• 洪水以后一百撒。

    Two years after the flood, when Shem was 100 years old, he became the father of Arphaxad.


  • 这些建筑的建造方称为潮湿洪水试验”,英国诺里联盟洪灾设计比赛名胜出者开发

    This strategy, known as wet flood-proofing, was explored in a winning entry in the U.K.’s Norwich Union Flood Design competition.


  • 距离戈市北约10英里(16千米),洪水迫使29际公路关闭

    About 10 miles (16 kilometers) north of Fargo, flooding forced the closure of Interstate 29.


  • 后代记在下面。洪水以后,闪一百

    These are the generations of Shem: Shem was an hundred years old, and begat Arphaxad two years after the flood.


  • 2010年3月21北达科他州南部红河上涨洪水包围的房屋

    15homes are surrounded by flood waters from the swollen Red River, Sunday, March 21, 2010, south of Fargo, North Dakota.


  • 预测结果误差分析表明,自适应滤波用于江河洪水预测可行的。

    The predictive results and error analysis show that the method is feasible for stream flood prediction.


  • 用放射性碳测年地震中丧生三名儿童遗骸进行检测后,研究者确定洪水大约发生公元前1920年。

    Radiocarbon dating of the bones of three children killed by the earthquake establish that the event took place around 1920 B. C.


  • 入库洪水根据资料情况采用典型,并用多种方案分析比较

    In the light of available data, the reservoir inflow floods are computed by typical years method and compared with various analysis methods.


  • 引入概率极限状态设计概念研究JC推求梯级水库设计洪水理论

    The probabilistic design conception on limit state was introduced, and the theory using the JC method to compute the cascade reservoir's design flood was studied.


  • 可以灾害性洪水长期预报中试用,并给出发布预报的准则。

    Thus the method is proposed as a possible approach to long-term forecast for disastrous floods.


  • 提出洪水频率计算时适线最小二乘方一种新的求解方对其特性进行分析。

    A new method of least square is raised in curve fitting of flood frequency calculating and its specific properties are analysed.


  • 恩斯沃斯建筑于1951年完成芝加哥普莱诺西南五十八英里一直容易受到洪水的侵袭。

    Since its completion in 1951, the Farnsworth House, situated 58 miles southwest of Chicago in Plano, Ill. , has been susceptible to flooding.


  • 应用广东推理公式单位线计算广州抽水蓄能电站水库坝址处设计洪水,并对两方计算结果进行分析比较

    The rational formula method and the unit hydrograph method are used and compared in the calculation of the design flood for the Guangzhou pumped storage station in this paper.


  • 考虑洪峰流量、洪水总量洪水频率共同决定作用计算机软件洪水资料频率的判断,采用综合分析

    Considering the combined action of peak flood and flood volume, flood frequency use analysis by synthesis method in computer software.


  • 设计洪水计算主要可能最大降雨水文频率

    The main methods for calculating designed flood are probable maximum precipitation and hydrologic frequency analysis.


  • 本文洪水随机模拟用于澜沧江中下游洪水地区组成研究中,并取得了比较好的结果

    The stochastic simulation method in the paper is used to the research of the region flood composition in the middle and the downstream of Lancangjiang river, a good result is got.


  • 目前常用矩估计瞬时单位线,据此还原洪水过程实测洪水过程之间特别是洪峰点之间,常具有明显的差别

    The difference is obvious between the computed flood hydrograph according to the traditional method and observed flood hydrograph, especially flood peak.


  • 河道洪水水力计算重要参数,引入控制论理论,应用参数的卡尔曼滤波进行河道糙率反演分析

    The channel friction is importance parameter of hydraulic analysis, a channel friction parameter inversion method based on Kalman filter with unknown parameter vector is proposed.


  • 采用小流域平行对比分析秦巴山区小流域降雨洪水过程,研究了水土保持综合治理对小流域洪水作用过程。

    The effects of soil and water conservation on surface runoff process in small watersheds of the Qinba mountainous region are analyzed by the parallel observation in two comparable watersheds.


  • “阿中小型工程规划设计洪水过程线计算主要

    The Alekceef's method is a main method to calculate flood hydrograph in the medium and small project planning and designing.


  • 抽象世界里构建模型矩阵标识求解实现流域洪水演进模拟具有通用性。

    The model constructed in the abstract world and the use of the matrix mark method to solve equations make it possible to realize flood routing and simulation, and the algorithm is universal.


  • 尝试时间序列分析中的适应滤波江河灾害性洪水进行预测认为加权因子个数自适应常数确定关键

    Adaptive filtering in time series analysis is used to predict a stream flood. The key in this process is determination of the adaptive constants and the number of weighted factors.


  • 历史洪水存在不确定性情况概率权重估计参数稳健性优于优化适线

    Moreover, under the situation of uncertainties in large historical flood, the quantities estimated by probability weighted moments may be more robust than those by a optimal curve fitting method.


  • 洪水风险事件识别采用层次分析进行,并结合施工工期防洪标准来确定洪水发生概率

    The method of Analytic Hierarchy Process is used to identify the risk events of flood. The probability of flood is determined by construction period and flood control standard.


  • 人工神经网络时序模型开辟随机模拟设计洪水计算中应用研究的途径

    Artificial neural network series models break a new approach for stochastic modeling in computing design flood.


  • 洪水水渠际公路29 2010年3月21北达科他州南部

    Flood water drains from a ditch along Interstate 29 March 21, 2010 south of Fargo, North Dakota.


  • 应用于广东枫树流域,使预报方案合格率原来85.1%提高91.7%,克服了原方案在久旱后预报洪水的产流量远远偏大的问题。

    This method has achieved great success in Fengshuba basin, and raised the qualified rate of forecasting runoff yield from 85.1% of antecedent scheme to 91.7% and overcame


  • 统计资料两个城市22水泥,30以上的多达11个最小半导体洪水%的股票上升百分之十九。

    According to statistical information WIND, two cities 22 plate cement stocks, up more than 30% of the stock as much as 11, or the smallest st flood also rise 19 percent.


  • 统计资料两个城市22水泥,30以上的多达11个最小半导体洪水%的股票上升百分之十九。

    According to statistical information WIND, two cities 22 plate cement stocks, up more than 30% of the stock as much as 11, or the smallest st flood also rise 19 percent.


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