• 驼还有其他特殊的方式来应对沙漠生活

    Camels have other special ways to deal with desert life.


  • 还有一对父子必须沙漠生活因为不太做饭父子俩只能

    Another one must survive with his son for three days in the desert, where, because neither can cook, the two only eat instant noodles.


  • 现实生活Sharon适合炎热沙漠生活Chen只能留在寒冷雪地里

    In the reality, Sharon just ADAPTS to the hot desert, but Chen could only stay in the cold snow.


  • 他们必须对方表现出仁慈怜悯其他许多品质如果没有这些品质,生活非常痛苦除非个人选择独自生活沙漠中。

    They must show each other kindness and pity and many other qualities without which life would be very painful unless one chose to live alone in the desert.


  • 撒哈拉沙漠深处洞穴墙壁留下他们生活惊人记录

    The Saharan people left a remarkable record of their lives painted on the walls of caves deep in the desert.


  • 广阔沙漠中,夕阳映照出这些巨大建筑轮廓,但在充满城市生活活力的半成品公寓楼上空,传来祈祷召唤

    Even as the setting sun silhouettes these gigantic structures against the great desert expanse, a call for prayer floats over semi-finished apartment blocks filled with the activity of city life.


  • 这种有袋类动物生活澳大利亚中部沙漠中,那里降雨植被突然生长极其不可预测的。

    This marsupial inhabits the deserts of central Australia where the onset of rains and the resulting sudden growth of vegetation are extremely unpredictable.


  • 是因为它们有在沙漠生活悠久历史,在那里时间不是首先考虑事情

    It's because of their long history of desert living where time is not the first thing to think about.


  • 最终它们一次回到陆地,进化成为陆龟,其中一些现在生活非常干旱沙漠

    Finally they returned yet again to the land as tortoises, some of which now live in the driest of deserts.


  • 他们生活广阔世界里西从古到今他们的心却在一片狭窄沙漠跳动紧闭着,无法交流

    They live in a wide world, from east to west, ancient to present, but their hearts beat in a narrow desert, closed tight, unable to communicate.


  • 生活沙漠中的大型动物已经进化出许多适应能力减少极端高温影响

    Large animals that inhabit the desert have evolved a number of adaptations for reducing the effects of extreme heat.


  • 驼在沙漠生活得很好。

    Camels do well in the desert.


  • 部分地区温度太高,人们无法生活

    In some parts of the desert, it is too hot for people to live.


  • 一些猫科动物身上的标计它们捕猎环境并不相称,例如,印度豹就有着与众不同的斑点皮毛但却生活非洲南撒哈拉一些沙漠中。

    Some cats appear to have markings that are not suited to their natural stalking grounds.The cheetah, for example, has a distinctive spotted coat but lives in the sparse deserts of sub-Saharan Africa.


  • 一些猫科动物身上的标计它们捕猎环境并不相称,例如印度豹就有着与众不同的斑点皮毛但却生活非洲南撒哈拉一些沙漠中。

    Some cats appear to have markings that are not suited to their natural stalking grounds. The cheetah, for example, has a distinctive spotted coat but lives in the sparse deserts of sub-Saharan Africa.


  • 生活在纳米比亚沙漠沿岸人们早已熟悉每当硫化氢海洋喷发,不断从大西洋散发出的鸡蛋

    People living along Namibia's desert coast have long been familiar with the rotten egg smell that periodically emanates from the Atlantic ocean whenever hydrogen sulfide erupts from the ocean.


  • 赤狐多种不同的习惯生活世界各地森林草地大山沙漠

    Red foxes live around the world in many diverse habitats including forests, grasslands, mountains, and deserts.


  • 一种灵性的生活我们必须进入我们孤独沙漠勇气通过持续不断努力改变我们独处花园

    To live a spiritual life we must first find the courage to enter into the desert of our loneliness and to change it by gentle and persistent efforts into a garden of solitude.


  • 圣安东尼出名了,并没什么丰功伟绩,他后来之所以出名,是因为他第一走进沙漠,独自生活严律自身的

    St.Anthony becomes famous, he's not necessarily but he gets the reputation later for being the first one to go out in the desert and live totally by himself and discipline his body.


  • 生活在纳米比亚沙漠沿岸人们早已熟悉了不断大西洋散发鸡蛋

    People living along Namibia's desert coast have long been familiar with the rotten egg smell that periodically emanates from the Atlantic Ocean.


  • 因为安东尼场运动兴起了,有些道士走进沙漠独自生活诸如此类

    Then you have with this movement, like I said with Anthony, of some monks going off into the desert and living alone and that sort of thing.


  • 据称生活诸如沙漠草原沿海这样平坦低洼地区物种撤退速度可能远远超过每年英里

    For species in flatter, low-lying regions such as deserts, grasslands, and coastal areas, the pace of the retreat could exceed more than half a mile a year, it is claimed.


  • TuaregWodaabe这些撒哈拉沙漠游牧民族来说,这种赛会他们牧群离开享受公共生活快乐一个短暂时机

    For the Tuareg and Wodaabe nomads of the Sahara desert it is a fleeting chance to enjoy the pleasures of communal living before leaving with their herds.


  • Coolerado公司的屋顶式空调处理干燥天气效率其他方式的倍。炎热沙漠地区生活也最依靠空调,使用这种产品就减少了能耗

    Coolerado's rooftop air conditioner handles dry weather more than twice as efficiently as anything else, cutting energy consumption in the hottest, most AC-dependent desert areas.


  • 森林在哪里消失,沙尘暴就在哪里发生,天气变得炎热而干燥,整个地球会变成一个沙漠大量动植物会消失,没有地方再庄稼,生活会变得很艰难,人类因为破坏森林的活动将受到惩罚。

    The whole earth will become a big desert. A lot of plants and animals will disappear.Crops will not grow anywhere.


  • 生活沙漠地区——如果这么在意水资源为什么还要游泳池?

    But he lives in a desert - if he is concerned about water, why have a pool at all?


  • 生活沙漠地区——如果这么在意水资源为什么还要游泳池?

    But he lives in a desert - if he is concerned about water, why have a pool at all?


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