• 泰勒真该听听什么走路有多难过点点之类的话。

    Taylor: You should have heard him say how sorry he was to let me go, and blah, blah, blah.


  • 姊姊妈妈点点点知道吗?耳朵都被她掉了

    She told me about her sister, her mother, her dogs, blah, blah, blah…You know, she literally talked my ears off.


  • 像往常一样给点点喂了一些新鲜的嫩芽和树叶当早餐。过了一会儿,他回来时,发现点点身旁有一只刚出生的麋鹿幼崽。

    He fed Diandian some fresh shoots and leaves for breakfast as usual, and moments later when he returned, a newborn milu was right beside her.


  • 但是我们非常高兴地看到共识点点积累分歧在一点点缩小

    Nonetheless, we are pleased to see that consensuses are accumulating and differences narrowing little by little.


  • 至少了解这些可以这个过程变得轻松点点简单点点,更何况它们真的是很有效

    But at least these tools will make it a little easier, a little simpler, and they really do work.


  • 遇到优秀,遇到了心仪的人,可以放纵自己喜欢,收敛那一丝丝爱意点点欣赏,多点点喜欢。

    When you encounter the good person you favor, you can reveal your preference, with a little love and more appreciation inside.


  • 喜欢教育也就是最后得到的:点点纪律约束,一点点知识,然后很多他人

    My ideal of education is, in the end, what I got: a certain amount of disciplines, a certain amount of schooling, and then a lot of guidance from others.


  • 通过这些快捷方法,可以在这里节省点点时间在那里节省一点点劳动然而对于进行切割钉子组装框架这样重复性任务,这样节省最终起来真的不少。

    The shortcuts shave a smidgen of time here, some labor there, yet with repetitive tasks such as making cuts, driving nails, and assembling framing, the savings really add up.


  • 每天点点,多生产点点,多学习点点,你成就推动前进,你承诺鞭策你

    Each day, you're doing a little more, producing a little more, learning a little more.The accomplishments of days past propel you forward and the promises of the days ahead pull you along.


  • 流行歌手耐特•路易珊在她歌中哀叹这个称谓的消逝:“再点点距离/少一点点空虚/‘很乐意为您效劳’/是最狂野的刺激”。

    Annett Louisan, a pop singer, laments the passing of Sie: “This distance adds a little more/to something that would be a bore/‘What can I do for Sie?’/stimulates wild fantasy.”


  • 自负通常件“辣妹T恤予以强调,使得呆在旁边小孩旁边还难忍受那么点点,比呆在一盘羊旁边好过那么一点点

    Your ego is usually punctuated with a "hottie" shirt, which makes you slightly less tolerable to be around than children, and slightly more tolerable to be around than a saucer of goat cum.


  • G1大致iPhone尺寸一样虽然点点点点

    The G1 is roughly the same size as the iPhone, though a little thicker and narrower.


  • 个人认为年薪10万美元的稍微幸福那么一点点而且出的一点点幸福感还不足以工作面对的压力相对应。

    Those who earned up to $100,000 (I think), were only marginally happier, and it didn't seem that it would be worth the extra stress, lack of time and pressure just to earn more money.


  • 原理上,4仍然点点,一点点

    So in principle, there's still a tiny, xB tiny bit of xB at pressure four.


  • 遇到点点问题,遇到一点点挫折退堂鼓认为自己不行的,那么试问生活中成功的事情吗?

    Met with a little bit a little bit of problem, beat a retreat immediately after setbacks, will think you are not enough, so try to ask do you have success in life?


  • 喜欢,出口没有那么,面对那么点点距离只要那么一点点心细,那么一点点胆量,那么一点点的勇气,可敞开心扉说出喜欢。

    Like, when you speak out, is not so hard as that of love. It needs only a little distance, caution and courage to say I like you.


  • 被子轻盈地身上觉得自己手脚点点身体点点变暖,在一点点变暖。

    The quilt lightly cover the body, he felt his feet in a little bit of warming, the body in a little warming, heart, also a little bit of warming.


  • 觉得自己手脚点点冻僵身体点点地冻僵,在一点点地冻僵。

    He felt that his hands were a little bit, a little bit of frozen body, heart, also in a little bit of frozen.


  • 可不是么,别人点点能力,一点点才分,便到处夸夸其谈沾沾自喜干嘛还要悲观失望,怀疑自己的能力天赋呢?

    Not what other people have a little bit of capacity, a little bit of Caifen, can be spared from rhetoric, complacent, I would also like to what despair, to believe that his talent and ability to do?


  • 镇长克里斯多福巴根瑞士不可避免全球暖化影响只有点点不过他们希望他们所做的一点点可以有所改变

    The town's mayor Christoph Burgen says that Switzerland can do little to halt the inevitable effects of global warming, but they hope that the little things they are doing can make a difference.


  • 虽然付出点点,但每个人都付出点点时,会积少成多

    The thing about giving a little is that when everyone gives a little, suddenly it turns into a lot.


  • 还有星星闪动点点点点、一点点粉、一点点呀,惊喜我们目光

    It also stars as a little bit of flashing red, a little yellow, a little bit of powder, a little bit of purple it is also pleasantly surprised with our eyes.


  • 不爱那么,只点点温情点点洒到饭里出了咸味,方能惺惺

    Don't love so many, love a little, the tender feeling point order, spreading rice, eating salty flavor, then can be awake to cherish.


  • 点点毅力,多付出点点努力,看似无望失败也会转化辉煌的成功

    A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure will turn to glorious success.


  • 最近的作品,已经有点点纯粹的感觉了,我知道还能远,新的可能性一旦显露只有继续走下去了,我渴望能再接近一,就一点点

    I don't know how far I can take it, but whenever a new possibility is revealed, I can only continue further. I hope that I can get a bit closer, even just a bit.


  • 点点或者瘦一点点很正常的,因为你还适应新的饮食

    It is normal to gain or lose a few pounds when adjusting to a new diet.


  • 点点或者瘦一点点很正常的,因为你还适应新的饮食

    It is normal to gain or lose a few pounds when adjusting to a new diet.


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