• 煤层厚度变化影响煤矿开采主要因素之一

    The seam thickness change is one of the main factors effected on coal mining.


  • 分析煤层厚度变化特点煤层厚度变化地质成因

    Analyzing the characteristic of the thickness change and coal seam formation, realize the geological original cause of coal seam thickness change.


  • 组合试样煤层厚度越大弹性指数越大。

    Meanwhile the thicker the coal in the combined sample is, the greater the elastic energy index is.


  • 构造作用控制井田范围内煤层厚度变化主要地质因素

    The structural deformation is the principal geological factor that affects the thickness variation of coal seam on a mine field scale.


  • 构造作用控制井田范围内煤层厚度变化主要地质因素

    The seam thickness change is one of the main factors effected on coal mining.


  • 煤层厚度变化较大,总的规律西薄,局部分叉

    Generally it is thicker in the east-ern part, than in the western part and local offset and thin out.


  • 反射信号识别声波煤层厚度探测中的一个关键问题

    To identify the signal of the weak reflected wave is a key problem to detect the thickness of the coal seam by using elastic wave.


  • 影响煤层产量主要因素煤层渗透率煤层厚度气量。

    The main factors of influencing coal-bed gas production are permeability, thickness, and gas-bearing volume of the coal-bed.


  • 北部构造区内受煤层厚度影响,构造厚度相对薄。

    Within the north structure block, with the influence of the thin seam thickness, the thickness of the structure coal seam was relevantly thin.


  • 可以并且能适应煤层厚度变化底板起伏不平条件。

    It can cuts the whole seam height in one trip, and accommodate the changing of seam thickness and floor undulation.


  • 利用灰色GM(1,1)模型结合生产资料磨心坡深部煤层厚度进行预测。

    Combining with the production data, grey GM (1, 1) model is used to predict deep thickness of coal seam in Moxinpo.


  • 讨论淮南煤田第四演化特征及其13- 1煤层厚度影响

    This paper discussed the evolvement characteristics of sand bodies of the fourth coal bearing interval and its influence on No. 13-1 coal-seam thickness in Huainan coal field.


  • 自然地质单元瓦斯赋存情况围岩力学性质断层分布煤层厚度等地质因素控制

    The presence of geological units of gas under control of rock mechanical properties, fault distribution, seam thickness.


  • 根据一数理特征研究分析出了新的煤层厚度变化程度评价方法煤厚变化预测方法

    Based on this mathematical characteristic, new evaluation and prediction method for the change of coal thickness was studied and analyzed.


  • 煤层水平分段放顶煤开采与煤层不同,工作面沿煤层厚度的水平线布置,长度短。

    The horizontal section top coal caving in steep seam is different from the gently inclined seam.


  • 理论模型实际资料试算结果表明利用该系统进行煤层厚度解释,得到较好的地质效果

    The theoretical model and actual calculated results show that the seismic coal thickness assistant interpretation system can be used to interpret coal thickness and has better geological results.


  • 分析变化构造作用之间关系基础研究井田内在开拓开采中的煤层厚度变化规律

    Base on the analysis the relationship between the seam thickness changes and structure function, the paper studied the thickness change law of the seams in coal mining operation in the mine filed.


  • 分析变化构造作用之间关系基础研究井田内在开拓开采中的煤层厚度变化规律

    Base on the analysis the relationship between the seam thickness changes and structure function, the paper studied the thickness change law of the seams in coal mining operation in...


  • 巨野煤田煤层厚度稳定勘探构造中等偏复杂,因而采用地震先行、钻探验证的综合勘探方法。

    Because the coal belts of Juye coal field are thick and steady and the geological structures in the exploration area are medium to complex.


  • 利用实例说明了该技术识别断层及其它构造、解释煤层厚度变化预测奥陶系灰岩岩溶裂隙等的具体应用情况

    Some application examples, including detecting faults, interpreting the thickness variation of coal seams, and predicting karst fractured zones in carbonate rocks were given.


  • 波处理尺度地震剖面上可以清晰地分辨煤层底板反射波,对于煤层厚度解释具有重要的参考价值。

    In the high scale seismic profile after the wavelet transform the roof and floor reflection events of the coal bed can be distinguished clearly, Which is invigorative in coal thickness interpretation.


  • 本文应用模型实现了研究区的煤层厚度预测取得了较好的应用效果证明地震属性技术预测可行性

    The paper implemented the coal seam thickness prediction by applying the model, and achieved good result, which proved the feasibility of seismic attribute technology to predict coal seam thickness.


  • 通过数值模拟现场实测方法研究了司马基岩煤层开采条件下,保证安全开采的极限基岩厚度

    Through the way of numerical simulation and locale measurement, we found the safety utmost bedrock ply at the condition of thin bedrock and thick coal seam in Sima coal Mine.


  • 综合分析开采深度煤层倾角煤层开采厚度工作面等地质采矿条件对底板采动导水破坏深度影响

    This paper analyzed the influence of mining depth, coal seam dip, mining height and face length on depth of floor water-conductive fissure zone.


  • 煤层倾角厚度物理条件地表沉陷主要影响因素

    The inclination and thickness of coal strata are main influencing factors of ground subsidence.


  • 煤气发生炉装有可调挡板煤层分布均匀,炉膛断面燃料厚度一致,煤气化效率大大提高

    The gas producer is equipped with adjustable economizer baffle. The coal layer is even and the fuel thickness of the furnace profile is unified so the gasification efficiency is greatly enhanced.


  • 对于煤层内夹厚度比较大的情况,建议不采用放顶煤开采。

    Rock in coal seam, suggest casting away sub-level caving.


  • 西北地区侏罗统煤层广布,厚度较大;

    The Middle and Lower Jurassic with thick coal seam is widely distributed in Northwest China.


  • 最后应用成果山西沁水煤层地震勘探工程实际预测,对储层厚度、孔隙度、含气量做出定量预测。

    At the end, application of the research results to the Shanxi Qinshui coalbed gas seismic exploration project shows a satisfaction results and produce great economic interests.


  • 最后应用成果山西沁水煤层地震勘探工程实际预测,对储层厚度、孔隙度、含气量做出定量预测。

    At the end, application of the research results to the Shanxi Qinshui coalbed gas seismic exploration project shows a satisfaction results and produce great economic interests.


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