• 这本中立的消费者杂志同时苹果声称仅是软件问题说法,表示怀疑

    The independent consumer magazine also cast doubt on Apple's claim that the problem lay in the software.


  • 消费者杂志压力他们逐渐改善质量并且赢得批评者消费者认可

    Under pressure from consumer magazines they gradually improved their quality and have won recognition from critics and customers.


  • 这家消费者杂志表示该项发现强调应该食品包装营养成分进行更加明确标注

    The consumer group says its findings emphasise the need for clearer nutrition labelling on food packaging.


  • 专业杂志某些专业团体面出版的杂志有别于为一般人士出版消费者杂志

    Trade magazine A magazine either written for a profession or for a group, as opposed to a consumer magazine, which is written for the general public.


  • 消费者杂志金钱版编辑詹姆士·达利(James Daley)这些受过学校训练的人在课程改变很少寻求咨询除非他们遇到了危机

    Consumer magazine money editor James Daley says those schooled before this curriculum change rarely seek advice - unless they hit crisis point.


  • 美国一份消费者杂志丰田旗下所有SUV车型进行检测,丰田因此全世界范围内停止销售2010款车型凌志GX 460。

    Toyota has suspended sales of its 2010 Lexus GX 460 worldwide after a us consumer magazine warning and said it would test all of its other SUV models.


  • 最近一家消费者杂志举办汽车拥有者调查中,斯柯达获得了第一的名次。英国举行的40 000名汽车拥有者进行的同类调查中规模最大顾客满意度调查。

    Skoda recently came top of a major consumer magazine's annual survey of car owners. It's the biggest customer satisfaction survey of this kind in the UK-based on over 40 000 car owners.


  • 这项研究英国消费者杂志WhichComputing》开展。该杂志位微生物学家伦敦办公室内33个电脑键盘,一个马桶座和一个卫生间门把手进行细菌检测

    A study by British consumer magazine "Which Computing" asked a microbiologist to examine for bugs on 33 keyboards in a typical London office, a toilet seat and a toilet door handle.


  • 消费者报告杂志主编杰夫·布莱斯卡尔有关联盟宣传大吹大擂毫无意义的。

    Jeff Blyskal, associate editor of Consumer Reports magazine, says the promotional ballyhoo over alliances is much a do about nothing.


  • 消费者研究杂志》最近的一项研究显示,我们同餐伙伴的身形和饮食习惯都会影响我们的食物摄入量。

    According to a recent study in the Journal of Consumer Research, both the size and consumption habits of our eating companions can influence our food intake.


  • 研究人员研究结果发表消费者研究杂志》上,他们认为人们在餐馆或者实验室吃东西时有不同动机

    The researchers, whose findings were published in the Journal of Consumer research, concluded that there are different motivations when we eat in a restaurant or a lab.


  • 消费者研究杂志上的一项研究发表了一些见解

    A study in the Journal of Consumer Research offers some insights.


  • 一些超级市场刊物可以通过忠诚数据与其对手杂志相比能了解消费者

    Thanks to data from loyalty CARDS, some supermarket rags know much more about their customers than do rival magazines.


  • 通过这种方式消费者印刷书籍杂志报纸能够下载电子书平板电脑笔记本电脑甚至智能手机数字版本

    Take the way consumers are swapping from printed books, magazines and newspapers to digital versions that can be downloaded to e-readers, tablets, laptops or even smart phones.


  • 人们家人朋友聊聊天翻翻消费者报告个人电脑杂志一类编辑评论查阅各种产品评价评级,用作购买决定的参考。

    They talk to their family and friends, read Consumer Reports or other editorial content such as PC Magazine to find out reviews and ratings of various products to make a purchase decision.


  • 这项研究成果发表即将出版消费者心理杂志》上。

    The study will be published in a forthcoming edition of the Journal of Consumer Psychology.


  • 多年以来,思域都是本田旗下畅销车型之一,深受消费评论家好评其中包括具有广泛影响力的《消费者报告杂志

    For many years, Honda Civic was one of Honda’s best selling model, receiving rave reviews by consumer crititics, including the broadly followed Consumer Reports.


  • 消费者报导杂志最新汽车价格报告汽车最低价钱底线提供方面的相关信息。

    Consumer Reports New Car Price Reports does this for you with the CR Bottom Line Price.


  • 人们都喜爱杂志--《消费者报告近期民意调查显示:有43%的美国人仍然没有决定是否要注射H1N1型流感疫苗

    A recent poll by Consumer Reports, a citizens’ advocacy publication, found that 43% of Americans were still undecided about getting vaccinated against H1N1.


  • Amazon把DX定价为489美元,真叫人吞口水,它面向特定用户:需要阅读大量文档大学生各种专业人士,还有报纸杂志消费者

    Amazon is marketing the DX, priced at a gulp-inducing $489, to some specific users: college students, professionals who read a lot of documents, and consumers of newspapers and magazines.


  • 消费者调查杂志二月刊中详细说明价格问题回顾了一个售后市场Prius改装油电混用车挂件(Plug-in)的案例。

    Consumer Reports magazine detailed the price problem in its February issue, reviewing an after-market conversion of a Prius to a plug-in.


  • 216本流行时尚杂志最近组织了一次有关消费者服装价格意见调查,调查使用了预付邮资信封

    A popular fashion magazine recently conducted a survey of consumers opinions about clothing prices, using prepaid mailing envelopes.


  • 与此同时时代公司其他杂志出版商指望在线流媒体电视网站Hulu,希望其能为杂志建立可以消费者提供购买管理数字订阅的服务。

    Meanwhile, Time Inc. and other magazine publishers are looking to create a Hulu for magazines where consumers can purchase and manage digital subscriptions.


  • 爱尔兰最大博彩公司帕蒂鲍尔公司表示本周美国消费者报导杂志发布其评估,手机召回几率猛增,引起博彩热潮”。

    Paddy Power Plc, Ireland’s biggest bookmaker, said this week that the odds of a recall increased after the Consumer Reports review, leading to abetting frenzy.”


  • 消费者报导》杂志IPhone4由于天线方面缺陷,可能引起断线,所以他们不会推荐使用

    Consumer Reports said it would not recommend the iPhone 4 because of a hardware flaw with its antenna that sometimes resulted in dropped calls.


  • 美国杂志消费者报告拒绝推荐iPhone4呼吁苹果公司消费者进行补偿

    Us magazine Consumer Reports refused to recommend the iPhone 4 and called on Apple to compensate buyers.


  • 美国大型图书连锁销售商决定撤下以“雌雄同体”AndrePejic封面时尚杂志,以避免消费者视为女性

    Two major U.S. book retailers have censored an image of andogynous male model Andre Pejic 'in case customers confuse him for a woman.'


  • 这些新型汽车赢得了具有影响力的”消费者报道杂志“的赞扬,而这一杂志很是催毛求疵曾经很长一段时间推荐买入的清单中反对通用大多数产品

    These new cars have won praise from the picky and influential Consumer Reports magazine, which had long banished most GM products from itsrecommended buy” list


  • 有鉴于,尚9月15日推出一本在线杂志消费者介绍奢侈品文化。

    So on September 15, Shangpin will try to address this obstacle by launching an online editorial magazine.


  • 有鉴于,尚9月15日推出一本在线杂志消费者介绍奢侈品文化。

    So on September 15, Shangpin will try to address this obstacle by launching an online editorial magazine.


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