• 所有行业专利意识行业——半导体行业研究表明企业不一定随着专利申请活动增加而变得更具创新性。

    Studies of the most patent-conscious business of allthe semiconductor industrysuggest that firms do not necessarily become more innovative as they increase their patenting activity.


  • 世卫组织无烟草行动负责人道格拉斯.巴彻博士这样一来,世界就有95%接触烟草行业各种没有任何限制的营销活动

    The Director of WHO's Tobacco Free Initiative, Dr. Douglas Bettcher, says that leaves 95 percent of the world's population exposed to the unbridled marketing activities of the tobacco industry.


  • 所有这些活动农业经济大大小小的相关行业带来好处。

    All this activity is benefiting rural economies and related industries big and small.


  • 这种框架足够灵活健壮支持众多行业产品开发活动

    This framework is flexible and robust enough to support development activities across a wide range of industries and products.


  • 上网进行社交活动的人数比例(81%),是上网进(39%)购物(31%)的还多

    More than twice as many people go online to socialize (81%) than to do business (39%) or shop (31%).


  • 还说预计2010年招聘活动最强劲行业包括医疗清洁能源制药高科技

    Industries where recruiting activity is expected to be strongest in 2010 include health care, clean energy, pharmaceuticals and high technology, he adds.


  • 免费音乐下载服务音乐行业来说是个巨大飞跃不过并非唱片公司首次中国这个盗版活动视为最严重的国家尝试这项服务。

    Free music downloads are a pretty big leap for the music industry, but this isn't the first time the labels have tried it in China, where piracy is considered to be at its worst.


  • 尽管存在soa相关广泛学术行业活动,但是存在用于分析设计面向服务应用程序端到端系统方法

    Despite the wide academic and industrial activities related to SOA, no systematic end-to-end methodology exists to analyze and design service-oriented applications.


  • 每一行业总是一些紧急似救火活动行政任务

    There are always fire-fighting activities and administrative tasks in every line of work.


  • 他们希望美国能够效仿英国,英国相关的活动正如火如荼的展开,敦促食品行业消费者使用更少食盐

    They want the United States to emulate Britain, where there has been an intensive campaign to pressure industry as well as consumers to use less salt.


  • 尽管行业指出了这种活动安全性,但欧洲消费者太可能放弃对安全问题的关注。

    European consumers are not likely to ignore such matters, even if the industry says the practice is safe.


  • 但这并不妨碍行业资助一个游说活动该提案的含义作出令人不安预测

    That hasn’t stopped the industry funding a big lobbying effort and making dire predictions about the proposals’ implications.


  • 多多参加公司外部行业活动可以你带来意想不到的机会扩展交际范围。

    Start attending more industry events outside the company; they can be a gateway to unexpected opportunities and help strengthen your network.


  • 虽然我们仍然通过论坛博客行业活动回答大量具体问题我们没有力量回答所有问题。

    But we also still answer a lot of individual questions in our forum, on our blog, and at industry events. However, we can't answer them all.


  • 如果所有朋友都和你同一个行业工作那么社交活动时候立下规矩

    If all of your friends work in your industry, set rules when you socialize.


  • 为了允许这些抵押贷款用于交易活动同时又本地产权法难堪,这一行业就催生出了个“电子化处理公司”,即,抵押贷款电子注册系统

    To allow mortgages to be traded without falling foul of local property laws, the industry created an electronic-processing firm, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems (MERS).


  • 劳动力转移到了生产率不那么高的服务行业非正规活动

    Labour has migrated to less productive service sectors and informal activities.


  • Telephia公司的专利技术行业知识分析优势进一步加强加快尼尔森这些领域活动

    Telephia's patented technology, industry expertise and analytic strengths will enhance and accelerate Nielsen's activities in these areas.


  • 准备就绪后,他们可以填写表格描述自己合作关系提案,表格将记录他们全球问题地域行业核心竞争力、企业社会责任活动及合作关系优先选项等方面想法

    When ready, they can describe their partnership proposal by filling out a form that records their idea in terms of global issues, geography, industry sector, core competencies.


  • 另外需要定期检查过程期间是否发生错误导致某些活动进入STOPPED状态

    In addition, you need to regularly check if errors have occurred during business process execution leading to activities in the state of STOPPED.


  • 也许一份供应商目录或者可以行业会议上四处走 走来开展一些有效社交活动

    You may want to take a vendor table, or you can often do some effective networking by walking around the conference.


  • 金融服务卫生保健行业中的许多商家承受着重大压力他们需要将在生命周期活动之内生命周期活动如何行事,像开发软件,编制成文档

    Many businesses in industries like financial services and health care are under significant pressure to document how they do things like develop software, both within and across lifecycle activities.


  • 现在可以导入业务处理过程分析进一步指定处理过程活动

    You can now drill down to perform business analysis on the business process that you have imported, to further specify the process activities.


  • 汇丰银行自身而言已经承诺根据以下原则行事:其所释放温室效应气体将会控制在通过其商业活动节省范围之内。同时帮助创建行业的“应对气候变化规范”。

    HSBC, for its part, has pledged to work to emit no more greenhouse gases than it saves through its activities as well as helping create a set of "climate principles" for the banking industry.


  • 行业委员会听证会零部件供应商经销商发起大范围游说活动之一。

    The Banking Committee testimony is part of a broader lobbying campaign that includes parts suppliers and dealers.


  • 今天出版的《健康活动报告指出这种做法令人担心,食品行业承诺限制儿童推销只不过是一句空话。

    The worrying practices, highlighted in a report published today by health campaigners, leaves the industry's promises to curb marketing to children ringing hollow.


  • 行业组织周一称,担心国菜声誉日本寿司下月发起一场外国寿司师傅认证活动

    Worried about the reputation of its national cuisine, Japan's sushi industry will next month launch a certification campaign for foreign sushi chefs.


  • 瑞士调控者希望新的资本要求迫使行业巨头减少高风险活动,但他们失望

    Swiss regulators will be disappointed. They had hoped that new capital requirements would nudge the two biggest Banks to cut back on risky activities.


  • 瑞士调控者希望新的资本要求迫使行业巨头减少高风险活动,但他们失望

    Swiss regulators will be disappointed. They had hoped that new capital requirements would nudge the two biggest Banks to cut back on risky activities.


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