• 女主角贝琪安妮没有温暖回忆冬季冷啊!我们错过春天

    Heroine, Becky and Annie: Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories. We've already missed the spring.


  • 只亲人的猎犬温暖眼睛里看见东西,勾起了美好的回忆

    What I saw in the warm gray eyes of the friendly old hound brought back wonderful memories.


  • 敏感且极富同情心巨蟹座喜欢舒舒服服家里读感人泪下的爱情小说或是一本能让他们回忆温暖的童年时光的书。

    The sensitive and caring Crab will enjoy cozying up at home with a good tear-jerking romance novel, or a bookthat evokes warm childhood memories.


  • 西尼号此次掠过土卫一飞行期间,它捕获了土卫一高清晰温度图谱,可以揭示温暖地区令人意想不到的模式,而这张图能令人回忆起幼时常玩的“吃豆小精灵”。

    During the flyby, Cassini also captured the highest-resolution temperature map of Mimas, revealing an unexpected pattern of warm regions reminiscent of the arcade icon Pac-Man.


  • 岁生日的时候给了一封温暖的信,心中回忆了我出生时情景,还有第一次戴帽子的样子。

    For my 10th birthday, he sent me a letter in which he tenderly recalled my birth, including the moment that I "crowned."


  • 而且还喜欢长时间地晒日光浴,“炎炎夏日温暖阳光下”她回忆道。

    And she spent plenty of hours sunbathing, "lying in the warmth of the sun in the summertime," she recalls.


  • 每个故事里,父爱母爱一样的伟大一个个温暖心灵亲情故事,是每个人对父母关爱深情回忆感受到浓浓的亲情。

    Each person's story, a father and a mother's love is great, and a warm heart of love story, is the deep memories of the parents care for everyone, you will feel great affection.


  • 有种温馨来自心灵中的惦记,有种快乐来自于思念中的回忆,有种关爱超越世俗轨迹,有种温暖放在心中彩虹一样美丽

    There is a kind of warmth from the heart, there is a kind of happiness from the memory of the memories, there is a love beyond the secular trajectory, a warm hearts as beautiful as the rainbow!


  • 本书所精选一个个温暖心灵亲情故事每个人父爱母爱的深情回忆

    Featured in this book a warm heart, a story of affection, is everyone's affectionate memories of the fatherly motherly love.


  • 依旧微笑默默地拥抱着温暖日渐冰冷回忆修补早已碎掉的

    But I still smile, silently hugged you, and you want to warm memories of that increasingly cold and wanted to fix it already Suidiao your heart.


  • 喝酒也是分享吧,分享中的愉悦酒后迷茫,分享彼此过去温暖回忆

    Drink, is also a kind of share, share the joy and drunk wine of confusion, share each other's past and warm memories.


  • 如果一杯奶茶可以刻画回忆或是一出《三国演义》,冒着烟温暖值得等待或者呢?

    If a cup of tea, you can describe a memory or or a "Three Kingdoms", smoky warmth, will it be worthwhile to wait for ten years, or more long?


  • 格林童话也许能让人回忆起一段温馨时光:躺父母温暖怀里,听他们讲着故事

    The story about the Brothers Grimm may evoke warm memories of story time in the comforting arms of a parent.


  • 原材料中加入这些味道是因为这些气味可以人们联想起温暖阳光天气暑假节假日的美好回忆

    These scents were used in our recipes as they have a natural ability to evoke the positive memories we associate with warm weather, sunshine and summer holidays. Things that make everyone smile.


  • 北语度过时光温暖友情有趣谈话,都给留下了诸多美好回忆

    I have many fond memories of my time in your university, of warm friendships and lively conversations.


  • 颠沛流离的生活现实使故乡回忆变得清晰温暖创作于是成为种对故乡怀念精神还乡形式。

    The vagrant life in reality turns the native memory into clarity and warmth. In this sense, writing becomes a way of remembering one's homeland and going home in spirit.


  • 黄昏夕阳带走只留下女孩一人父亲回忆温暖的,女孩儿也曾经为那小小的片段感动

    The sunset twilight away, leaving the girl alone, but the memory of my father, is warm, the girl have a small fragment and moved.


  • 直到今天始终相信那样刻骨铭心一次就可以藉着回忆温暖一生一世

    Untill today I trust that there do exist remember to the end of one's life's love, only once which warm and happiness is enough to memorize in all one's born days.


  • 坐在温暖夜色中,手持一杯冷饮回忆——这奇妙至极一天!

    I'm sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the day-a day of pure magic!


  • 尝试这种方法,我发现不再过于执着回忆物质保存形式,反而在我回忆这些记忆中感受到了温暖幸福

    When I tried this method, I found out I didn't pay too much to the material reserve of my memory, but I could feel the warmth and happiness from those memories when I think about them.


  • 显然,不是一个温暖模糊回忆是的目前紧张书面

    It's clear this is not going to be a warm and fuzzy memoir and yes, it's written in present tense.


  • 甜甜的味道总会留下无限遐想空间,有儿时快乐童年的回忆,有对青涩初恋滋味的留恋,有对家人和家庭温暖的美丽憧憬……

    Sweet flavor always provide you infinite space to recalls your memory of happy childhood, nostalgia of sentimental first love and yearning for warm family


  • 苦难打击已经好地走过时,回忆都会带有温暖颜色

    When suffering, combat you have a good time through, it will be recalled with warm colors.


  • 你们慷慨帮助热心关怀使倍感温暖,是你们的慷慨帮助和热心关怀使第一次工作经历变成了一份美好的回忆

    Your generous help and tender care made me feel warmly welcomed and transformed my first work experience into a beautiful memory.


  • 你们慷慨帮助热心关怀使倍感温暖,是你们的慷慨帮助和热心关怀使第一次工作经历变成了一份美好的回忆

    Your generous help and tender care made me feel warmly welcomed and transformed my first work experience into a beautiful memory.


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