• 本文将一种新型模式模糊松驰匹配算法用于目标跟踪

    A new algorithm, i. e., the point pattern fuzzy relaxation matching algorithm is applied to the tracking of targets.


  • JUNIT使用模式语言方法因为测试用例

    JUnit has a bit of this pattern language approach, because it can help you write a test case.


  • 如果捕捉模式被切换模式这时鼠标按钮仅仅拾取当前光标位置

    If the snap is set to Point, then the left mouse button will simply pick the current cursor position.


  • 本文提出基于模式匹配技术的快速棒性的前视目标定位算法

    A fast and robust front-view object location algorithm based on point pattern matching is proposed.


  • 扩展模式定义了一个名为扩展插件的插件如何通过声明扩展而修改插件。

    The extension point schema defines how a plug-in called an extender plug-in can modify the host plug-in by declaring an extension.


  • 两个匹配模式同构时,以方法基础模式匹配算法性能较差

    The point pattern matching algorithm based on the spectral method performs poorly when the two point patterns to be matched are not isomorphic.


  • 拟订了用来确定英雄行为模式可以应用于辨别任何动物(其中包括人类)的行为

    She has drawn up a four-point model that could be applied to the behaviour of any creature, including humans, to identify heroic ACTS.


  • 扩展模式定义了某一插件(称为extender插件)如何通过声明扩展修改主机插件。

    The extension point schema defines how a plug-in, called an extender plug-in, can modify the host plug-in by declaring an extension.


  • 第2部分介绍了利用ID - lists模式减少远程调用数量并且遵守分离关注点模式

    Part 2 introduced the ID-lists pattern to reduce the number of remote calls and still obey the separation of concerns pattern.


  • 然而现有主流商业GIS软件包缺乏专门空间模式分析模块限制模式方法使用

    However, current commercial GIS software are short of special spatial point pattern analysis module which limit the use of point pattern analysis.


  • 当然可以使用其他方法实现根据特定计划这些方法可能某些方面优于扩展模式

    Of course, there are other ways to do that; depending on your specific plan, those ways might have advantages over the extension point schema.


  • 仿变换点模式匹配参数估计计算机视觉中的重要研究课题,其关键是寻找对仿射变换不变的不变量。

    Matching and parameter estimation of two point-patterns under an affine transform is a very important research topic in the field of computer vision.


  • 诺巴哈瑞博士同事现在打算模式应用于一系列人类动物情境中确定救助者行为是否真是英雄行为

    Dr Nowbahari and her colleagues now intend to apply the four-point model to a range of non-human animal situations to determine if the rescuer's behaviour was indeed heroic.


  • 比对过程首先根据两个集合中的全等三角形求出它们旋转和平参数然后根据参数进行转换后的特征集合进行点模式匹配

    In the matching process the parameters of rotation and displacement were obtained by two congruent triangles, then the point-pairs matching would be performed on the transformed sets.


  • 村镇体系在理论上区域中心镇一般乡镇、中心村、基层等级结构形式,其空间布局以模式中心模式点模式最为常见。

    Theoretically, village-town system is a sort of hierarchical structure, consisting of central regional town, general agricultural town, central village and basic village.


  • 利用解释模式相互关系,得出结论使我们能够识别人和地方

    It uses this to interpret the interrelationship of the patterns and draw conclusions that allow us to identify people and places.


  • 最后西班牙一些公司保持这种工作模式,即一直工作到下午2然后晚上58、910返回办公室

    And finally, in Spain, some businesses maintain the pattern of working until about 2 o'clock and then returning to the office from 5:30 to 8:00, 9:00 or 10:00 in the evening.


  • 最终西班牙一些企业保持了这种工作模式,即一直工作到下午然后晚上半再上班,上到晚上八、九或者

    Finally, in Spain, some businesses maintain the pattern of working until about 2 o'clock and then returning to the office from 5:30 to 8:00, 9:00 or 10:00 in the evening.


  • 理解我们首先需要早期那些制作精良戏剧形式基本上就是构建戏剧模式

    To understand this though, we first need to look at an earlier form of drama known as the well-made play, which basically was a pattern for constructing plays.


  • 记住了这一应该清楚扩展企业模式适合我们项目

    With that in mind, it should be clear that the Extended Enterprise pattern is the most appropriate for our project.


  • 使用exceptionhandler可以展示该类也采用singleton设计模式

    This is demonstrated using the ExceptionHandler class, which again adopts a singleton design pattern.


  • 我们遵循eclipse模式来定义扩展以便其他插件可以贡献它们功能

    We are following the Eclipse pattern of defining extension points that allow other plug-ins to contribute functionality.


  • 非常重要,因为如果模式设置Run”,被忽略

    This is important, because, if the mode is set to Run, your breakpoints will be ignored.


  • 所有事情正在发生变化但有一致的——作者模式”,

    "Of all the things that are changing, one thing is consistent - the authorship model," he said.


  • 可以地图上任何一条用颜色高亮标注街道直接进入的街景模式

    You can also click on any of the blue highlighted streets to delve directly into street View at that particular spot.


  • 流程具有输入逻辑中级模式高级模式可以看到

    A process has input logic, which you can see if you are in intermediate mode or higher.


  • 在下面可以看到这里我们正在添加一个梯度覆盖覆盖模式淡化

    So as you can see below, here we're adding a Gradient Overlay from black to white, faded out a bit and on Overlay mode.


  • 同样适用网络模式关键认识到,并不是所有产品适合网络

    The same applies to the online model, but the key is to understand that not all products are suited to the web.


  • 首先解释了诸如代码、代码编码模式关键概念说明如何查看它们当前以及如何更新值。

    It first explained key concepts such as code pages, code points, and encoding schemes, and indicated how to review their current value, and how to update the value.


  • 首先解释了诸如代码、代码编码模式关键概念说明如何查看它们当前以及如何更新值。

    It first explained key concepts such as code pages, code points, and encoding schemes, and indicated how to review their current value, and how to update the value.


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