• 4月6日下午,云南迪庆藏族自治州香格里拉洛吉发生森林火灾

    A forest fire that broke out Sunday near Luoji Village in Shangrila County of Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Diqing in Yunnan Province has been brought under control as of 11:30 am Wednesday.


  • 约翰·洛吉·贝尔德1928年制造出第一彩色电视机直到1938年第一个彩色电视节目播出

    John Logie Braid constructed the first colour TV in 1928, but it was not until 1938 that the first colour TV programme was broadcast.


  • 亚奎递给玩具时,顺利自然地抓住了一个好的

    When Giacino hands her a toy ball, she grabs it, smoothly and naturally. It is a good sign.


  • 大街走的慢了,因为眼前了。 米的家是街左边第二户的那栋红砖房,墙上爬满了常青藤的枝桠,和蜘蛛网一样。

    His pace slowed further as he turned onto Willow Avenue and saw his house, second on the left, a red brick ranch with spidery ivy growing up the east side.


  • 闯入抵达时·冈萨雷斯女士丈夫劳尔·雷斯以及他们女儿家中

    GINA GONZALEZ was at home with her husband, Raul Flores, and their daughter when the intruders arrived.


  • 唐培里侬酒窖总监理查德·奥弗这个夜晚灵感来自于“纯粹快乐”,可是还是为穿着那个时代服装侍者所提供的温馨服务现代感到惋惜,因为路易十四时代,客人需要自己取餐的。

    Richard Geoffroy, Dom’s chef de cave, said the idea of the evening was “driven by pure pleasure,” though he lamented that the waiters, in period costume, weretoo modernin their attentive service.


  • 里包斯顿农场自然保护区本来注定要遭屠宰无数动物提供安全的环境,让动物们也能过自己生活

    People likeGene and Lorri Bauston who opened the Farm Sanctuary, providing safetyand life itself to countless animals destined for slaughter.


  • 尼亚茨维尔州立大学的所在地,有许多美丽的联邦风格建筑还有乔治·华盛顿诞生地弗雷德里克斯堡等名胜,这些都是人们喜欢去的地方。

    Charlottesville, Virginia, home to the state university and beautiful Federal-style buildings, is another popular getaway, as is Fredricksburg, George Washington's birthplace.


  • 克雷格 ·新奥尔良报道

    Reporting by Craig Guillot in New Orleans


  • 通过那些经过多年后仍恢复意识病人的研究,希夫亚奎指出有的大脑甚至受损20年以后仍能自我修复

    By studying patients who emerge into consciousness after years in limbo, Schiff and Giacino have shown that the brain can sometimes fix itself even decades after damage.


  • 有趣,巴尔什博士实验区是玛托格罗索州长大豆富商布莱·玛的80000公顷家族林地中的一部分

    Intriguingly, Dr Balch's experimental area is part of an 80, 000-hectare holding owned by the family of Blairo Maggi, a soyabean magnate who is the governor of Mato Grosso.


  • 学院院长·弗根据包含有诸如申斥中止终止等惩罚教员合同校方对雷特纳采取措施予以处理。

    College President Jean Floten said action would be initiated against Ratener under a section of the faculty contract that covers punishment, such as a reprimand or suspension, but not termination.


  • 今天我们前往特纳·里夫海岛西部一个名叫斯·特斯的小镇

    Today we went to the west of Teneriffa, a small town which is named Los Gigantes.


  • 康奈利·福魔法部高兴宣布,多雷斯··乌姆里奇将出任高级调查官,挽救霍格·沃茨正在下降的整体水准

    Cornelius Fudge: the Ministry of Magic is pleased to announce the appointment of Dolores Jane Umbridge as High Inquisitor, to address the falling standards at Hogwarts School.


  • 我们真是幸运第二季里已经出场了诺·西斯人,现在又加入人。

    We've been lucky in Season Two in that we've had the Geonosians, and now we have the Mandalorians.


  • 感谢文却与却提供段教授笔记,同时感谢索维珍贵电脑借给来使用。

    Thanks to Ven Chodrup and Chokyi for the the notes from the first two lectures and Solveig for lending me her precious computer.


  • 罗•哈特声称他的许多次英勇行为之一就是击败了沃加沃加狼人(《密室》第10章)。

    One of the many exploits Gilderoy Lockhart claimed to have performed was to have defeated the Wagga Wagga Werewolf (CS10).


  • 那天阿萨·文崔斯为了证明自己杜库伯爵合格门徒走进角斗场巨人最后一个站在面前的对手。

    The day Asajj Ventress chose to enter the gladiator pit to prove herself a worthy disciple of Count Dooku, Giant Flog was the warrior that stood to the last to face her.


  • 伦萨建筑师朱塞佩·1869年设计了这个广场,作为献给米开朗基罗作品纪念碑式基地

    Florentine architect Giuseppe Poggi designed the Piazzale in 1869 as a monument base dedicated to the works of Michelangelo.


  • 康奈利·福邪术部很开心肠颁布揭晓,多雷斯··乌姆里奇将出来担任高级查询拜访官,拯救霍格·沃茨鄙人降的群体水准

    Dornelius Fudge: the Ministry of Magic is pleased to announce the appointment of Dolores Jane Umbridge as High Inquisitor, to address the falling standards at Hogwarts School.


  • 有一,沃巴什县居民们看到妻子艰难米从小汽车里抬出来之后

    After seeing Jimmy's wife, Lori, struggling to get Jimmy out of the car one day.


  • ·詹姆斯:[]必须坚强起来!

    Maggie James: [to Conor] You have to be strong!


  • ·加·鲍尔(律师):行为能力不是电灯开关没法随意打开或者关闭

    Jean Galloway Ball (Attorney) : Capacity's not a light switch. You don't turn it on or off.


  • 奥里藏首都米纳斯拉斯州一个国家大于法国中产阶级家庭喜欢在热闹的商店服装巴罗·普雷托。

    In Belo Horizonte, the capital of Minas Gerais, a state larger than France, middle class families like to shop in the lively clothing district of Barro Preto.


  • 为了帮助他们儿子们去向伊渥克巫医格雷征求意见

    To help the children, Deej and his sons sought advice from Logray, the Ewok medicine man.


  • 教授格·纳克列为引援名单首选,名单同时也包括了波尔多射手查马克国米的巴里。

    The Arsenal manager has placed Gignac at the top of a striking wish list that also includes Bordeaux's Marouane Chamakh and Inter's Mario Balotelli.


  • 罗兹庄园拥有大片专属的葡萄园主要品种赤霞珠艾格尼科莎当妮法兰诺,格雷

    Rose with vast estate exclusive vineyard, main varieties cabernet sauvignon, etam nico, Thoreau palmer card, chardonnay, flange zina, phenanthrene north, gray grams, etc.


  • 罗兹庄园拥有大片专属的葡萄园主要品种赤霞珠艾格尼科莎当妮法兰诺,格雷

    Rose with vast estate exclusive vineyard, main varieties cabernet sauvignon, etam nico, Thoreau palmer card, chardonnay, flange zina, phenanthrene north, gray grams, etc.


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