.


  • 对于细节色彩丰富绘画照片,通常使用JPG24-bitPNG,因为它们大的调色板.

    For very detailed and colorful artwork or for photographics, JPG and 24-bit PNG are typically used because they have a much larger color palette.


  • 图4蝴蝶星云照片中,更新的照相机显示出了恒星侵蚀后的大气中的细节局部处。

    4In the Butterfly Nebula the newcamera shows subtler detail in gas clouds being eroded by stellar wind.


  • 有些照片追求磅礴壮丽气势,有些照片追求极具影响力真实细节,而光线不足时拍出的照片往往具有亲近感,这样的摄影能不浮于事物表层而探它的阴影里,去展示隐藏着的东西,从而表现出其他摄影方式所不能表现的内容。

    Available-light photography has always held the allure of intimacy. Other genres reach for grandeur and beauty or the brutal impact of graphic truth.


  • 早期一些照片详细细节-但是科学家直到后来他们最好工艺上高分辨照片

    Early photos of the encounter are strikingly detailed - but scientists say they won't have the best, high-resolution shots from the craft until later.


  • 飞行中的鸽子利用这种设备可以拍摄到数百以内目标图像用它拍出照片细节要远胜于其他的拍照方式

    Photos taken from the bird in flight could be captured within hundreds of feet of the target, producing much more detailed pictures than other image-capturing methods.


  • 作品中包括有关绘画、雕塑以及建筑细节照片这些照片根据古代当代的不同时期进行组合

    These are photos of paintings, sculptures and architectural details grouped according to different epochs starting from the antiquity and to our times.


  • 假如细节表现充分的近景照片,你需要一个焦距至少达到200毫米变焦镜头

    If you want a tight shot that shows detail, you will want to use a zoom lens that goes to at least 200mm.


  • 上个月国际空间站远征23任务组拍摄显示地球薄薄的大气生动细节

    Pictured above, a sunset captured last month by the ISS's Expedition 23 crew shows in vivid detail many layers of the Earth's thin atmosphere.


  • 细节关注给了我深刻的印象,他拍摄的很多照片捕捉到瞬间闪过的画面。

    His attention to detail is impressive, and certain passages resemble photographs that capture a fleeting moment in time.


  • 细节关注给了我深刻的印象,他拍摄的很多照片捕捉到瞬间闪过的画面。

    His attention to detail is impressive, and certain passages resemble photographs that capture a fleeting moment in time.


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