• 潜水员希望揭开海底一些秘密

    The divers hoped to unlock some of the secrets of the seabed.


  • 他们拿到潜水员资格证书

    They wanted to get certified as divers.


  • 我们池边潜水员慢慢下水。

    We squatted beside the pool and watched the diver sink slowly down.


  • 潜水员走向海岸时氧气他们步履维艰。

    Lead weights and air cylinders encumbered the divers as they walked to the shore.


  • 潜水员奋战几个小时,试图解救条被捕缠住鲸鱼

    Divers battled for hours to try to free a whale entangled in crab nets.


  • 潜水员今天早晨发现昨天渡轮失事中淹死又一美国水手尸体

    Divers this morning found the body of another American sailor drowned during yesterday's ferry disaster.


  • 作为潜水员每天水下工作几个小时。

    As a diver, he worked several hours a day under the water.


  • 东南亚居住海里已经进化成了更好潜水员

    A group of sea dwelling people in Southeast Asia have evolved into better divers.


  • 学生飞行员支持潜水员必须得到水中呼吸器认证书才能比赛

    Student pilots and support divers must become scuba certified in order to compete.


  • 在保持一定距离的同时,潜水员会安装设备测量这个漩涡流速

    Keeping his distance, a diver sets up equipment to measure the whirlpool's flow rate.


  • 空气瓶内装有纯净高压空气,SCUBA 潜水员气瓶

    The air tank contains high-pressure purified air and is exactly like the tank used by a SCUBA diver.


  • 潜水员约翰·迪恩碰巧在附近探索另一沉船,渔民靠近他们装备取出来。

    Diver John Deane happened to be exploring another sunken ship nearby, and the fishermen approached him, asking him to free their gear.


  • 59月卢卡其他潜水员在距离意大利诺里海岸150英尺地中海奈莫花园工作

    From May through September, Luca and other divers are working on Nemo's Garden in the Mediterranean Sea, 150 feet from the coast of Noli, Italy.


  • 分钟我们潜水员太平洋脚蹼游水一分钟在300英尺高空的一个救火水桶里蛙泳了。

    Last minute our diver was still swimming in the Pacific with flippers, and the next minute he was doing a breaststroke in a fire bucket 300 feet in the air.


  • 戴水肺潜水员最近所发现的”史莱克实际称为亚洲羊头鱼,通常可以在靠近日本海岸的海里得到。

    The "Shrek" fish was recently discovered by scuba divers and is actually called an Asian Sheepshead Wrasse, which is commonly seen off the Japanese coast.


  • 说:“作为有竞争力的自由潜水员职业生涯所能有限的,限制的和我想象中完全不同。”

    "In my career as a competitive freediver, there was a limit to what I could dobut it wasn't anywhere near what I thought it was," she says.


  • 1965年,军事历史学家业余潜水员亚历山大·麦基英国潜水俱乐部合作,发起了一个名为索伦特”的项目

    In 1965, military historian and amateur diver Alexander McKee, in conjunction with the British Sub-Aqua Club, initiated a project called 'Solent Ships'.


  • 如果潜水员高压水下环境迅速上浮一个低压的水下环境,他们的血液组织溶解气体会膨胀形成气泡

    If a diver ascends too quickly from a high-pressure underwater environment to a lower-pressure one, gases dissolved in blood and tissue expand and form bubbles.


  • 潜水员乘坐着黛西号双人小型潜水器,在法国海岸边缘同行潜碟雅克库斯托海船卡布里索号一部分

    Two divers off the coast of France peer into Denise, a small two-man diving saucer that is part of Jacques Cousteau's oceanic ship Calypso.


  • 尽管危险重重十多年海参潜水员这个区域工作他们潜入51英尺深的时候,无意发现了一陶器珊瑚块。

    Despite the dangers, sea cucumber divers were working the area a decade ago when, 51 feet down, they came across a coral block with ceramics embedded in it.


  • 种独特的紫色海绵从未在世界上其他地方出现过,是由潜水员在北诺福克海岸首次发现的。

    The unique purple sponge, which had never been seen in other parts of the world, was first discovered by divers off the north Norfolk coast.


  • 潜水员道恩·沃特森向海绵专家克莱尔·古德温展示她的发现时,古德温确信这是一种在科学上未知的海绵。

    When diver Dawn Watson showed sponge expert Claire Goodwin what she found, Goodwin was sure that it was a kind of sponge unknown to science.


  • 公主珊瑚礁潜水员某种毒药喷到鱼身上,使其昏迷,然后将其活捉

    Princessfish are a species of coral-reef fish that are captured alive by divers who first stun the individual fish by squirting a certain poison at them.


  • 由于只有少数几个潜水员进行捕捞而且他们注意造成过度捕捞的现象,所以潜水员的持续活动显然不会公主鱼种群造成严重危害

    Since the divers limit their catch to a few individuals and take care not to overfish, the divers' continuing activities will clearly not result in serious harm to populations of princessfish.


  • 张照片关于狮子鬃毛水母发形霞水母属,背景是一名潜水员

    The photo is about a small lions mane jellyfish, Cyanea capillata, with a diver in the background.


  • 潜水员探索日本北海道的流群。

    A diver explores an ice canopy off Hokkaido, Japan.


  • 从一个俄罗斯潜水员收到报告

    I received a report, which is really unbelievable, from one of the divers who came from Russia to observe the large concentrations of sharks in Malpelo.


  • 一位深海潜水员

    And Kai, you are a deep-sea diver.


  • 已有潜水员工厂中抢救贵重设备

    Divers have been used to salvage valuable equipment from submerged plants.


  • 墨西哥下水道潜水员

    Watch video of sewer divers in Mexico City.


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