• 津巴布韦自夸有着非洲最为工业化经济体制。

    Zimbabwe boasts Africa's most industrialized economy.


  • 津巴布韦学者计划开办所大学帮助那些因家庭责任经济拮据而中断教育非洲妇女

    Two Zimbabwean academics plan to open a university to help African women whose education was interrupted by either family commitments or financial constraints.


  • 维多利亚瀑布位于非洲南部赞比亚津巴布韦之间

    The Victoria Falls lie in between Zambia and Zimbabwe in Southern Africa.


  • 所以西方国家非洲国家特别是津巴布韦邻国必须团结起来,一起铲除这个使整个大陆蒙羞的魔鬼。

    So Western and African countries, especially Zimbabwe's neighbours, must act in concert to get rid of the ogre that has shamed an entire continent.


  • 除了津巴布韦之外,大多数非洲国家一直降低国家通胀率世界其它国家保持一致即使现在上升趋势

    Zimbabwe apart, most African countries have been bringing inflation down, even if the trend is now creeping up again, in line with the rest of the world.


  • 非洲全世界不能允许南非成为一个津巴布韦

    Africa and the world can't afford for South Africa to turn into the next Zimbabwe.


  • 穆加贝掌控津巴布韦非常容易变成其他非洲国家的“翻版”,尼日利亚模式阿塞俄比亚模式,甚至——有一——会变成南非模式。

    The fate of Zimbabwe under Mr Mugabe could all too easily become that of other African democracies, from Nigeria to Ethiopia, and evenone day perhaps—to South Africa itself.


  • 同时规划署降低了安哥拉肯尼亚莫桑比克尼日利亚津巴布韦五个非洲国家的预测值。

    At the same time, the agency reduced its estimates for five African countries: Angola, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria and Zimbabwe.


  • 还有一些非洲国家津巴布韦乌干达埃塞俄比亚,前反叛者向人们灌输全新版本历史

    Zimbabwe, Uganda and Ethiopia are other examples of African states where ex-rebels have imposed new versions of history.


  • 津巴布韦南部非洲良心一个刀疤

    Zimbabwe is a scar on the conscience of the rest of southern Africa.


  • 然而对于自豪加纳而言更糟好像女婿津巴布韦加入到了今天非洲血腥爆发点之一。

    Worse still for the proud black stars of Ghana, it appears as if their former son-in-law has also added Zimbabwe as one of the bloody flashpoints of Africa today!


  • 另一个包含15个国家区域性组织南部非洲发展共同体(SADC)在津巴布韦问题上无能为力,不妨西共体这里借鉴一二

    The Southern African Development Community (SADC), another regional club of 15 countries, which has been so feeble over Zimbabwe, could learn a trick or two from ECOWAS.


  • 受害人中数以千计来自津巴布韦索马里埃塞俄比亚非洲国家难民寻求庇护者,这些人的家园毁,企业遭到抢劫焚烧

    Among those affected are thousands of refugees and asylum-seekers from Zimbabwe, Somalia, Ethiopia and other African countries, whose homes were destroyed and businesses looted, and burned.


  • 非洲联盟星期一份声明中,他们津巴布韦局势深感关注。

    The AU said in a statement Monday it is gravely concerned about the situation in Zimbabwe.


  • 津巴布韦非洲国家之一,艾滋病肆虐,人均预期寿命34岁

    Zimbabwe is one of the poorest countries in Africa and HIV is widespread with the average life expectancy just 34.


  • 那些受影响人中来自津巴布韦索马里埃塞俄比亚其他非洲国家数以千计难民和寻找收容的人,他们家园毁,商铺被掠夺和烧毁。

    Among those affected are thousands of refugees and asylum-seekers from Zimbabwe, Somalia, Ethiopia and other African countries, whose homes were destroyed and businesses looted, and burned.


  • 有人非洲民族联盟争取下届选举一部分,也许明年非洲民族联盟就一贯的民粹主义作风来谴责西方国家津巴布韦造成所有弊病

    Some say this is part of Zanu-PF's plan to fight the next election, perhaps as early as next year, on its usual populist platform, blaming the West for all Zimbabwe's ills.


  • 然而离开津巴布韦一回事,离开非洲又是另一回事

    It is one thing to leave Zimbabwe, but it is something else to leave the continent altogether!


  • 对于调查津巴布韦钻石行业金伯利进程之“失败”,非洲加拿大伙伴组织持高度批评

    The PAC is also highly critical of the "failure" of the Kimberley Process to investigate Zimbabwe's diamond industry.


  • 10名中,非洲国家占据大多数包括乍得苏丹津巴布韦国。

    Most of the 10 states that fill out the top ranks of this year's index are in Africa, such as Chad, Sudan and Zimbabwe.


  • 2月1日埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴举行非洲联盟会议上,津巴布韦危机将进一步浮出水面。

    The crisis in Zimbabwe may also loom large at a meeting of the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, which kicks off on Sunday February 1st.


  • 津巴布韦南部非洲大象数目正在飞速增长

    In Zimbabwe and southern Africa, elephant populations are rapidly growing.


  • 津巴布韦其它一些贫穷非洲国家排名垫底。在这些国家中,人均寿命很短,人们的幸福指数低。

    Zimbabwe and other poor African nations, where life expectancy and happiness is low, came bottom of the table.


  • 七十年代后期八十年代,充满了泛非振兴和鲍勃马利1980年在津巴布韦首都哈拉雷巡回演出音乐内容推动牙买加鬼音乐海啸般的席卷非洲

    In the later '70s and 1980s, Jamaican reggae hit Africa like a tidal wave, propelled by the music's message of pan-African uplift and Bob Marley's historic 1980 concert in Harare, Zimbabwe.


  • 虽然感染者正在慢慢减少,新增感染病例百分之七十仍发生撒哈拉以南的非洲地区,尤其是埃塞俄比亚南非赞比亚津巴布韦

    Sub-Saharan Africa had 70% of new HIV cases, though its infection rates are falling, especially in Ethiopia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. See article.


  • 美国官员们一直私下表示南部非洲国家解决津巴布韦危机方面缺乏努力感到失望

    U.S. officials had been privately expressing disappointment with the seeming lack of commitment by southern African countries on the Zimbabwe crisis.


  • 这份报告非洲艾滋病疫情影响严重5个国家中的四个-埃塞俄比亚、南非、赞比亚津巴布韦艾滋病毒感染率下降幅度超过了25%。

    The report said Ethiopia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwefour of the five African countries most affected by the epidemic — have reduced rates of new HIV infections by more than 25 percent.


  • 但是这次南部非洲发展共同体首脑们卢萨卡峰会结束之际都一致希望津巴布韦明年选举将自由化公平化,这样无疑让津巴人感到兴奋。

    But Zimbabweans will no doubt be cheered to know that the SADC's leaders, at the end of their Lusaka summit, wished elections next year to be free and fair.


  • 津巴布韦邻国博茨瓦纳认为,津巴布韦穆加贝应该开除非洲联盟和南部非洲发展共同体。

    Zimbabwe's neighbor Botswana argued that Zimbabwe and Mr. Mugabe should be barred from membership in the African Union and SADC.


  • 津巴布韦邻国博茨瓦纳认为,津巴布韦穆加贝应该开除非洲联盟和南部非洲发展共同体。

    Zimbabwe's neighbor Botswana argued that Zimbabwe and Mr. Mugabe should be barred from membership in the African Union and SADC.


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