• 迈阿密主教练埃里克•波尔斯特承认这次失败所忍受最糟糕的失败”之一

    Miami head coach Erik Spoelstra admitted the defeat was one of the "toughest losses he has had to endure."


  • 波尔斯特采访再次证实最后意图AMD进一步使用ATI品牌,其所有图形产品

    In its interview with polster again finally confirmed intention AMD and to further use a brand ATI for all its graphic products.


  • 周一早上热火全队迈阿密举行集训之后主教练埃里克·波尔斯特更衣室召集队员一次

    The Heat practiced one last time in Miami on Monday morning, followed by coach Erik Spoelstra gathering his team in the locker room for a quick meeting.


  • 所有人都准备好了,”波尔·斯特说道:“这个夏季对我们似乎过漫长,仿佛我们永远不到现在一样。”

    "We're all ready for this because of how long the summer has seemed," Spoelstra said. "seemed like it's taken forever to get to this point."


  • 迈阿密教练埃里克·波尔·斯特只球队把目光集中无能力结束比赛上

    Miami coach Erik Spoelstra said the team would be focusing on its inability to close out games.


  • 那个古董投影展台里,阿尔·弗雷多阿德尔·菲奥神(莱奥波尔多·亚·斯特饰)批准下放映着电影,这正是20年来每个电影院的人看不到任何一个哪怕是简单原因

    In the antique projection booth, Alfredo screens the films for the approval of Father Adelfio (Leopoldo Trieste), the reason no one has seen a single kiss in 20 years of going to the cinema.


  • 塞尔维亚首席谈判专家波尔克•斯特诺维奇言道,和科索沃的代表谈判“有时感觉是和外星球对话”。

    TALKING to the delegation from Kosovo was “sometimes like talking to people from another planet.” Thus Borko Stefanovic, the chief Serbian negotiator.


  • 克劳飓风以高达每小时201公里速度沿着波尔附近吉伦河口直扑大陆然后掉转方向朝东南突袭西班牙,最后越过地中海横扫意大利

    With wind speeds of up to 125mph, cyclone Klaus struck land at the point of the estuary of the river Gironde, near Bordeaux, then charged south-east to Spain and across the Mediterranean to Italy.


  • Westgarth太太丈夫Frank照顾他们宠物绵羊——波尔·华和多尔·切斯特杂交羊几乎成了他们的全职工作

    Mrs Westgarth and her husband Frank admitted that looking after their pet sheep - a Polwarth-Dorchester cross — had become almost a full-time job.


  • 成熟的高德干酪(gouda),切达干酪 (cheddar)米摩雷奶酪(mimolette)波尔红酒配:另外,虽然有些老生常谈,葡萄酒(port)与提耳顿干酪 (stilton)的确堪称绝配。

    Aged gouda, cheddar and mimolette cheese go very well with red Bordeaux. It may be a cliché but port and stilton work very well together.


  • 现在.巴蒂斯特法国波尔视觉模拟公司Immersion的同事, 终于成功结合两种技术,研发出了一个交互式3D桌面显示

    a visual simulation company based in Bordeaux, France, have at last managed to combine the two technologies into an interactive 3D table-top display.


  • 波尔书中的主角之一苏格兰生物学家、分子数学家达西·温·汤姆逊1917年写了关于生长形成》。

    One of Mr Ball's heroes is Sir D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson, a Scottish biologist and polymath, who in 1917 wrote "On Growth and Form".


  • 这项研究一个扩展版本理查兹费尔南德(2002年),包括波尔调查结果2001年第二纠错输出编码

    An extended version of this study, by Richards, Hitters and Fernandes (2002), also includes findings on Porto, the second ECoC in 2001.


  • 位于法国西南部流程5'3公里(350英里),大致源于西班牙比利牛山西北部波尔北部多尔多涅河汇集形成吉伦海湾。

    A river of southwest France flowing about 5 '3 km (350 mi) generally northwest from the Spanish Pyrenees to join the Dordogne river north of Bordeaux and form the Gironde estuary.


  • 斯特一位常被欺负的同学姬儿波尔,一起召呼魔法王国纳尼亚,寻找失踪的瑞里安王子

    Eustace Scrubb and his bullied school friend Jill Pole, find themselves on a perilous quest to find the lost Prince Rilian, aided by their newfound reptilian companion Puddleglum(Tom Baker).


  • 龙河位于法国西南部,流程约563公里(350英里),大致源于西班牙比利牛山西北部波尔北部多尔多涅河汇集形成吉伦海湾。

    A river of southwest France flowing about563 km (350 mi) generally northwest from the Spanish Pyrenees to join the Dordogne river north of Bordeaux and form the Gironde estuary.


  • 水族馆经理斯特波尔沃尔说:“夜里平静离世,自然死亡。他在世时享受到了精彩的一生我们对此感到欣慰。”

    "He appears to have passed away peacefully during the night, of natural causes, and we are consoled by the knowledge that he enjoyed a good life, " said the centre's manager Stefan Porwoll.


  • 2011年为止,华尔街英语法国巴黎里昂马赛里尔波尔斯特和奈等地开设超过70家学习中心

    By 2011, Wall Street English France has over 70 centers in Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Lille, Bordeaux, Nantes, Strasbourg, Reims, Nice...


  • 2011年为止,华尔街英语法国巴黎里昂马赛里尔波尔斯特和奈等地开设超过70家学习中心

    By 2011, Wall Street English France has over 70 centers in Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Lille, Bordeaux, Nantes, Strasbourg, Reims, Nice...


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