• 这些屿就数泽西岛吸引游客。

    Jersey is the most touristy of the islands.


  • 收到来自泽西岛明信片

    Received to a postcard from Jersey!


  • 英国内战海峡泽西忠于官方庇护国王

    During the English Civil War the Channel Isle of Jersey remained loyal to the Crown and gave sanctuary to the King.


  • 格恩西岛西马恩离岸中心排名有所上升

    The offshore centres of Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man all gained as well.


  • 这只天鹅年前丧偶,所在的乡村俱乐部临近西飞机场

    Whooper, who lives at a country club close to the island's airport, lost his partner two years ago.


  • 现在奥地利泽西这些问题而狂躁是谁授权回购股票?以及是否合法

    The questions still raging in Austria and Jersey are: who authorised the buyback and was it legal under the island's law?


  • 诸如马恩现在就自动提供信息不过泽西丧失竞争优势而不愿意跟风行事)。

    The Isle of Man, for instance, now automatically swaps information (though Jersey refuses to follow suit for fear of losingcompetitive advantage”.


  • 一些属维京群泽西岛或者其他一些离岸金融中心提起的上诉最终都是在英国了结的。

    The appeals process in the BVI and Jersey, among other OFCs, ends up in Britain.


  • 名30岁男子医院接受手术涉嫌谋杀,在泽西主要城市赫利被捕

    A 30-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder in the island's main city st Helier after he himself underwent surgery in hospital.


  • MEL当时西岛律师董事告诉泽西岛金融监管局(JFSC),他们蒙在鼓里。

    Two members of MEL's board at the time, who are Jersey lawyers, told the Jersey Financial Services Commission (JFSC) that they had been kept in the dark about the buyback.


  • 诸如马恩现在就自动提供信息不过泽西丧失竞争优势而不愿意跟风行事)。

    The Isle of Man, for instance, now automatically swaps information (though Jersey refuses to follow suit for fear of losing "competitive advantage".


  • 英国皇家属地之一泽西岛欧洲最美屿中排名第六,在英国最美屿中排名第一位。 。

    Jersey, , a self-governing British Crown dependency, was named the sixth best island in Europe and the top island in the UK and Channel Islands category.


  • 凯亚:“泽西海岸第一开始播放的时候,所有人都'"Gym-tan-laundry”?

    Kyjah said, “WhenJersey Shorefirst started, everyone was like, ‘ “Gym-tan-laundry”?


  • 威尔士,今年第一批收获泽西岛特产土豆,新芦笋,新季野生香杏丽薄荷肉汁

    Slow-Roasted Shoulder of Welsh Lamb, very first of the season Jersey Royals, first of the season Asparagus and Wild St George Mushrooms. Mint Sauce and Gravy.


  • 西岛健康报告中我们得出如下的警告:“随着温度上升将近6很有可能会遭受皮肤癌心脏病的威胁”。

    The Jersey Health Report warns that with a rise in temperature by as much as six degrees, people will die from skin cancer and heat stroke.


  • 基于英吉利海峡泽西上发生的一幕,德雷尔野生生物保护信托基金决定,这位灵长类摄影高手应该那天的摄影师。

    Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, based in Jersey in the Channel Islands, decided that their most photographed primate should turn the tables and become cameraman for the day.


  • 泽西岛首都伊利这些机构正和另外24律师事务所50家会计师事务所以及20家保险公司争夺办公空间

    In St Helier, Jersey's capital, they compete for office space with more than two dozen law firms, 50 accountancy outfits and 20 insurance companies.


  • 4月伦敦20国峰会举行之前海峡西西开曼群勉强地签署了相关协议,因为逃税此次峰会的议程之一

    The Channel Islands (Jersey and Guernsey) and the Isle of Man squeaked in before a meeting of G20 countries in London in April, where tax dodging was on the agenda.


  • 克里斯蒂·卡尔维特总经理身份加入这家总部位于泽西岛律所之前,在英澳矿业公司担任了驻上海亚洲法律主管

    Kristy Calvert has joined the Jersey-based firm as a managing director after four years as a Shanghai-based Asia legal director at Anglo-Australian mining company Rio Tinto.


  • 孩子表示喜欢看《绯闻女孩》——“讨厌了,因为它一点儿也不符合现实。”但是他们认可泽西岛海岸》,他们:“可以免费学习很多流行词汇!”

    The teens were dismissive of “Gossip Girl”—“It’s annoying, because that’s not what this is like at all”—but they approved of “Jersey Shore,” which, they said, has contributed to the current lexicon.


  • 原产地泽西岛一个距离法国西海岸大约14英里(22公里)岩石屿现在西牛已经遍布全世界100多个国家南非拉丁美洲都能看到它们的踪迹。

    From its origins in Jersey, a rocky island 14 miles (22km) off of the western coast of France, it now wanders fields in over 100 countries from South Africa to Latin America.


  • 原产地泽西一个距离法国西海岸大约14英里(22公里)岩石屿,现在泽西牛已经遍布全世界100多个国家南非拉丁美洲都能看到它们的踪迹。

    From its origins in Jersey, a rocky island 14 miles off of the western coast of France, it now wanders fields in over 100 countries from South Africa to Latin America.


  • 去年Rio Tinto,一家国际采矿公司把一部分法律工作通过CPAGlobal公司(本部英属泽西岛)转移印度律师们去做,这样他们可以节约五分之一的律师费

    Last year, Rio Tinto, an international mining group, moved a tranche of legal work to Indian lawyers at CPA Global, which has its headquarters in Jersey, to save a fifth of its legal costs.


  • 去年Rio Tinto,一家国际采矿公司把一部分法律工作通过CPAGlobal公司(本部英属泽西岛)转移印度律师们去做,这样他们可以节约五分之一的律师费

    Last year, Rio Tinto, an international mining group, moved a tranche of legal work to Indian lawyers at CPA Global, which has its headquarters in Jersey, to save a fifth of its legal costs.


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