• 如果太低可能某处需要修理

    If the level is too low, there is a leak somewhere that needs to be fixed.


  • 轴承座内标记油位使油位保持正确水平

    Oil level marks in the housing and an oil level gauge help to keep the correct oil level.


  • 在通电前应检查是否要求加注至正常置;

    Before switching on the power, inspect if the liquid and oil level are filled to the normal level as required;


  • 史密斯那么什么方法测量,是测量空档或是

    Smith: Then, which measure will you use to measure the depth of oil? To measure ullage or to measure the depth of oil?


  • 用于观察材料使用天然玻璃聚酰胺材料。

    For the oil level gauge, observation hole and the best use of natural materials, glass or polyamide materials.


  • 平衡并联技术平均分配强调气压油位的平衡。

    Return oil is equally divided, and uniform crankcase pressure and oil level are purposely kept in equilibration parallel system.


  • 介绍变压器产生假原因危害提出现场正确方法

    Introduced the reason and harm of the false oil position in transformer and provided site correct oil injection method.


  • 变压器胶囊式油位指示异常原因进行了分析提出防范措施

    The reasons of abnormal oil level in conservator with rubber bag of 220kV main transformer are analyzed. The preventive measures are presented.


  • 封闭式汽车油位传感器包括铝板,该铝板注塑射包成型。

    The sensor further comprises an aluminium plate which carries out injection molding, beam enveloping and forming with the upper cover;


  • 提出一种利用红外激光进行油位测量方法相应实验室测量系统

    The paper produces a new method of oil-position measure using infrared laser, and designs relevant measure system.


  • 监测仪实现温和轴承温度实时监测、动态高温的实时监测

    This instrument can realize the real-time-monitoring of the temperature of the oil and bearings, the dynamic level of the high temperature oil, etc.


  • 为了自动准确检测变压器本文提出一种基于红外图像的检测方法

    In order to detect the oil level of electrical power transformers in the substations accurately and automatically, a method based on the infrared image is put forward.


  • 最后计算椭圆中有部分面积,将面积算至枕端面圆形中得到最终值。

    Finally, the oil level is obtained by normalizing the area of the oil part and the oil-free part within the ellipse into the circle shape.


  • 气体积累模式可能由于轻微过在,绝缘分解产生气体继电器顶部聚集,迫使下降

    On a slow accumulation of gas, due perhaps to slight overload, gas produced by decomposition of insulating oil accumulates in the top of the relay and forces the oil level down.


  • 一般保持85%左右,不足时应及时补充补充应与中的相同。

    Commonly inside the tank should be kept about 85% of the oil level, should be insufficient supply, add oil and the original of the oil pump should be the same number.


  • 低于管时,盘管表面有结的水混入液体中,造成液体变质同时冷却能力也会下降。

    Low oil level will result in an increase of condensation on the surface of cooling coil, the mixture of condensation and liquid will deteriorate the liquid and decrease the cooling capacity.


  • 实用新型船舶进行快速、准确、连续地测量具有读数保持多种报警功能

    The utility model can continuously measure the oil level and the water level of ship rapidly and accurately, and has the indication keeping function and various warning functions.


  • 封闭式汽车传感器包括:底座、摇臂摇臂、滤 网,电路板设置在底座内部;

    The invention relates to a sealed type automobile oil level sensor, comprising a substrate, an external rocker, an internal rocker, an upper cover and a sieve;


  • 如果继电器发现可燃气体,这说明内部故障比如过热或者电弧作用继电器内空气说明或者

    Flammable gas found in the relay indicates some internal fault such as overheating or arcing, whereas air found in the relay may only indicate low oil level or a leak.


  • LM500系列维持发动机曲轴箱压缩机油位过低时自动调整补充油位机器正常运转需要的油位

    The LM500 series maintains the crankcase oil level of an engine, pump or compressor. Adjusted to the correct running-oil-level, it will replenish oil as it is used.


  • 介绍定重装系统应用,针对使用过程出现闸门无法关闭、空载提升、缺少油位保护煤运行问题作出改进

    Aims at the loading system of main well in our coal mine, several problems are discussed, such as the great wallop and the maintenance problem existing in the pneumatic system.


  • 设备油位异常变电站运行中常见问题,通过电力设备异常进行分析找出油位异常根本原因提出相应的解决措施建议

    Based on the analysis of electrical oil-filled equipment's oil level anomalies, we find out the reason of oil level abnormal, and the corresponding preventives and proposal are put forward.


  • 只需要一个大饼烹调奶酪配料,和一个烤箱,烤面包机都成。

    Go with flatbread, a bit of cooking oil, sauce, cheese, and toppings, and a (toaster) oven.


  • 局内人事坦陈,欺诈指控无异于火上浇

    An insider admits that the fraud charges will "fan the flames".


  • 新兴市场供给市场上排第一因为他们总是能够使每一或者矿石赚钱

    The emerging markets are first in the queue for supplies because they are often able to use each extra barrel of oil or shipload of ore more gainfully.


  • 恪守本分:回忆录读起来如同简报,意图公众尽可能迅速冷静地看待高管生活

    But he is true to his roots: his memoir reads like a brief designed to bring the public up to speed as quickly and dispassionately as possible with the life of a powerful oil executive.


  • 不过,正在质疑批评家共和党大亨:布恩·皮斯(T . Boone Pickens)。

    The critic in question, however, is a Republican oilman: T. Boone Pickens.


  • 不过,正在质疑批评家共和党大亨:布恩·皮斯(T . Boone Pickens)。

    The critic in question, however, is a Republican oilman: T. Boone Pickens.


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