• 白皙脸上浓黑的剑眉高高吊起,两只眼睛没有激情没有怒火只有如水般的沉静

    On his fair complexion face, two thick black narrow eyebrows hang high above a pair of eyes, which have no passion, fury, only the calm like that found in water.


  • 平民怒火特别是没有清晰计划时,必要的时候能够所向披靡。

    Populist anger, especially if it has no coherent agenda, can go anywhere in times of want.


  • 受害人家庭怒火警察。因为就在杨家钦斧头砍伤邻居他却没有被拘留

    The victims' families have focused their rage on the police. Three days earlier, Mr. Yang had struck a neighbor in the head with an ax, but was not detained.


  • 影片中这位警长正在追逐一个来自德克萨肯纳的卡车强盗,从德克萨斯到乔治亚一直追了600英里一路上暴跳如雷,但格里森表演来没有过份夸张,只是让人物内心那种猛烈的挫败感溢于言表,他的这种演绎手法太恰如其分了,想想看,看着别人怒火攻心,而自己却置身事外,真够滑稽的。

    He’s chasing the Bandit from Texarkana, TX, 600 miles to Georgia, and he is PISSED the whole way! Gleason is not over the top in this performance.


  • (怒火)释放出来(一个没有生命目标上)每当愤怒时打碎一些东西或者拳头似乎是释放怒火唯一途径

    Just Let It Out! (on an Inanimate Object). Ever get so angry that smashing something or putting your fist through a wall seems like the only way to release all your anger?


  • 现在他们怒火大多指向谷歌许多管理人士认为谷歌业务关系拿到了所有好处,却没有作出什么回报

    Much of their anger is currently directed at Google, whom many executives view as getting all the benefit from the business relationship without giving much in return.


  • 不会平息甲骨文客户怒火起到什么作用(就这一点而言,SAP同样如此),让这些顾客恼火的是,他们不得不那些几乎没有任何回报维护费用卖单。

    Nor will it do anything to counter the growing anger among customers of Oracle (and of SAP, for that matter) over how much they have to pay in maintenance fees, with so little in return.


  • 没有搜索引擎犯罪气息,让你感到空气颤抖,让你看见燃烧着怒火双眼,让你听见阵阵尖叫与呐喊。

    No search engine gives you the smell of a crime, the tremor in the air, the eyes that smolder, or the cadence of a scream.


  • 没有注意了错误,失了良机,身心疲惫失去控制怒火一触即发

    You do not pay attention to what you are doing, make mistakes, miss opportunities, get tired quickly, lose control and get angry quickly.


  • 意识怒火责怪伤害大量挑衅情绪大量存在之前,你已经又有没有想到的大问题

    Anger, blame, hurt and a bunch of other provocative emotions can be at play, and before you know it you've got a bigger problem than you ever thought.


  • 那些火焰怒火没有人间火焰可以预知匹敌

    Those are the fires of god's own wrath, and no human flame can match them.


  • 从来没有跨越友谊关系界限可是想到一点,怒火更旺了,因为这有伤她的自尊心女性虚荣

    He had never once crossed the borders of friendliness with her and when she thought of this fresh anger rose the anger of hurt pride and feminine vanity.


  • 所期望相反这次没有得到升职。回家之后他把怒火发泄妻子头上。

    Contrary to what he expected, he failed to be promoted this time. After returning to his home, he vented his anger on his wife.


  • 虽然房间燃烧着大家怒火可以看出没有马上演出全武行的危险

    And although the room was still lighted with the anger of men, it could be seen that there was no danger of immediate conflict.


  • 虽然房间燃烧着大家怒火可以看出没有马上演出全武行的危险

    And although the room was still lighted with the anger of men, it could be seen that there was no danger of immediate conflict.


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