• 走进餐厅我就看到一个人坐在桌边,手里转动着一只没有点燃香烟,好像在把玩根小指挥棒。

    As soon as I walked in the restaurant, I saw him sitting by himself at a table, twirling an unlit cigarette through his fingers like a miniature baton.


  • 假如确实高举灯笼时刻其中点燃不是火焰

    If this indeed be the hour in which I lift up my lantern, it is not my flame that shall burn therein.


  • 然而,如果,哪怕只有少量蜂蜜有可能点燃

    If there is only a very small amount of honey on the wick, though, it might still burn.


  • 不过假如点燃香烟汽油,汽油仅仅香烟熄灭,并不会爆炸

    Apparently - I haven't tried this and don't try this yourself but if you do throw a lit cigarette into a pool of gasoline, it just puts the cigarette out and it doesn't explode.


  • 开始战斗时,他将点燃火柴插在帽子上,他的胡子上也系上一些

    When he went into battle he stuck lighted matches into his hat and tied some from his beard. He did this to frighten the crew of the ships that he was attacking.


  • 他们英国使馆鸡蛋石头,把点燃米利班德塑像扔进使馆的高墙

    They threw rotten eggs and stones at the embassy compound, and the effigy was set on fire before being thrown over the high walls.


  • 德国士兵手持小树,树上整齐排列点燃的蜡烛,他越过边界走向英国阵地。

    A German soldier holding a small tree arranged with lighted candles began to walk across the land toward the English lines.


  • 某些人的口述一位愤怒的年轻人付给警察而将一支点燃香烟汽油中。

    By some accounts, a vengeful youth who lacked the money to pay the fee tossed a lighted cigarette into the fuel.


  • 野火通常牧民点燃的,这野生生物们构成新的威胁它们因此而失去了栖息地。

    The fires, often set by pastoralists, underscore a new threat to wildlife: habitat loss.


  • 挪威极地研究所·霍尔曼管理的一些设备能够检测到2千米一支点燃的香烟。

    Kim Holmen of the Norwegian Polar Institute says some of his equipment could detect a cigarette at 2km.


  • 环球剧院后来遭受了火灾(当上演《亨利世》时候,点燃炮弹引发了大火),很快重建了

    The Globe would later burn down (a cannon fired during a performance ofHenry VIII” touched off the blaze) and was quickly rebuilt.


  • 多少主教身上,他内心点燃这个铁面无私的光明,在他希望不见,却照得他眼发花!

    How many times had that implacable spark, lighted within him, and upon him by the Bishop, dazzled him by force when he had wished to be blind!


  • 现在剩下三周时间试图重新燃起民众热情火花,如同他竞选开始时曾短暂点燃火花。

    He now has just three weeks to try to rekindle the spark of popular enthusiasm he briefly ignited at the start of the campaign.


  • Michael天花板上偷看,正目击犯人们点燃电话号码Sara的办公室内

    Michael peeks under a ceiling tile to witness the inmates throwing a flaming phone book into Sara’s office.


  • 旱季快要结束时,由人们故意燃起或者偶然点燃的山火遍布各地,这是(当地人)清理管理农田居民区地面。

    In the late dry season, fires—both intentional and accidental—become widespread as people turn to fire to clear and manage agricultural and residential landscapes.


  • 但是当时它们天然材料制成的——椰子贝壳镂空石头相似物体,里面装满苔藓,地衣或同样吸收动物脂肪容易点燃材料。

    Back then they were made of naturally occurring objects - coconuts, sea shells, hollow stones or similar objects filled with moss or a similar material that was soaked with animal fat and ignited.


  • 头顶上方,朗朗白日之下留有点燃蜡烛,华丽铜制吊灯上的这根燃蜡也许解释婚礼的光芒,或者代表上帝眼睛

    Above the couple's heads, the candle that has been left burning in broad daylight on one of the branches of an ornate copper chandelier can be interpreted as the nuptial flame, or as the eye of God.


  • 现在的研究认为这很大的可能性。她没有证实这些细菌是否存活,但是香烟或者点燃的香烟放在嘴里足够可能带来感染

    If these germs are alive, something she has not yet confirmed, just handling cigarettes or putting an unlit one to the mouth could be enough to cause an infection.


  • 黛娜点燃一支烟,试图掩饰不安

    Dina lit a cigarette, trying to mask her agitation.


  • 点燃奥运圣火风俗追溯到几个世纪前

    The custom of lighting the Olympic flame goes back centuries.


  • 士兵独处,点燃烟斗,把那黑人小矮人叫来。

    As soon as the soldier was alone again, he lighted his pipe and summoned the black manikin.


  • 士兵独处,点燃烟斗,把那黑人小矮人叫来。

    As soon as the soldier was alone again, he lighted his pipe and summoned the black manikin.


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