• 这种生物至舍得兰群岛火地岛都有分布。

    Also known as the Goose-beaked whale, this creature is found as far north as the Shetland Islands and as south as Tierra Del Fuego at the tip of south America.


  • 南部海狮懒散处岩石露头塔克智利火地岛之外。

    A group of southern sea lions lazes on a rocky outcrop off Tucker Island in Chilean Tierra del Fuego.


  • 部分火地岛可以认为是前文已经提到没入水中山脉的端点。

    This part of Tierra del Fuego may be considered as the extremity of the submerged chain of mountains already alluded to.


  • 火地岛人里面个子最高的那个人甚至对有人注意身高极为高兴。

    The tallest amongst the Fuegians was evidently much pleased at his height being noticed.


  • 第一考察火地岛带回印第安使英格兰接受教育

    During the first Beagle survey he had brought back four native Fuegians from Tierra del Fuego and had them educated in England.


  • 举例来说,火地岛前往阿拉斯加北极燕鸥无视蒙特利观鸟的美味鲱鱼

    An arctic tern on its way from Tierra del Fuego to Alaska, for instance, will ignore a nice smelly herring offered from a bird-watcher's boat in Monterey Bay.


  • 火地岛乌斯怀亚举行的一个典礼上,名阿根廷男子成为拉美地区第一同性婚姻

    At a ceremony in Ushuaia in Tierra del Fuego, two Argentine men became the first gay people in Latin America to get married.


  • 可能的事,他们驻扎南非火地岛或是弗兰克群岛还有澳大利亚

    Most likely, they would stand at S Africa, Tierra del Fuego or the Falkland Islands, and Australia.


  • 因为秋季漫山遍野如火如荼红叶,此地被唤做“火之岛屿”,火地岛由此而来。

    Every hill and dale in full swing since the fall of the leaves, this place was only Huanzuo "Fire Island", Tierra del Fuego resulting.


  • 如果挑选为市镇办事员,那你今夏不能火地岛旅行,你很可能地狱里去。

    If you are chosen town clerk, forsooth, you cannot go to Tierra del Fuego this summer: but you may go to the land of infernal fire nevertheless.


  • 第二他们带到火地岛,一片非洲可以步行到达(至少是在可以横越白令海冰河世纪)最远的荒地。

    The second wave took them to Tierra del Fuego, the farthest scrap of land that can be walked to from Africa (at least during ice ages, when the Bering Strait can be traversed).


  • 雅冈语(南美洲火地岛本土语言),“之间无语意味深长的的凝视,此主动做什么可又不愿开始。”

    Yagan (indigenous language of Tierra del Fuego) – “the wordless, yet meaningful look shared by two people who both desire to initiate something but are both reluctant to start


  • 阿根廷同性婚姻争议正在对簿公堂而最南边的城市火地岛已于12月29日迎来了拉丁美洲第一个同性婚礼

    In Argentina, the debate over gay marriage is making its way through the courts, although the southernmost province, Tierra del Fuego, welcomed Latin America's first gay wedding there on Dec. 29.


  • 凄苦火地岛我们看到在那和平相处的群体男女们的婚姻,有着这种习俗修正象征性形式

    The abject Fuegians, as we have seen, have the practice in a modified or symbolized form in the marriages of men and women belonging to groups at peace with one another.


  • 南美洲东南一个国家玻利维亚边界智利共有的岛屿火地岛大约3,70公里(2,300英里)。

    A country of southeast south America stretching about 3, 70 km (2,300 mi) from its border with Bolivia to southern Tierra del Fuego, an island it shares with Chile.


  • 西班牙北角,从圣彼得堡堪察加半岛,从阿拉斯加火地岛,从开普敦到伊斯坦布尔,是世界民族远征一个独特的旅程

    From Spain to North Cape, from Saint Petersburg to the Kamchatka Peninsula, from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego and from Cape Town to Istanbul, great expeditions of the world united in one unique journey.


  • 10月3日,跨国手机制造商Brightstar开始设在火地岛工厂进口手机配件那些曾经制造游艇基地现在搬到了南极洲。

    On October 3rd Brightstar, a multinational manufacturer, will begin importing kits of the phones' parts to its factory in Tierra del Fuego, the normal base for cruise ships going to Antarctica.


  • 正是由于进口手机限制,才导致手提无线通讯设备公司(rim)brightstar阿根廷制造手机(由于税收鼓励的原因,Brightstar将公司设立建在了火地岛)。

    It was a limit on phone imports that led Research in Motion to hire Brightstar to make BlackBerrys in Argentina (tax incentives then led the firm to Tierra del Fuego).


  • 正是由于进口手机限制,才导致手提无线通讯设备公司(rim)brightstar阿根廷制造手机(由于税收鼓励的原因,Brightstar将公司设立建在了火地岛)。

    It was a limit on phone imports that led Research in Motion to hire Brightstar to make BlackBerrys in Argentina (tax incentives then led the firm to Tierra del Fuego).


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