• 杰西卡喋喋不休地唠叨舞会计划完全没有注意心不在焉

    Jessica babbled on and on about her dance plans, completely unaware of my inattention.


  • 但是有时候只是某种音乐没有任何商业广告唠叨

    But sometimes you just want to hear a certain kind of music, without any commercials or chat.


  • 很多时候我们企图通过挽救唠叨事无巨细的管教来确保孩子生存问题,这样做的后果就是:没有我们孩子根本无法面对这个纷繁复杂的世界

    Too often, we attempt to ensure survival by rescuing, nagging or micromanaging, and we end up with children unprepared to face the world without us.


  • 突然明白,因为唠叨并不意味着没有唠叨没有了爱。

    Here it occurs to me that nagging because we love doesn't mean that without nagging there can be no love.


  • 博物馆大厅内的管理员都是一些唠唠叨老年妇女她们没有英语知识如何2012年欧锦赛接待国外游客目前不得而知。

    Supervisors in the halls are noisy aged women. How are they going to take tourists without knowledge of the English language at Euro 2012 is unclear.


  • 杰西卡喋喋不休地唠叨舞会计划——劳伦安吉拉邀请别的男孩他们都会一起去的——完全没有注意心不在焉

    Jessica babbled on and on about her dance plans - Lauren and Angela had asked the other boys and they were all going together - completely unaware of my inattention.


  • 老板什么都挺好就是老是嘱咐按时上班唠叨个没完。实际上,即便到也从来没有超过分钟的,只是公共汽车晚时候会发生。

    I like my boss except for one thing - he's always nagging me about getting to work on time. I'm never more than five minutes late, and that's only when the bus doesn't show up on time.


  • 一直都没有意识到妈妈那种“唠叨直到自己亲眼看着第三世界的孩子因为饥饿垂死的状态。

    I never realized the full extent of her seemingly "nagging" phrase until I actually saw children dying of starvation in third-world countries.


  • 如果对方没有领悟到继续唠叨就会做简短注释:“谢谢”,提示希望对方再说了

    If the person misses her cue and continues to babble, she makes another short comment, "Thank you," to signal that she expects the speaker to finish.


  • 消息数百万后悔为什么小时没有听从父母唠叨坚持练习钢琴

    It's the type of news which will make millions of people wish they'd listened to their parents' nagging about keeping up the piano lessons.


  • 虽然依然唠叨金融市场无根据谣言(而且他说的道理),但是萨帕特罗先生更加务实,他主张:“彰显还债能力没有什么公开透明更好的了。”

    While still grumbling about unfounded rumours in financial markets (and he has a point), a more realistic Mr Zapatero argued: "There is nothing better than transparency to demonstrate solvency."


  • 是的,是的,承认不该没有及时让知道打算可是请你唠叨了。

    Yes, yes! I admit I was wrong in not keeping you informed of my plans. But please don't go on about it.


  • 没有女人怒气或是喋喋不休唠叨男人恼火的事儿了,于是不得不撒谎逃避这些事情

    There are few things that trouble a man more than a woman's angeror nagging, as he calls it — so he lies to avoid a scene.


  • 于是,格·丽特没有一句话,也没有再去那个年轻人含糊不清的唠叨回到卧室重重地把门碰上。紧接着,娜宁也几乎立即那扇门里进来了

    And without another word, without heeding the young man's stammered replies, Marguerite came back into her bedroom, violently slamming the door through which Nanine duly appeared almost immediately.


  • 从来没有一般年轻母亲那样叽叽喳喳唠叨个没完。每当谈起孩子们时,她总是讲些严肃事儿。

    The usual chatter of young mothers was unknown to her, and any discussions about children would be of a serious nature.


  • 就是说这个机子好的话就是卖出去的,觉得什么唠叨大堆,这个心烦干活心情没有了。

    That was ah, that is not very good this machine is sold, you feel like a lot of what "times New Roman", this upset, the work of the heart are not.


  • 感激没有说“告诉过本来唠叨很多次时候

    For not saying: "I told you so", when she could have uttered these words dozens of times?


  • 知道喜欢抽烟没有必要唠叨这事

    I know you don't like my smoking, but there's no need to go on about it.


  • 大多是因为没有配偶唠叨配偶的唠叨其实会让我们更健康

    Much of this comes down to the spouse nag factor - which it turns out actually keeps us fitter.


  • 发现别人否定忽视了感受,我往往唠叨(例如,抱怨)个不停,因为感到自己的话没有被听见

    I've found, too, that when other people deny or ignore my feelings, I tend to keep repeating myself (i. e., whining), because I don't feel heard.


  • 艾米一次,说好了,这样唠叨可以偶尔乔治·富曼烤架,锁美味没有脂肪

    Amy: Once a year. It's a deal I made with my mother in exchange for her silence on the matter, as well as the occasional use of her George Foreman Grill that seals in the flavor without the fat.


  • 对话8.0不再运行而且家庭卫生清洁2.6让整个系统崩溃了,试图唠叨5.3 3解决这些问题但是没有任何作用。

    Conversation 8.0 no longer runs and House Cleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system. I've tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail.


  • 对话8.0不再运行而且家庭卫生清洁2.6让整个系统崩溃了,试图唠叨5.3 3解决这些问题但是没有任何作用。

    Conversation 8.0 no longer runs and House Cleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system. I've tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail.


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